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Player get stucked in PRBoom


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i customize a wad with Gzdoombuilder.

in Prboom i get stuck if i try to walk under an Cacodemon or if i try to walk over any other monster from a plattform in Prboom. in Gzdoom anything is okay,
is there an option or is there editing problems?

also the projectiles push player away in prboom but not in gzdoom.

need help for this problem

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You get stuck because all the actors are infinitely tall due to the port being more close to the original doom than Zdoom is. Same goes for the projectile throwback.

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ok i understand, is there any way to change this? the Map does have much cacodemons and only playable with prdoom

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No, not being able to walk over / under monsters is a standard thing for vanilla-esque ports like PrBoom and generally can't be changed.

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ok thanks for the information!

Think Prboom should add this feature because Gzdoom ist ugly to play big maps but does not have z-clipping.

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Serekay said:

Think Prboom should add this feature

It won't, because its goal is to maintain perfect compatibility with vanilla and a variety of classic Doom engines (for demo recording and playback, etc.), and it's been stated many times that major changes to collision detection code wouldn't be doable.

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Serekay said:

ok thanks for the information!

Think Prboom should add this feature because Gzdoom ist ugly to play big maps but does not have z-clipping.

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