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Ideas for Weapon/Monster Balance Changes

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The berserk punch should probably have a different punching sound or animation or a veiny muscley punching sprite. There have been times where I was wondering why this revenant is taking so long to KO and it was because I forgot to pick up the pack a while back. The red flash should probably not last as long too. I like the way Doom 64 makes it blinding and quickly fades out.

Items should have different sounds when you pick them, so you don't have to read the text to see what you accidentally stepped on. The sound cues will suffice.

The pain elemental could use a bite so you kinda have to locate that sweet spot where you can still spawnfrag theblost souls but you're not close enough to get bit

Lost souls should have some kinda shifty side to side dodging motion because they are too slow when they can't see anything. Something like the afrits from hexen.

Monsters should start playing their fireball throw sound as soon as they make the motion to attack, the actual loud "whoosh" part of the sound effect starts after the fireball is created, it would be nice to be able to anticipate a fireball coming at you from behind without having to look at it. When a monster is close enough it can hit you before the sound is really even audible.

Monsters that are in in the middle of their dying animation should be able to be shot through with hitscan, but block flying projectiles. It took me a long time to develop a resistance to delivering a final killing shot when I can see that the monster behind it is preparing an attack. This is especially bullshit with fatsoes and cacos with their giant corpses.

Not sure what the technicalities are with the archvile, but i think when it initially targets a monster other than you, and you shoot the archvile and it changes its target to you, the archvile flame doesn't relocate to you, it remains on the original target, even though you're the one whose gonna be taking damage. That's horse shit. Put the fire on me so I can know if I'm gonna die when my stray bullet hits you.

Monsters that are resurrected by archviles should have their health recharged, not instantly restored, so if you can shoot them fast enough mid-resurrection you can put them down before they come back to life.

Cyberdemons could use a mild delay before opening fire.

Chaingun could use a slightly faster firerate and most monsters could use slightly less pain chance so its a stronger killing weapon and less of a long range taser.

Spider mastermind needs a lesser pain chance, smaller radius and perhaps some alternate attack, like being able to toggle between arachantron plasma shots and chaingun in the same way revenants toggle between dumb and smart missiles.

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Patch93 said:

I always preferred how the Lost Souls died in one shotgun blast in the console versions.

Well, there's 1/64 chance that they'll die in one blast even in the PC version, so just keep shootin' ;-)

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