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DOOM OST 10 second preview


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xblade said:

hopefully now people will shut up about the OST being dubstep-y...

Not a chance in Hell. Looks as though everything electronic nowadays gets labelled "dubstep" anyway, especially if it has a bass drop.

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Well it's new to me, so I'm going to reply as if it had just been uploaded by the composer.

I love it, though it might be a bit TOO awesome to put in the actual game. Music in games is supposed to set the mood, not be a distraction.

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DoomUK said:

Well it's new to me, so I'm going to reply as if it had just been uploaded by the composer.

I love it, though it might be a bit TOO awesome to put in the actual game. Music in games is supposed to set the mood, not be a distraction.

Yeah, they obviously made a big mistake with Guilty Gear's and Blaz Blue's OST, it's totally distracting nobody can play the game with that awesomeness in the background, in fact we need to turn off the music that's the only way to make the game playable without awesome distractions.

The bottomline nobody should make an awesome ost.

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Xerge said:

Yeah, they obviously made a big mistake with Guilty Gear's and Blaz Blue's OST, it's totally distracting nobody can play the game with that awesomeness in the background, in fact we need to turn off the music that's the only way to make the game playable without awesome distractions.

The bottomline nobody should make an awesome ost.

Your sarcasm is admirably awesome.

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Xerge said:

Yeah, they obviously made a big mistake with Guilty Gear's and Blaz Blue's OST, it's totally distracting nobody can play the game with that awesomeness in the background, in fact we need to turn off the music that's the only way to make the game playable without awesome distractions.

The bottomline nobody should make an awesome ost.

Funny guy. Personally, I find those OSTs lean towards the overwhelming effect I'm talking about... "personally" being the operative word, of course. If you're into headbanging while gaming and gaming while headbanging, more power to you.

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I don't like the music at all. I wish the music was just metal or industrial, then it would fit with Doom atmosphere. To me it seems the game takes itself too seriously, I wish the game had an atmosphere a little more like Blood Dragon or 80s/90s action movies. But otherwise the game looks promising, I hope I don't look like I'm nit picking.

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HellVain said:

The music is industrial electronic hybrid.

No, it's industrial electronica djent with a dubstep influence. I mean, does this music have to be so, how to say it, "contemporary"? This dubstep/EDM/hipster fad will be over in a couple of years. On the other hand, original Doom music is a classic and timeless. That's a one reason why original Doom has aged so well. Also, isn't "industrial electronic hybrid" kind of a redundant genre? Industrial is already a subgenre of electronic.

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K den.

well it' good at building up momentum and atmosphere like in killer instinct, like how you do special moves and the music shifts, unless of course...you prefer 80s style music over modern ones which i suspect you do. Yes classic and timeless but let the classic ones stay like that, let doom evolve and progress, why stay in nostalgic past when you can have a progressive future? Lets have a new type of doom instead of the same doom from 22 years ago.

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Nothing wrong with dark electric grunge like music with a dubstep influence. People are just being over pissy because they don't like the fans. I think dubstep in particular will always have a influence in music even after the fad dies - which in my opinion Dubstep is already seen as "so yesterday".

As for the actual song linked by the OP, something about the quality bothers me. I wonder if this was a piece destined for the scrapped Doom. I like its style but not sure if it would be suitable for a Doom level.

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HellVain said:

K den.

well it' good at building up momentum and atmosphere like in killer instinct, like how you do special moves and the music shifts, unless of course...you prefer 80s style music over modern ones which i suspect you do. Yes classic and timeless but let the classic ones stay like that, let doom evolve and progress, why stay in nostalgic past when you can have a progressive future? Lets have a new type of doom instead of the same doom from 22 years ago.

Well yeah, but then You can say that about anything in Doom. "Let Doom evolve and be linear and with slow movement and cover mechanics like other modern shooters. Get with the times." I agree that Doom can't stay the same it was 22 years ago and it needs to evolve, but it shouldn't take steps backwards either.(The music is definitely a huge step backwards in this case). The way I see it, Id Software wants to capture the magic what made the first games great. The mistake with Doom 3 was exactly that it moved too far away from the originals and lost its identity.

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Well they are trying to make the levels maze-like and unique like the originals so there a bit of freedom there like the old doom. The speed of the gameplay is faster than most modern fps but slower than retro ones but we dont know how itll go once the ge's released so lets just hope it works.

And in regards to doom 3. I like it but it felt too much like the original half-life...only darker and with demons.

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Yeah, we have to play the game to see how good the levels are, but it looks like they got them right. I like that they are maze like and more abstract and also they look awesome visually. It's painful to see that they got so many things right but not the music.

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larrypotter said:

It's painful to see that they got so many things right but not the music.

Not to say I don't respect your opinion, but I personally think the music fits the new DOOM perfectly. Making the soundtrack purely and entirely metal honestly wouldn't fit the atmosphere of the game. Also, Mick Gordon is an awesome composer.

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larrypotter said:

It's painful to see that they got so many things right but not the music.

I have to disagree with you as well. I think the music is shaping up nicely. iD could have just gone with an orchestral soundtrack like most modern films and games. A dynamic Industrial/Metal/Ambient soundtrack is not something we see for AAA games. I think it will sound pretty fresh, while still fitting DOOM's aesthetic.

Yes, there are elements of Djent and Dubstep that I've heard, but those elements aren't part of the primary sound. Watch the recent multiplayer trailers that have been released over the past few weeks. The music in those trailers is almost entirely just heavy Industrial/Metal.

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I remember having my Xbox on all evening with just the front screen of the Doom alpha. It was playing the waiting music over and over again. Drove my wife nuts!

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GoatLord said:

Guitar tone sounds a bit shit, but I'm intrigued.

Haha it's got that mid scoop going on. That awesome tone you had in your bedroom when you were in high school tone :D

Edit: I do enjoy the music either way :)

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larrypotter said:

Also, isn't "industrial electronic hybrid" kind of a redundant genre? Industrial is already a subgenre of electronic.

Here we go again...

No, it's not necessarily part of any electronic subgenre. Primarily, Industrial is a subgenre of noise\avant-garde and MAY have synthesizers or not. You can make industrial music using only guitars, feedback, tape manipulation, unorthodox instruments (objects), etc.

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Noiser said:

Here we go again...

No, it's not necessarily part of any electronic subgenre. Primarily, Industrial is a subgenre of noise\avant-garde and MAY have synthesizers or not. You can make industrial music using only guitars, feedback, tape manipulation, unorthodox instruments (objects), etc.

Wikipedia says that industrial is a genre of electronic or experimental music. Yes you can make industrial without electronic instruments, but if you use electronic instruments, it's still industrial. Just like you can make pop music with electronic instruments or without them. Using one or another doesn't change a genre or make it hybrid, is what I meant, I was just nit picking. Sorry that I am getting a little off topic here.

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