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Do you guys hate Skulltag?

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Sgt Ender said:

I know, but still, Skulltag left a good mark in Doom history. Sadly it never went out with a bang.

But it never went out at all, just got renamed and had the extra stuff separated into pk3s. That's literally it. It's still being updated and its forums and servers are still active.

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joe-ilya said:

@kuchitsu People in Zdaemon speak memeful too, you're a meme there yourself.


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Marcaek said:


This is Skulltag. Load it first with your wads in Zandronum and you have all the Skulltag content+features.

Zandronum does everything ST did and better, supports classic DM if you bother to set it up properly, and has plenty of servers and players.

I know what that is, it just doesn't feel the same. Also I can't access the DM/invasion maps through the main menu, so that makes it more annoying.

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ChekaAgent said:

Tbh, I don't know why Skulltag changed it's name to Zandronum.

Personally, I kinda like Skulltag's name better than Zandronum... Zandronum sounds lame to me.

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HavoX said:

Personally, I kinda like Skulltag's name better than Zandronum... Zandronum sounds lame to me.


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I see nothing bad about Zandronum's name. I wonder how much it is because I don't speak English natively and how much because of my bad taste.

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Zandronum sounds like one of those fictious elements/materials using XYZ to make it sound incredibly exotic and valuable/unique. at least Skulltag sounded sensible. however, disliking Zandronum solely because of the name is kind of dumb.

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I genuinely think Zandronum has lost some players over time simply because it has a sucky name. No matter how many ways you explain it, some people will not accept the indisputable fact that Skulltag literally is Zandronum. People have actually denied it and argued the point with me in IRC.. Really though, if someone is that damn stupid, we probably don't want them around anyway.

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A lame name does not mean it is a bad port.
Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to use it.

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I used to think the name was dumb/weird but I don't care anymore, I did mess with Zandronum at a few points a couple years ago and its more or less the same thing as ST, I'll have to grab a copy again and load that PK3, cause ST stuff in Doom is fun to me.

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HavoX said:

A lame name does not mean it is a bad port.

Agreed, but some of the.. Slower Doomers out there refuse to accept that the two ports are, essentially, one and the same.

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I used to wonder why Skulltag didn't have an actual multiplayer gametype about tagging with skulls, it is quite a random name though.

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That's an odd way to open a thread. "Do you hate this????"

But no, I didn't hate Skulltag. I quite liked the port, more than I did ZDaemon back in 2004-2005 or so. However, I wasn't really fond of what became popular within the community. I always liked to just play some plain old deathmatch or CTF sometimes and that became less common over time.

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Avoozl said:

I used to wonder why Skulltag didn't have an actual multiplayer gametype about tagging with skulls, it is quite a random name though.

It was literally named after the flagship game mode in which you took the enemy's skull and tagged it on a score pillar.

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Skulltag is dead so why bother anymore? I moved on, thought the successor's name was a bit silly but it didn't stop me. At least it is more updated (2.5.x codebase?) as opposed to Skulltag was (2.1-3.x codebase? Please clarify) and had incompatibilities with newer ZDoom & GZDoom mods.

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