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What's your favorite/least favorite demon?

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My personal favorite would have to be either the caco or the lost soul. I always had a thing for the flying demons, except for the pain elemental (the arms really ruined it for me).

The funny thing about the lost soul for me is that I both love and hate it. I love the design and the character but I've always hated fighting against them, for such a small demon they can be such a pain in the ass to kill in groups.

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I tend to be a fan of the glass cannon-ish monsters, like the shotgun dudes and revenants. I like things being dangerous, w/o it taking forever to kill. ::::)

As for least favorite, I would have said archvile a few months ago, but you learn how to handle them eventually. I'd say the Baron of Hell, as it's just a bullet sponge.

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The Spider Mastermind is both my most favorite and least favorite, believe it or not.

I love it because it is a freaky looking monster and rather intimidating. It's death animation is epic and something about spiders are so alien and cool.

The reason why it's also my least favorite is due to how difficult it is to utilize and be fun in most maps. It is my last choice of monster to use in my maps unless I just need a spongy Turret - just not fun. The Cyberdemon is just far more entertaining and challenging to deal with.

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Favorite: Archie
Least favorite: None, because

schwerpunk said:

Don't hate the monster, hate the encounter.

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Why does everyone love to hate on the Arch-vile and Pain Elemental? They are intimidating, dangerous and badass looking demons. They are well designed and force you to quickly observe and make use of your surroundings. In my opinion, that makes them some of the best monsters and they are both my two personal favorites. Oh, and the Cyberdemon as well. Because he is a beast. Bitches be wanting some of that sweet ass. Revenant is also awesome.

Cacodemon is iconic and such but also just a big smiling meatball. Not very threatening, nor cool. Same with the Lost Soul. Lost Souls rarely die from a single SSG blast and are kind of annoying at times.

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Favorite: Not sure, possibly the Cacodemon.
Least Favorite: Spider Mastermind. A hitscan bullet sponge, you're pretty much just ducking and weaving around corners with it, not fun at all. At least Archviles, Pain Elementals, and Revanants have the good fortune of having their attacks avoidable to a degree and, at least with human enemies, they're very weak and go down easily enough. With the Spider Mastermind, it's like the worst of both worlds.

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Favorite: Archvile
Least favorite: Spider Mastermind
Here is another thread where I made a complete ordered list of favorite to least favorite Doom monsters and weapons.

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Crapsaccharine said:

I tend to be a fan of the glass cannon-ish monsters, like the shotgun dudes and revenants.

The Revenant is hardly a glass cannon: it's tough enough to keep a (non-BFG spamming, non SSG-blasting, non rocker-sniping) player on his toes, and it's tough enough to defeat monsters well above its HP class one-on-one, especially if the exchange is mostly projectiles, where its increased damage and accuracy due to homing give it a significant edge, while even in melee it has a slight edge due to attack speed e.g. vs HKs, which can be bitch-punched in perma-pain. It's not unusual to see them defeat HK and Cacos, and even Mancs on sheer aggression.

If the Revenant was a fighting game character, he would be a dark-skinned, lean, mean gangsta thug type, with excellent endurance, higher than average damage and aggression, and a few dirty tricks up his sleeve. Not someone to be taken lightly, in any case.

The chaingunner would be a better "glass cannon": they can really deal ridiculous amounts of damage for their HP, in the right conditions, even if most of it is accidental.

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Maes said:

The Revenant is hardly a glass cannon: it's tough enough to keep a (non-BFG spamming, non SSG-blasting, non rocker-sniping) player on his toes,

But for a BFG spamming, SSG-blasting or rocker-sniping player, he is more like a glass... cannon.

Maes said:

and it's tough enough to defeat monsters well above its HP class one-on-one,

That's exactly what makes him a glass cannon!

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Favorite: four-way tie between revenants, archviles, pain elementals, and chaingunners. Mancubi are cool too.

Least favorite: I don't dislike any of them, but if I had to sacrifice any of the core monsters, the pinky/spectre, the spiderdemon, and the baron would be the first to go.

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ChekaAgent said:

If you're not BFG spamming, SSG-blasting, rocker-sniping player, then you're a bad player.

Or you're playing a map balanced according to the FFF (Finnish Frugality Formula), also known as "two shells for three imps". In such maps, you can only DREAM of being given anything more powerful than a chaingun for at least half of the map, and you ARE required to fight monsters like HKs, Revenants, Archviles etc. with just the shotty and chaingun.

scifista42 said:

That's exactly what makes him a glass cannon!

I dunno, it sounds weird to call "glass cannon" a monster which can easily withstand a cyberdemon rocket or two and can receive heavy punishment from higher-tier monsters like Mancs, Barons etc. and still fight back. when there are many other which would be simply gibbed at the first hit. The player is much more of a glass cannon, if we go by damage/health ratio and also by absolute health.

I'd say the Revenant occupies a really special niche. It's not the monster with the highest HP, but it has enough of it not to go down easily.

It's not the most powerful monster if we count total volume of fire, but it has highest accuracy and higher spot damage than all except the Cyberdemon.

Also, it's not a big fat, clumsy target like the Manc or Arachnotron, can go where a player can go (it's THING height is the same as the player, only slightly larger width) etc.

Actually, TV Tropes lists them as examples in the Demonic Spider category, besides the Glass Cannon one ;-)

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Compared to other monsters in his class, the Revanant is pretty weak HP-wise, especially if you consider his place among the cast after you beat the final level of Doom 2. He's shown to rank above the Baron of Hell which has over twice the amount of health. You can't compare the player because it's obvious that the player is going to be a glass cannon, that's why you have to use your wits and not act like a Doom monster. If you have the ability to dodge and dodge pretty quickly, giving the player a ton of health would make the game too easy.

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^When facing a single Revenant, it's not so tough. Facing a hoard of Revenants, on the other hand, is equivalent to facing a hoard of SS in Wolf3D... you're fucking screwed unless you have that BFG!

...at least that's my my theory anyway. :P

MetroidJunkie said:

that's why you have to use your wits and not act like a Doom monster.

Brains prevail over brawn.

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^ Do you choose your preference for Baron of Hell over the Hell Knight based on which one of them appeared in the game earlier?

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I'm actually glad Doom 2016 is using the Doom 3 Hell Knight design for this reason, it makes him his own demon instead of just a weaker pale Baron of Hell.

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I have to say I prefer the HK over his pinker brethren, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the Baron is way too much of a meat shield for the kind of damage he deals out.

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dethtoll said:

I have to say I prefer the HK over his pinker brethren, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that the Baron is way too much of a meat shield for the kind of damage he deals out.

The Super Shotgun makes the Baron vastly easier to deal with, in my opinion.

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MetroidJunkie said:

The Super Shotgun makes the Baron vastly easier to deal with, in my opinion.

No shit.

This thread idea also was made many times already, so I'm going to say for the third time.

joe-ilya said:

Monsters:(from best to worst)
1.Imp : Fits everywhere and at any amount, pure balance!
2.Hell Knight : Same as imp, only it should be used a little less.
3.Shotgunner : Fits almost everywhere and drops a good weapon!
4.Cacodemon : Same as Hell Knight.
5.Nazi : Same as shotgunner, only it doesn't drop weapons, clips are good enough.
6.Mancubus : Same as cacodemon, only it shoots more projectiles at once.
7.Arachnotron : Amazing shooting, hard to dodge in plain sight.
8.Zombieman : Cool starter enemies, fun to plow through hordes of them.
9.Spectre : Nice demon enhancement, scary in the dark or maps that have monochromic texturing.
10.Revenant : I like the missles and to fight them in any amount(unless it's nuts.wad or literally nuts)
11.Pain Elemental : It's cool how you have to kill it really quick with the chaingun and dodge other enemy attack while doing that. It works really well when placed between other monsters.
12.Chaingunner : This is supposed to be a downgrade from the SpiderMasterMind, but it's not how it actually is, Stand 2 seconds in it's sight and you go down, when in hordes it's super fun!
13.SpiderMasterMind : Same as chaingunners only they should be used less.
14.Demon : Nice melee monster, works very well when in hordes.
15.Lost soul : Another melee monster, only it's less threatning and it can fly.
16.Arch vile : It's an interesting enemy, but it doesn't work really well, If you put more than 3 arch-viles in one area, things can get very very messy.
But it's awesome when put in couples or a single.
17.Baron of hell : Great boss, good in hordes only when you have BFG, but other then that, it's useless and is just a sponge.
18.Cyberdemon : Same as Baron of hell, only it should be used less.
19.Commander keen : It's really useful when you want a player to push several switches that will kill one Commander keen each to later when all are push, will open a door, once per map though.
20.Icon of sin(romero head) : A hilarious enemy that once dead finishes the level, can be useful for certain mapping tricks just like commander keen.
21.Monster spawner : It's barely got any use, just whip this into an empty of monsters MAP30, and it's really slow when only one is used, but is way too quick when more than 1 are put.

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Hell Knights

Least favourite(s):
Pain Elementals

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Least favorite:
Normal pinky. Just useless in all aspects and in most cases is actually more beneficial to you than harmful because he acts as a great meat shield.

Most favorite:
Fast pinky. Dangerous (doubly so for Spectres) and I just love seeing them zipping around at a speed that rivals that of the player. Best change in fast mode by FAR.

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