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What does Doomworld think of the Beta?


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AirRaid said:

People are getting CoD vibes because of the framework, not the actual gameplay and combat. You earn XP and complete challenges to get weapon and cosmetic unlocks. COD is generally the game regarded to have started that trend. What's not to understand.

In that sense, I guess, but this doesn't automatically equate to bad? Alright, the static cannon unlock thing is kinda silly, but unlocking cosmetic stuff from gaining experience and completing challenges doesn't degrade the game itself? It's just such a silly overreaction, imo.

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AirRaid said:

The main reason is there's not enough damage feedback. If you're concentrating on aiming at something, the little red damage indicator is not enough to draw your attention, and then suddenly you have no health and you don't realise why. This also goes the other way and if you get behind someone without them realising it's fairly easy to chip off most of their health before they realise they're getting shot.

This is exactly my experience with the game, Coupled with the weak damage of most weapons (no splash damage?). If there's someone unloading the double barrel into my back I'd like to know before I die.

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PureSlime said:

In that sense, I guess, but this doesn't automatically equate to bad? Alright, the static cannon unlock thing is kinda silly, but unlocking cosmetic stuff from gaining experience and completing challenges doesn't degrade the game itself? It's just such a silly overreaction, imo.

No, you're right. People automatically equating "COD = BAD" are the dumb baby doom fanboys who like to think anything made after 1999 is utter garbage.

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AirRaid said:

People automatically equating "COD = BAD" are the dumb baby doom fanboys who like to think anything made after 1999 is utter garbage.


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AirRaid said:

No, you're right. People automatically equating "COD = BAD" are the dumb baby doom fanboys who like to think anything made after 1999 is utter garbage.

Even funnier is that many of those baby fanboys are telling people to go play Brutal Doom instead since they say it represents the original better.

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They should have all weapons and buffs available from the get go for everyone to be able to use and only use the leveling system for cosmetic stuff that doesn't actually affect the gameplay itself. That's my opinion, of course, but I don't think veterans should have an unfair advantage, their skills should be enough to keep them ahead.

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Szymanski said:

This is exactly my experience with the game, Coupled with the weak damage of most weapons (no splash damage?). If there's someone unloading the double barrel into my back I'd like to know before I die.

Same here. Also the latency is quite bad, with everyone sporting 150+ pings as if we were back in the 56k/dsl days. I also kinda expect we won't get dedicated server software and we'll be stuck with whatever infrastructure Bethesda puts in place or a shoddy system where one of the players is the host.

If that's the case I'll wait for it to be on a $15 sale or something.

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Vorpal said:

Same here. Also the latency is quite bad, with everyone sporting 150+ pings as if we were back in the 56k/dsl days. I also kinda expect we won't get dedicated server software and we'll be stuck with whatever infrastructure Bethesda puts in place or a shoddy system where one of the players is the host.

If that's the case I'll wait for it to be on a $15 sale or something.

I absolutely agree. Coupled with the still buggy audio downmix - people firing at me point blank with a shotgun, and nothing comes out of my speakers - I often die because I notice too late that someone is shooting at me/is behind me.

Of course it goes both ways. I run behind someone with the shotgun, pump on shot into him, no reaction, second one, no reaction...it doesn't feel "right". Most of the times, people seem to react to visual fx coupled with an attack (explosion of rocket, plasma balls missing etc. pp.)

I - along with many others - reported this during closed beta, but sadly, it's still not fixed. Hope they fix it before launch.

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tuo said:

I absolutely agree. Coupled with the still buggy audio downmix - people firing at me point blank with a shotgun, and nothing comes out of my speakers - I often die because I notice too late that someone is shooting at me/is behind me.

Of course it goes both ways. I run behind someone with the shotgun, pump on shot into him, no reaction, second one, no reaction...it doesn't feel "right". Most of the times, people seem to react to visual fx coupled with an attack (explosion of rocket, plasma balls missing etc. pp.)

I - along with many others - reported this during closed beta, but sadly, it's still not fixed. Hope they fix it before launch.

I have to agree on the audio. I wonder if they will even try to patch or other wise fix how buggy the audio can be. I think the number one way I have died is by someone else coming from the side/behind and not being able to really hear the footsteps, or them firing.

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MetroidJunkie said:

That's my opinion, of course, but I don't think veterans should have an unfair advantage, their skills should be enough to keep them ahead.

I got the static cannon in about an hour. It's not that much of a problem.

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TheMightyHeracross said:

I got the static cannon in about an hour. It's not that much of a problem.

The leveling in Doom 2016 (or the beta mp at least) seems quicker than most other games that have things like it. As long as they don't just tone down the speed at which you level for the final game, then I think I will be semi fine with the weapon unlocks (though it would still feel weird).

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I'm really enjoying the beta, good times. Hits the spot for me, love the feel of the combat.

It's fun throwing the teleport grenade and appearing behind people to blast them with the super shotgun.

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I think the poll shows that Doomworld is quite different from other splinters of the community.

What do you people think of the criticisms levelled against the game? Do you agree with them? Do you disagree? Somewhere in between? Which do you think are the most valid?

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PsychoGoatee said:

I'm really enjoying the beta, good times. Hits the spot for me, love the feel of the combat.

It's fun throwing the teleport grenade and appearing behind people to blast them with the super shotgun.

During the closed beta I never really tried using the teleport grenade that much. After using it some in the open beta though, it has become favorite equipment item to use (makes it easy to get around long distances or pop up behind someone farther away). I have been able to get like one teleport kill with it though (still need to get better at judging when to teleport in).

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LittleBurger said:

During the closed beta I never really tried using the teleport grenade that much. After using it some in the open beta though, it has become favorite equipment item to use (makes it easy to get around long distances or pop up behind someone farther away). I have been able to get like one teleport kill with it though (still need to get better at judging when to teleport in).

Getting a telefrag sounds glorious, I've yet to get one.

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PsychoGoatee said:

Getting a telefrag sounds glorious, I've yet to get one.

I think I may have gotten lucky with the only one I have gotten so far. I actually want to eventually see if I can telefrag the demon with it (not really sure if it is possible).

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Here are the results for those too lazy to click the link.

It's good but it needs more polishing/balancing.
68 votes (51%)

It has a few good parts but overall feels meh.
29 votes (22%)

It's awesome! Exactly what I expected.
28 votes (21%)

I didn't like it at all.
8 votes (6%)

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