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Which skill level will you play Doom on in the first playthrough?


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(It's been a long time since I made a thread, huh?)

Despite having played Doom II (and PWADS) on UV with the -fast parameter countless times, conventional wisdom tells me that I should play Doom (2016) on 'I'm Too Young To Die." the first time, the same way I did when I first played Doom II.

That way, I can get the hang of the fast-paced gameplay, without being overwhelmed by the amount of monsters. As I get better, I can work my way up and crank up the skill level.

What will you do?

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I'll play on medium difficulty, like I always do in games. So I guess HMP if they're really named the same thing.

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The medium difficulty at first, to get a feel for the game before I ramp up the difficulty more. I really hope to play this game through multiple times.

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Since most modern games getting easier and easier, I'll choose the hardest available not progress losing difficulty

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Ultra Violence, because I'm a seasoned badass compared to all the newbies to th franchise who will choose HMP or lower.

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Hurt me plenty for my first playthrough. Just to get a feel of the game and I'm not going to rush it. I will explore every corner. I will try to find as many secrets as I can. Then Ultraviolence. Then I'm going to try to beat it on Nightmare! God! ! ! ! Less than 50 days till release. .And the BETA starts in a few days. .JEEEESUS!

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For first playthrough, the one where the cursor is at if I do nothing (so default difficulty).

If I like what I see and I like the gunfights, either most difficult or one beneath for the next playthrough.

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From my experience devs generally don't give a damn about doing any proper work on difficulty settings and they just change the damage modifier (usually it's like: you take more damage, enemies take less). Sure that makes the game 'harder' but it also often results in unfair difficulty spikes that are completely unbalanced.

I've been pushing for the top difficulty in games like DNF or BioShock Infinite "because I'm good enough" only to discover it later that they're far more enjoyable (challenging in a fair way) on lower settings. I've scarred a number of first playthroughs with the ego-boosting "I always choose the hardest setting" mentality and I'm done with it. If this game is good, I'll play it multiple times. So I have no problem with starting on Medium / Default to get an enjoyable / informative first playthrough and turning the difficulty up on future playthroughs.

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Enforcer said:

God! ! ! ! Less than 50 days till release. .And the BETA starts in a few days. .JEEEESUS!

christ get a hold of yourself

Touchdown said:

From my experience devs generally don't give a damn about doing any proper work on difficulty settings and they just change the damage modifier (usually it's like: you take more damage, enemies take less). Sure that makes the game 'harder' but it also often results in unfair difficulty spikes that are completely unbalanced.

Sounds like an example of bad quality control if you ask me.

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Depends on what the difficulty options do. I hope it is more inline with classic than the stupid "increase enemy damage/take more damage" laziness.

More and/or stronger monster variants with each difficulty will be awesome. If that is the case I will start with the lowest monster count and move my way up with each play through. That is how I did it when I first played Shareware - and that is how I plan to do it now.

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Will 100% go "ultra-violence"
I usually go with the hardest mode in most FPS's and never
really suffer too much. They're hard, but not impossible.
Not like the original Doom on "nightmare" that was impossible unless you knew the levels like the back of your hand.
The respawning is the issue.

I hear there's "nightmare" on the new Doom, where if you die, you die. Might choose that if that's an option right off the bat. I love a challenge!

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That really depends on what there is.

If there is only 3 difficulties, then I play the medium difficulty.
If there is 4 or more, I play on the second hardest.
If there is a locked difficulty, I usually play first on whatever, then immediately do a second playthrough on the new harder difficulty.

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Keep in mind that the difficulties in the new game may not correspond with the ones in the original game, despite having identical names.

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christ get a hold of yourself

No way man! It's too close and I've been waiting ages for this game! ! ! !

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im too young to die for the first level, then replay the same level on ultra violence - just to see if there are any differences is enemy variety/ammo availability/etc so that i can appreciate it for being there. either way continue the playthrough on uv.

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Nightmare, most likely. None of the last Wolfenstein games and Rage were hard on the hardest difficulty, so I'll guess this one is going to be same in terms of difficulty.

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The hardest difficulty, both because of curiosity of how hard it actually is, and because I expect the game to be on the easy side, like modern games tend to be unsatisfying for challenge-oriented players.

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All the people who say that games are too easy and that they'll immediately choose the highest difficulty, I have to ask. Do you actually have fun doing that or are you just telling yourself that you're having fun? Are you really that good that you can play something like Uber difficulty in TNO or Heroic in Shadow Warrior'13 right off the bat and never die or do you die all the time and consider that fun? Are you really unable to appreciate the design of the game unless it's super hard?

I'm asking because I've been pushing for the highest difficulty in many games before only to discover years later that it was just a pointless frustration and that I should have just settled for lower settings. Also because I don't consider DNF-style 'you die in two hits' to be challenging. And also because there have been numerous games in the past years that are either hard by design (XCOM, Dark Souls, Hotline Miami) or have ridiculously hard highest settings. Almost seems like some say "modern games this and that" without actually playing any modern games.

I mean, do whatever the hell you want. I'm just curious because I've been there and my conclusion after a couple of years is 'screw that'. I'd rather play for other reasons than trudge for the sake of 'teh challenge'.

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scifista42 said:

The hardest difficulty,

I'll hold you to that in hopes that the highest difficulty turns out to be a mode simply called "FUCK" where all the enemies move around like an old game with the logic tied to CPU cycles played on a modern system and the guns try to eat you and must be defeated before you can pick them up.

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Touchdown said:

All the people who say that games are too easy and that they'll immediately choose the highest difficulty, I have to ask. Do you actually have fun doing that or are you just telling yourself that you're having fun? Are you really that good that you can play something like Uber difficulty in TNO or Heroic in Shadow Warrior'13 right off the bat and never die or do you die all the time and consider that fun? Are you really unable to appreciate the design of the game unless it's super hard?

I'm asking because I've been pushing for the highest difficulty in many games before only to discover years later that it was just a pointless frustration and that I should have just settled for lower settings. Also because I don't consider DNF-style 'you die in two hits' to be challenging. And also because there have been numerous games in the past years that are either hard by design (XCOM, Dark Souls, Hotline Miami) or have ridiculously hard highest settings. Almost seems like some say "modern games this and that" without actually playing any modern games.

I mean, do whatever the hell you want. I'm just curious because I've been there and my conclusion after a couple of years is 'screw that'. I'd rather play for other reasons than trudge for the sake of 'teh challenge'.

I've played the new order a few weeks ago and just finished the old blood - both on ÜBER - there were some spots I died a few times but it never got frustrating - I love to get challenged in a game as long as it's not unfair or poorly designed/"bugged"

I got over 1000h in counterstrike so I'm used to hard fps encounters

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