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Why do people keep comparing this game to Halo?

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Piper Maru said:

Some of vitriol I've read on this forum directed towards Halo makes me think that some of you are acting as if Master Chief fragged your mothers lol.

Hehey, shotguns aren't the only things with spread.

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To make my point more clear, I don't dislike Halo particularly or anything like that, I just find the thought of Halo fans whining about "ripoffs" to be hilarious as it borrows so much from other sources, namely Doom for Chiefs design and Ringworld for the Halo design. (never said anything in Doom was from ringworld)

I don't think there's anything wrong with a little borrowing here and there. The problem is with the droves of morons pretending it's a crime when Doom borrows from Halo, but that Halo borrowing from Doom and ringworld is A-OK. The double standard is annoying.

I don't actually think of Halo as a Doom clone, I was hoping it would be obvious my post was partially in jest.

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Because it's a first person game starring a character in green armor, even though Doom came out before Halo. Here's a thought, why the hell did people compare Halo to Metroid Prime? They're not even technically the same genre since Metroid Prime has adventure elements.

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Always remember this, people are retarded and they say stupid shit all the time.

I remember back in the day people were ranting that cod was copying battlefield because they put a fucking laser pointer into the game

People will always start an argument trying to prove that something is better than something else just because they are a petty bitch, just look at the console wars, and they ALWAYS use dumbass reasons for why they think their shitty opinion is better

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Doomkid said:

Halo borrows everything from Doom deathmatch (SANS FUN LOL) and no one says a damn thing. Halo literally rips of Doomguy's design AND ringworld simultaneously, no one says a damn thing. DOOM borrows stuff from Halo - lame stuff like weapon limits - and everyone goes apeshit.

Ignorant is the new cool

Just to be clear, where in Doom is there a ringworld that Halo stole from?

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AirRaid said:

Just to be clear, where in Doom is there a ringworld that Halo stole from?

There isn't one in Doom, he's referring to a book called Ringworld which has, shockingly, a world that is a ring.

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That's right. I don't mind the borrowing of ideas as long as it's done relatively sparingly. I don't feel like Halo crosses any particular line or anything like that - My first post was highly exaggerated, however I do genuinely think anyone claiming Doom to be a "Halo ripoff" is pretty absurd. The New Doom borrows a few things from Halo just like Halo did from the old Doom and Ringworld.

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because they're dumb. Most of what is in halo was "barrowed" from starship troopers. Game play wise halo's mp is a slowed down (has to be with controllers) arena fps. Halo and Doom on many levels are very different games (I'm not awake enough to explain the nuances). Many of the people I see claiming doom 4 is a halo rip off are these facebook doomers, while most halo fans I know are excited to play the new doom. The space armor how it is makes sense and looks good. I'm a fan of both (Doom is better but we all know this) and think its silly and childish that people are freaking out over this.

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RikohZX said:

It's mostly because the multiplayer of this game was outsourced to Creative Affinity, who have had their hand with not only making maps for Halo and Call of Duty alike, but also created/co-designed the multiplayer for some of those games as well. To that degree, the multiplayer falls into a modern trap of only being able to carry two weapons at once with a custom loadout system, something highly resembling of Call of Duty games in general and Halo 4 in particular. It also has speeds comparable to the fastest of the Halo games, although the intensity is dialed up a few notches due to more variety in weapon types firing all over the place and no regenerating health or armor. Hopefully those who actually get used to the game are going to be using their mobility and environment a lot more, compared to right now where people will spot someone and either run right at them or strafe in place a little bit.

And before you say, "But there's power weapons and power-ups on the map, surely that's more like Quake," Halo also has always done that (besides, again, Halo 4 as it was an odd one out), it's just Halo 5 in particular tells you about it now like this game does. Halo 5 also happened to bring ledge clambering into play, around the same time games like Call of Duty Advanced Warfare brought double-jumps when Doom was only initially announced in 2014 for real, so even what Doom is trying to do isn't very original outside of the Demon Rune power-up. There's also the fact that the multiplayer Marines look like SPARTAN knockoffs, unapologetically so.

I'm not trying to start a massive argument or shitstorm, i'm basically just listing off a lot of reasons why people would compare the two series. Although goddamn, the sheer amount of people calling Halo shit when several of you outright demonstrate you've barely played them makes me wonder why you're vehemently responding with hostility about the subject in the first place. And because of numerous circumstances (including Halo 5 having the largest launch of its entire franchise), I doubt this modern Doom would even outsell Halo 5, so there's no need to be cocksure about it all either.

Basically this and the look of the Doom marine, including the fact that a lot of these people are probably new to gaming compared to people in these forums - wouldn't surprise me if quite a few had an Xbox 360 as their first gaming experience/system. They probably haven't heard of Doom or, if they have, know very little of it beyond vague misconceptions such as "old game that created FPS games."

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ive said this before and i know people might be aware by now?? but the armor design of the marines in multiplayer IS supposed to look generic to some extent what with the alternate skins and customizable stuff you can put in and all that jazz

i would say my sole nitpick about it would be how they actually managed to make it look generic in a sense, but not good generic as in interesting looking, just a plain white full body plate that you could easily take a glance at and instantly recognize in the heat of battle, but ultimately it's not memorable.

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hardcore_gamer said:

Loadouts are better than random weapons scattered across the map where getting them before others do is just a matter of luck. [...]

Well you're getting that anyway with power weapons and power-up drops, but yeah you might as well spawn with an SSG since Doom is basically a big shotgun duel by default. And like I said, I don't consider any of those things especially bad.

Edward850 said:

I don't think you've been paying enough attention at all because you actually just said the same thing twice. The alleged "dedicated grenade button" is actually an inventory item, which could be a grenade or translocator (personal teleporter) or a slew of other things.

I'm well aware that both items occupy the same key, and it doesn't at all change both things are predominantly from Halo.

Halo also doesn't have teleporting items. If you want to complain about something, you shouldn't need to make stuff up in the process.

Same concept. It's basically a fast grav lift. That "slew of things" you just mentioned could easily also be a bubble shield, a mine, and a shield drain in the final release.

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I personally was disappointed with the multiplayer armor because there's all these weird, funky colors to customize. It just doesn't fit into the DOOM world.
I'm not saying it should be 4 colors, period. But I think the armor itself looks very Halo inspired. I mean, look at the armor for Halo ODST; they have a very similar look.

I feel a lot of Doom fans were hoping for a dark, gritty, look to the marines. Although they're keeping the style of the game very consistent with the whole UAC is this futuristic, evil corporation and since it's set in the future, we're seeing the look of the marines reflect the world they inhabit.

But I also hear ID is making the campaign, and the multiplayer was outsourced; so I don't even mind. I just want the campaign to be DOOM..the multiplayer can be an after thought; I might not play too much of it.

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They keep comparing this game to Halo because they are dumbass morons who probably never played classic doom, ofc there's also those Steam forums which are full of retards acting like 12yolds, but for these it's best to ignore them like they don't exist.
And of course there's those retarded console wars, which make it worse.
The armor in MP is the only thing that may look Halo-ish, probably because it looks plastic or somthing like that.

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PseudoGold said:

There isn't one in Doom, he's referring to a book called Ringworld which has, shockingly, a world that is a ring.

Fair enough, his wording made me think "doom's design and ringworld" as one thing.

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Why wouldn't they compare it to Halo?

  • Sci-fi environment
  • Sci-fi armor, which is green
  • One man, one army battles (MC fighting hordes of Covenant, DG fighting hordes of demons)
  • Sci-fi weapons
  • Map builder
  • Armor customisation in MP
  • Armor perks (but in Doom, you have to find it)
Who knows what else? If you love Halo, stick with it. If you want to try Doom, try it. If you love Doom, fine. If you wish to try Halo, go ahead. If you hate Halo, OK. If you hate Doom, cool. If you liked Halo, awesome. If you liked Doom, perfect. If you brag/rant about superior one between the two franschises, and hope people will take your side, then just shut it. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything... But comments, remarks, opinions, etc are fine.

Anyways, what are the users at Waypoint think about Doom 2016? Possibly like this thread.


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well PC gamers always complain when the game is close to release.
They will keep their mouth shut throught the entire year and when the game is close to release they start with "it's console generic shooter etc."

You had 3-4 Months to let they know, I think in 3-4 Month we could see some changes in the gameplay, but NOPE! the game is 1 Month away from Release and now we realised is a console in mind game.

I'm a console player, and to be honest I also love PC Arena Shooters, when I tried the closed alpha I did an amazing thing I report every flaws in Doom's Forum and maybe I was the only one with a few people who agreed with me, but the rest of the Forum Posts was all about HOW GREAT THIS GAME IS etc.

and to be honest THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT PC players.
I was attacked from Doom's Forum to Steam forums.

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I'm not sure why people compare the new Doom to Halo, but I suspect it's because the new Doom deathmatch looks exactly like Halo?

The deathmatch trailer features generic-looking, non-classic-Doom weapons, the Space Marines look like the cast of Halo: Reach, it just looks totally, utterly generic, with only the player's enhanced mobility being any kind of innovation.

That said, the single player and Snapmap look amazing. For however heavily I sighed at the bland, generic multiplayer trailer, I cannot frigging WAIT to start the SP campaign.

"It's a game of two halves"

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Champskiez103 said:

funky colors to customize

Speaking of that, the color selection is total shit. It doesn't even have black!!! I was looking forward to customizing my weapons and armor, but the extremely limited color selection made it almost impossible to do to any satisfying degree.

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Been watching it on some Twitter channel, they just can't shut the hell up saying it's like Halo 6, someone needs to tell em "okay we heard you, stop repeating yourself" >_< .

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I go too every post and stream about halo, and start crying that it looks like doom. Fire with Fire.

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Zemini said:

I go too every post and stream about halo, and start crying that it looks like doom. Fire with Fire.

I don't think it's halo fans doing it though, I think it just might be some ignorant Randy's talking shit

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MajorRawne said:

I'm not sure why people compare the new Doom to Halo, but I suspect it's because the new Doom deathmatch looks exactly like Halo?

The deathmatch trailer features generic-looking, non-classic-Doom weapons, the Space Marines look like the cast of Halo: Reach, it just looks totally, utterly generic, with only the player's enhanced mobility being any kind of innovation.

That said, the single player and Snapmap look amazing. For however heavily I sighed at the bland, generic multiplayer trailer, I cannot frigging WAIT to start the SP campaign.

"It's a game of two halves"

If you want some hope restored, watch some live, PC beta gameplay. It's not generic gameplay-wise, especially by modern standards. Gameplay looks pretty fast, and there's no reloading. Marines do remind me of Reach in appearance, however.

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hardcore_gamer said:

Loadouts are better than random weapons scattered across the map where getting them before others do is just a matter of luck. And a dedicated grenade button is extremely useful regardless of your playing on a console or a PC. One of the key reasons I would never use grenades in lots of games was because it wasn't worth it selecting grenades a separate weapon instead of just shooting everybody, but once I could throw them with a single press suddenly they became useful.

But they're not. Weapon spawns require item control, and item control requires skill.
That's what separates men from boys in competitive gaming.

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Flesh420 said:

But they're not. Weapon spawns require item control, and item control requires skill.
That's what separates men from boys in competitive gaming.

1. Spawns with the shitty starting weapon.
2. Turns around.
3. Gets instantly shot in the face by another dude who already had a proper weapon.
4. ???
5. Profit!

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hardcore_gamer said:

Speaking of that, the color selection is total shit. It doesn't even have black!!! I was looking forward to customizing my weapons and armor, but the extremely limited color selection made it almost impossible to do to any satisfying degree.

It's very obviously just a selection of colours, there will be more options in the release version for sure.

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