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DOOM Beta videos thread


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Found this over at /r/doom. Apparently Bethesda did invite some other youtubers to play the DOOM Beta. Would be nice if there was a list of these kinds of videos somewhere on Bethesda's site. If you guys find some other montages like this, feel free to add them to this thread.

Warpath seems pretty nice and interesting. Official Beta starts tomorrow!

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Did he just teased that he has something more to show in couple of weeks? Did he really just teased us? I'm guessing most of these people that played in that "Private Beta" also got their hands (and videos) on some SP.

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Nice :) Have a lot 2 watch now until servers are online. Thanks!

Besides, this is a great idea from bethesda imo. Next time, make it open beta so more people get a chance to play it. It worked with the division. They had several beta tests and i think one open beta test.

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Aaand another one from jackfrags: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXiTMiSJ5-E

Updated OP.

EDIT: I've noticed something weird in jacks video. Around the 5:45-5:55 mark, when he turns suddenly, you'll get some amount of texture pop-in. Now I know this was a problem in id tech 6 (See TB's WTF is Rage video), but it seems that it maybe still present in the new engine. Now I know most of you are going to say something along the lines of:"hur-dur, it's only a beta". True it is, but I think that Betas are for balancing stuff, infrastructure testing and what not. I don't think you'll beta test an engine, as engines are far more difficult to implement and bug fix (though not entirely). That's just my opinion, though...

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so it's confirmed that item respawn timers are a feature from one of the hack modules??

if so then that's fair i guess

that's pretty awesome

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Deatheye said:

well it's not slow, but it isn't fast either

Fast and slow are relative terms and have no objective measure. But the thing a lot of people criticize is that the movement design doesn't enable high-level technical play. It feels like a lot of other popular console shooters (that's my experience from playing it). The fact that it's actually outsourced to a company behind some of them is telling too.

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Maybe it's because I'm 16.... and maybe it's because I've been a fan of the Doom series since I was four and played the shareware version of Doom... and maybe because I'm a huge Doom fan...

But I can honestly say I'm hyped and super psyched for DOOM 2016!!!! =D

*spams happy faces everywhere*


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I've updated to OP with videos from /r/doom

Special thanks for all those guys there. Hope that AirRaid is ok with me cross-linking stuff from the sub-reddit :)

He didn't say anything up until this point, so I'm guessing he's ok with it (for now).

EDIT: @AirRaid, can this thread be pinned, so that people have a centralized place for these kind of videos? They may be tons coming out when the beta goes live, and it might be a good idea to not have a thread for each one...

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GoatLord said:

My goodness, does every YouTube gamer have to shout their way through every video?

Apparently yes. But nonetheless, I'm hyped from seeing the gameplay footage. =3

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Piper Maru said:

I just wish we could see some more of the single player campaign.

Ever since I saw that Phobos poster... I just want to see just ONE Phobos mission out of how many Phobos missions in the campaign. That'd be really cool IMHO.

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id.dav said:

Finally! PC gamers showing their gameplay!!!! What a relief!

Sure enough, the PC footage ends up being way faster than the console Day of Doom and E3 clips (which I was still already a fan of anyway). I'm getting more and more pumped with every video!

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Piper Maru said:

I just wish we could see some more of the single player campaign.

You can make them faster in the campaign.

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