NaZa Posted March 30, 2016 So, you can recommend me any WAD, be it Terry, be it good, be it slaughterfest, be it bad, be it joke. I will grade it with following formula; ENEMY PLACEMENT - Was the enemy usage well done? Did the enemy placement make sense? ITEM PLACEMENT - Were there too much/too little powerups/medikits/ammo drops? DESIGN - Was the map pleasant to look at? Was the design realistic? Non-linear? BALANCE - Was the map balanced overall? FUN - Was the map tedious to play? Was it fun? For each of these I will award 10 points maximum. Also, if the map has music, I will give it 1-3 extra points, depending on how well does it fit the map. ~~~~~ LADDER ~~~~~MAPPER MAP NAME OVERALL Deadwing Nevasca 44/50 Quineotio Deep Storage 36/50 fveitsi Mo' Murder 25/50 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
fveitsi Posted March 30, 2016 :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quineotio Posted March 30, 2016 Here's a map I've been working on for Brutal Doom. Would love some feedback :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted March 30, 2016 fveitsi said: :) I just knew! :) Played your map. Is it hard! Died, but resurrected only once due to pure rage. Savd regularly. Elements: ENEMY PLACEMENT; There are a few areas that utilize monsters very well (Lost Soul+AV), but there are also some gross areas (the final area) with spam spam spam. 5/10 ITEM PLACEMENT; Almost no powerups. Health was sparse, but I found the secret. That Invulnerability tho, one of the funniest moments in the map. 5/10 DESIGN: The map was actually quite nice. Consistency of textures, nice base look and feel. The place where you got the most points. Still lacks detail a bit. Minimalistic but well made. 6/10 BALANCE: Exited the map with 100 shells and 600 cells. Yeah. Enemy balance? You throw 2 Arch-Viles right at the start with minimal cover and some chaingunners. 4/10 FUN: For the most part this map is pretty tedious with Cyberdemons and Archviles being used in the same way. Moments like the Mancubi+Chaingunner room, Invulnerability room and the dark room filled with monsters saved it. 5/10 Overall, it's 25/50. Managed to stay positive, but it's pretty basic overall. Try to experiment with different usage of monsters. Try to make one Cyberdemon actually formidable. Make use of AVs behind monsters and in tight space (with some cover). Make sure there is just the amount of ammo you need. If this is your 3rd map, then you did well. Thanks! :) EDIT: Quineotio, what version of Brutal Doom should I use? v19 or the new v20b? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Deadwing Posted March 30, 2016 Nevasca :D If you don't want to play 9 levels, I'd prefer only map 7. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chezza Posted March 30, 2016 If you're not adverse to Brutal Doom based Wads then I invite you to try my latest build of Operation_UAC with 9 levels and 2 Boss fights. Lots of scripts, Brutal Doom mechanics at play and easy to medium difficulty. Thread Link: Direct Download: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Benjogami Posted March 31, 2016 I will PM since it's not ready for primetime but I think I have a chunk of it kinda balanced and am thirsty for some feedback. What's now an exit will eventually lead to a third section, and maybe a fourth after that. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted March 31, 2016 Quineotio said:Here's a map I've been working on for Brutal Doom. Would love some feedback :) Liked it, I must admit. Traps were pretty nicely done, and it was challenging! ENEMY PLACEMENT: I like how you used monsters by tiers. First off there are just Imps and Troopers, then as you go on you face Barons and Arch-Viles. Too bad there wasn't a Cyber, like it could've been at the last bridge or something. Also what's with those Barons under the bridge? I've missed three monsters; a Commander Keen (!), a Trooper and a Baron. Intentional? 7/10 ITEM PLACEMENT: Just like above - at the start there was a bit too much ammo - but going through the level I found myself having 30 bullets, 20 shells and 6 rockets. Health was nicely placed, and there were enough powerups. Still, a bit too much everything at the start. 8/10 DESIGN: The first area is a fist in the eye. Same textures, but diferrent colours. Later in the level there is more variety and playing with the textures (which I like) but that outdoor area at the start... also I didn't like repetition that much; almost identical rooms (the PE outdoor area with crate rooms). The base area was good, the outside needed more decor. 5/10 BALANCE: As I have previously stated, it's too easy at the start. At the end it's harder, but if you conserved ammo enough it's really not that hard. For the balance from about 1/3 into the map I'll give it a 7/10. FUN: Yes. It was very fun. I loved the traps, especially the last two AV's and the Pain Elemental Revenant horde trap. Other traps were nice and surprising most of the time, it was really fun. But the first fight was a tiny bit tedious. Tiny bit. 9/10 That all gives us a 36/50. Almost max fun and item placement. Design was a bit questionable, but overall I liked it very much. Thanks! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Makazi Posted March 31, 2016 Not mine, but a favourite of mine (presuming you haven't played it already): 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
[McD] James Posted March 31, 2016 Aliens: Colonial Marines TC 2014 Possibly the most underrated WAD ever made. There isn't even any footage of it on Youtube (though there are a couple videos of previous versions) It's tough as nails, but fantastically designed. This one is pure Cacoward material. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quineotio Posted April 1, 2016 DoomLover234 said:Also what's with those Barons under the bridge? I've missed three monsters; a Commander Keen (!), a Trooper and a Baron. Intentional? 7/10 Awesome, thanks for the feedback :) The barons under the bridge area isn't finished. I have an idea for that room but haven't got around to implementing it. I always hide a Keen in my levels - if you find it maybe you should kill it and see what happens. Not sure where you missed the trooper, but the level isn't designed around 100% so it could be anywhere. I know which baron you missed :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Quineotio Posted April 1, 2016 Would you mind if I responded to and asked some questions about your feedback? DoomLover234 said:Too bad there wasn't a Cyber, like it could've been at the last bridge or something. I'm curious, when you play a new level do you consider it to be a self contained experience or as part of a longer series of events? Like, I could have made an end boss, but I actually went with zero monsters at that last part because there have been a lot of ambushes until that point, and I knew the player would be expecting something to happen. But if this was taken as a stand alone level I can see how you'd be hoping for more of a climax. ITEM PLACEMENT: Just like above - at the start there was a bit too much ammo - but going through the level I found myself having 30 bullets, 20 shells and 6 rockets. Health was nicely placed, and there were enough powerups. Still, a bit too much everything at the start. 8/10 One thing that made ammo balance hard was that you can play either the red or blue keycard area first, so ammo needed to be placed with consideration of both directions. I don't know if you found the backpack early on, but that also changes the amount of ammo you have. Accounting for multiple paths through the level makes it hard to balance ammo in such a way that you have an optimal amount of ammo at all times (whatever that means). Nevertheless from your comments it seems like the level got harder as it went on, and your ammo dried up. Isn't that a good thing - starting off easy and getting harder? DESIGN: The first area is a fist in the eye. Same textures, but diferrent colours. Later in the level there is more variety and playing with the textures (which I like) but that outdoor area at the start... also I didn't like repetition that much; almost identical rooms (the PE outdoor area with crate rooms). The base area was good, the outside needed more decor. 5/10 I see where you're coming from, but I'm curious what your expectations are. The grey rocks are bland, but it's doom engine and set on the moon. I did spend time on the architecture and lighting to make it look more interesting, as well as that nukage stream on the left, and fence on the right that you can see through to other parts of the level. Was it really that bad? Why didn't you like the repetition in the PE outdoor area? It's a storage area - a series of empty rooms that you can store stuff in. I did spend some time detailing them and giving them different layouts, but they are essentially monster closets with some items to pick up, so there's no real gameplay in the rooms. What would you have done differently? I'm very curious about the expectations people have for levels. It's useful to know what people are expecting. Thanks for any further reply :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted May 15, 2016 Deadwing said:Nevasca :D If you don't want to play 9 levels, I'd prefer only map 7. Well this was good! ENEMY PLACEMENT: Now, I will count custom monster in this long paragraph. Many of the new custom monsters have too fast projectiles that you cannot really evade in tight areas. The original speed (or at least just a bit faster) would've sufficed. - The Dark Imp was okay. The projectiles made him a bit better than the original. - Frozen Cacodemon - Tanky, but a good threat nonetheless. - Frozen Hell Knight - Too fast projectiles, but it's a threat compared to original bruisers. - Maelstrom (Frozen Skull) - Whenever I see one of them, I use the kill command. I cannot stand these buggers and they are sooo annoying... - Rocket Zombie - hey, these guys were neat! They made areas certainly more tense. However, all of the enemies were used very nicely and were placed on strategic positions. I can clearly see your experience. A solid 8/10 just for the projectiles and Maelstroms (seriously, why?) ITEM PLACEMENT: I watched carefully near large battles for any powerups or items. I was surprised to see every harder battle had a powerup that just fit in it! It was really nice to see proper item placement. There was even enough health and armor. Maybe a bit too much armor, but it's not our fault there's only 1% (2% in Nevasca), 100% and 200% armor in Doom. However, ammo was definitely a huge problem. At one point I only had 20 recipients and that's it (and there was a large spider battle with some Revenants). For that I'll give it 9/10. DESIGN: Here's the only part where I got disappointed - the design. I mean, later on it gets awesome, but on the first three levels it was just... too simplistic. I mean, it looked pretty and all, but there were many featureless corridors and orthogonal corners. MAP03 had some really nice looking areas, as well as later maps, but I felt a bit disappointed in design. I'll have to give you 7/10 too (mostly because of MAP07's beauty). BALANCE: Health, armor and powerup balance was great. You get enough health, armor and the powerup that just fits in the battle you are going to have, but oh no, you have almost no ammo! That was a problem. However, you do get just barely enough ammo, so for that reason alone, it can slip with 8/10. FUN: This was pretty fun. It wasn't tedious and it had proven itself to be super tense. There were great moments such as the Spider Mastermind battle in MAP07, actually all of the battles in MAP07 were great (which is the icing on the cake in my opinion) and of course the ancient temple secret map that was pretty fun to discover. I'll give you 9/10 just for projectiles and Maelstroms (nitpick DL). Also MUSIC: It fit into some levels, but in other levels it was a fist in the eye. I'll give it +2. Also +1 for being a multi-level WAD with a sense of progression. FINAL SCORE: 44/50. Well deserved. Good job Deadwing. I wish there were more fun WADS that revolve around custom monsters like this one. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ztkt Posted May 15, 2016 Well try my wad. I've only ever made 3 maps and all are in this wad. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
CrazyDoomguy Posted May 15, 2016 If you finish ztkt WAD, then try later my WAD :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
everennui Posted May 15, 2016 My pwad isn't done yet, but if you could tell me how the first map feels so far in MAP01 it'd help me out. You won't get to much gameplay. If you could tell me if you feel like it will be fun when its done or any parts that are confusing. MAP 05 is the closest to being done. Probably 85-90%. Use IDFA/IDKfA for weapons. (gzdoom, doom2 and Gothic texture park from afterglow.) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chezza Posted May 15, 2016 If you're still doing this then give my chapter 1 wad a go. 9 levels, brutal doom v20b and Zandronum needed. Link: This uses many of BD features but is very sensitive to what source port you're using. Therefore only run with a modern version of Zandronum. Also if you're an experienced Doom player I recommend difficulties 4 (extra content) or 5 (maximum content and challenge rooms) to get a manageable challenge. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MistAche Posted May 17, 2016 ztkt said:Well try my wad. I've only ever made 3 maps and all are in this wad. This is a piece of shit... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted May 17, 2016 Black Magnetic, for GZDooM: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ninehills42 Posted May 17, 2016 Check out my map, called Chamber of Massacre: It has no custom music, and you will need cc4 and gothictx textures. Its a slaughterfest kind of level, dont be surprised. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BigDickBzzrak Posted May 18, 2016 Well, if people suggest you their creations, I might do that as well :] (a starbase-themed level, you'll love it) I'm working on sequels, but it's a month now since I started... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Z0k Posted May 19, 2016 I would like a review on my works to know what i can improve. right now those 2 are crrent project im working on: Darkmoon (Gzdoom): Complexe16 (Doom64ex): (map 6 was made by my friend DMphobos who is also working on darkmoon) we would appreciate any feedback comment on it so we can improve it! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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