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OK, this is not really about something that happened, but something that happened recently. One day the computer was acting slow. My mom alleged that it "was all that Doom shit taking up space", to put it in her exact words. Since I didn't want to hear her chew me out for "taking up all the space on the hard drive with the Doom junk", I headed outside. My dad jumped on the computer and naturally started deleting things left and right. This included my old Doom directory. Thankfully I had Doom and Doom2 saved in a .rar file named cheese.rar (heh!). "There, all that Doom stuff's off there," he proclaimed.
Hehehe, little did he know....
Anyway, I hate when parents do things like that. My mom and dad didn't even take into account all the other miscellaneous fluff such as WinAMP or KaZaA that my brothers have strewn all over the hard drive. When something goes wrong, the blame is laid on me and Doom.
Ironic, since most of the error message headings clearly state "WinAMP" or "KaZaA". Now just how dumb is that?

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Fucker/Hater said:

Get some new parents.

But that would solve only half the problem. I have two brothers, and besides, I've gotten somewhat attached to my current mom and dad :)

Get a new computer.

Believe me, I wish I could. Oh, how I wish I could. Just one of my own... /me drools at the thought

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You said in that doom dir poll that your doom stuff all took up about 450 megs before your dad deleted it. Kazaa and Winamp together take up about 5 megs.

Then again, there's the shit you can download with Kazaa...

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Exactly. In my KaZaA dir, there's about 338 megs worth of MP3s and such nonsense.
My Doom dir is currently being rebuilt-I just got through downloading Hell Revealed. Got to have that.

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DooMBoy said:

Exactly. In my KaZaA dir, there's about 338 megs worth of MP3s and such nonsense.
My Doom dir is currently being rebuilt-I just got through downloading Hell Revealed. Got to have that.

Only 338? My music dir is some odd 1.5 gigs not counting the 6 ripped cds I have yet to encode and the some 50 or 60 cds I have yet to rip. How much HD space do you have anyway?

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Currently, about 18 gigs. Not bad.
But like I said, there's many, many other useless programs scattered all over my hard drive, not just the ones I mentioned. Believe me, they are there.

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Give the doom directory hidden, readonly and system attributes. Easy to get around but it sound like your parents would be too clueless to work out how :)

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Convince your parents to buy a CD burner, and copy all your WADs onto CD.

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fraggle said:

Give the doom directory hidden, readonly and system attributes. Easy to get around but it sound like your parents would be too clueless to work out how :)

I've put it on hidden, how do I turn it off and make it visible again?

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In explorer, go to View > Hidden Files

EDIT: Nevermind, thats not where it is. There is some way in explorer thats easy to get hidden files visible though. I always have everything visible, so I never think about it.

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SCBC said:

OK, this is not really about something that happened, but something that happened recently.

So it is about something that did really happen? Dewmboy you win teh prize!

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the_Danarchist said:

In explorer, go to View > Hidden Files

EDIT: Nevermind, thats not where it is. There is some way in explorer thats easy to get hidden files visible though. I always have everything visible, so I never think about it.

[open any directory] > View > Folder Options... > View > Files and Folders > Hidden Files > Show all files

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