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[TAS] Swift Death in 2:49

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It's been a while, heh. Enjoy.

|             Level               |     Time      |
|                                 |               |      
| MAP01: First Sequence           |    0:01'83    |
| MAP02: Hyperia Alert            |    0:04'77    |
| MAP03: Punished Zone            |    0:03'94    |
| MAP04: Devil Whisperer          |    0:03'49    |
| MAP05: Hyperia Meteor           |    0:03'37    |
| MAP06: Evil Mesa                |    0:02'86    |           
| MAP07: Nevrose                  |    0:02'77    |
| MAP08: Deeper Eagle             |    0:09'97    |
| MAP09: Arioch Domain            |    0:03'71    |
| MAP10: Ruse                     |    0:04'66    |
|                                 |               |
|                                 |               |
|        Episode 1 time:          |     0:34      |  
|        Total time:              |     0:34      |
|                                 |               |
|                                 |               |
| MAP11: Octave                   |    0:06'94    |
| MAP12: Central Chain            |    0:09'83    |
| MAP13: Calipso                  |    0:02'97    |
| MAP14: Vile Gear                |    0:07'97    |
| MAP15: Multiplex                |    0:03'97    |
| MAP16: Observatory              |    0:07'97    |
| MAP17: Turbulence               |    0:05'91    |
| MAP18: Incarnavile              |    0:07'86    |
| MAP19: Rose Inferno             |    0:21'31    |
| MAP20: Xaenos Rock              |    0:07'31    |
|                                 |               |
|                                 |               |
|        Episode 2 time:          |     1:14      |
|        Total time:              |     1:48      |
|                                 |               |
|                                 |               |
| MAP21: Technophage              |    0:02'94    | 
| MAP22: Psychedevil              |    0:03'89    |
| MAP23: Evil System              |    0:02'91    |
| MAP24: Apolyon Mons             |    0:01'77    |
| MAP25: Nevada Trash             |    0:07'69    |
| MAP26: Doppler Effect           |    0:02'49    |
| MAP27: Ruins and Chains         |    0:07'83    |
| MAP28: Roundabout               |    0:02'97    |
| MAP29: Imperium                 |    0:21'51    |
| MAP30: Itanimulli               |    0:14'57    |
|                                 |               |
|                                 |               |
|        Episode 3 time:          |     1:01      |
|        Total time:              |     2:49      |
|                                 |               |

edit: reuploaded video
edit2: wtf, it has gone crazy again!
edit3: eh, I hope it's ok this time


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MD922 said:

So... you uploaded a trailer of the TAS a day BEFORE the release?

That was more like a report caused by the momentary overflow of my self-esteem, lol.

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rehelekretep said:

i havent played Swift Death, and i havent watched many TAS demos so i literally have no idea whats going on 80% of the time in that video.

That's the point, heh. But in this case it's even more difficult to understand what's going on, as most of these maps are really short and only consist of a couple of tricks.

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Holy shit! For a second I almost freaked out when I saw the title of this thread in the forums; I thought it read "Taylor Swift Death 3:29".

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ClumsyDoomer said:

edit2: wtf, it has gone crazy again!

It's not just this video, all of youtube's been borked.

EDIT: okay NOW it works. And now for my judgement...

WOW. Just WOW. I love how you managed to abuse the "uses death as a shortcut" routine to reach the exit. I mean, how many times does DoomGuy manage to die, only to get back up in the next level? Yeah, the joys of being in a video game. :P

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