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(SPOILERS) doomguy origin speculations (SPOILERS)

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The 'Demon Slayer' is light years better than Flynn Taggart from those awful novels. And don't panic about 'story' in Doom 2016, you can bypass it for the most part so sayeth Marty Stratton. Actually, I've been formulating a theory that Doomguy 2016 is actually Marty Stratton. It's all about symbolism you know? Say with me, "relentless combat, terrifying demons, and bad-ass guns".

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Almonds said:

pretty sure you're still a random soldier fighting for your survival this time around (albeit with power armor) and even then are still perfectly able to die, so that 'demigod' theory goes right under the bed for starters.

Just out of curiosity, what makes you think it will just be a solider after all of the text and audio logs? You really don't think that the humanoid being inside the armor is not the legendary doomslayer of ancient origin?

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Maybe the Doomslayer gives his armor to the player and you become the new doomslayer?


Reading more about the lore and apparently Hell is going through it's 4th age. Each age has a different ruler/demon lord within it.

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Zemini said:

Maybe the Doomslayer gives his armor to the player and you become the new doomslayer?


Reading more about the lore and apparently Hell is going through it's 4th age. Each age has a different ruler/demon lord within it.

I'm in the camp that speculates that the person we play as is the DoomSlayer himself because there are other audio files that imply that the UAC went and picked up the doomslayer from his tomb...

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Ok, so i did some more digging in the audio files and I think i can confirm that the character we will be playing as in this game is the Ancient DoomSlayer and not a mere mortal marine. See below:


This is a quote from a character named Samuel:

"I pulled you from that tomb in the Catenger (??) Sanctum for this reason. I knew she was weak. Our work doesn't come without risks, and I released you from your prison to help mitigate those risks. I knew that in the event of a catastrophe, you'd be the only thing that could stop them."

To me this quote all but proves it...

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I think there's still the possibility that this Hellwalker who is rescued is the classic Doom Marine being rescued by a UAC corporation which belongs to a different universe, implying the multiverse theory. Of course this is all left for speculation.

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victorboris1 said:

Wah wah, someone call the whambulance, my Doom has a plot now and now I'm pouting because I'm too lazy to read and anything bigger than three paragraphs is too complex for my feeble mind.

I mean. I see your point, but its FUCKING DOOM. The series isn't known for its story elements. What the shit happened in Doom 3? Scientist goes mad, scientist kills everyone, scientist gets turned into a bat, marine cleans up the mess.


Take your paragraphs back to Bioshock and Wolf:New Order

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If the Doomguy this time is not a regular human space marine, that is not going to ruin the game for me. But PLEASE no multi-universe-time-travelling-dimension bullshit.

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So it looks to be like this.


There was a less chaotic land known as Argent D'Nur, this is where the Doomslayer and Night sentinels inhabit. It isn't heaven but it was part of the dimension where hell resides.

Demons conquer Argent D'Nur in the first Age (Great Serpent), and from the ashes rose the DoomSlayer. He is granted powers from the remaining sentinals, and over the eons the slayer kills all in his path. The Doomslayer is also helped by a traitorous demon only known as a wretch.

Doomslayer eventually kills a Titan, and the demon Priest are like "Oh no you didnt!" and entomb him in hell with a warning.

We also have the Second age (Chimera) and the Third Age (Guardian) and now the Fourth age (Unknown lord). Where the Doomslayers crusade takes place is still up to speculation.

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Alright so I found the full story, it's REALLY long and super fucking stupid, and fake so I'll spoiler it


This game has the inside project name of, DOOM: Repurcussions of CyberBullying
John Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
John was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships daddy."
Dad said "No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
"This is Joson" the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
So John gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
"HE GOING TO KILL US" said the demons "I will shoot at him" said the cyberdemon

But something was different! The demons weren't overjoyed at the sight of the behemoth, and John wasn't ready to kill him, they were.. They were all laughing at him!

"He looks like a fucking rock troll!!" Said the imps

"Huhuhu look at that dumbass!" Said the Archvile

"And I thought I was fat" Said the Mancubus. "You are fat dumbass" Said the pinky. "Yeah but he looks like 2 million pounds"! "Mancubus, you are 2 BILLION pounds." "Shut up pinky pie >:("

4 rivers of tears ran down the ogre's face as the demons, and John (who is now a zombie), all laughed at the hunchback. "Why do you all hate me ::( " roared the cyberdemon

"Because you're ugly!!" Said the hell knigh. "Look whose talking butt-face" snorted the baron. "Hey fuck you turd sniffer >B(" then all the demons fought eachother while the cyberdemon ran home.

Back at the Tower of Babel, the cyberdemon lies on the floor crying, too fat to shoot the lost souls who fly above him and mock his appearance, he then decides life is too much for him. He begins to raise his canon arm into his mouth when he hears "NO STOP"

The cyberdemon turns to see executive producer of the new doom(tm) Marty Sratton running to his rescue.
"What do you want", "I've come here to tell you that you have too much to live for! Besides you'll only be revived by an Arch-Vile to be made fun of even more." "But why is life worth living for when you live in misery, I know what I must do know, I must kill them all, even those fucking ogres!!" "No cyber, you are the ogres."

The snarky comment makes the cyberdemon loose it, he then commits suicide. But alas he is in hell, so he can't really die.

He now walks the earth, teaching children about the dangers of cyberbullying, along with Steven Sagal, Ronald McDonald, Tobuscus, and that one dude from Breaking Bad. But one day all the children laugh at him, so he kills them. The sudden outburst of evil causes him to loose like a shit ton of pounds, the harvesting of the children's souls cause him to get super fucking shredded as well. "HEAVEN YEAH, IM GONNA RETURN TO HELL AND SHOW THOSE CYBERBULLIES WHOSE BOSS.

He then returns to hell to show those cyber bullies whose boss, much to his dismay, he sees all the demons (minus the mancubus, who died of diabetus) all large, fat, and hunched. " What the full happened here!!" "Being fat is the new cool here in hell, gtfo meat head." Said the demons. "I WILL SHOOT AT YOU" Said the cyber demon, but the ceiling fell and they all died, but they were like resurrected and shit, also they were all given perfect bodies, minus the cyberdemon, who now looks like a halo grunt. The end.

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Zemini said:

So it looks to be like this.


There was a less chaotic land known as Argent D'Nur, this is where the Doomslayer and Night sentinels inhabit. It isn't heaven but it was part of the dimension where hell resides.

Demons conquer Argent D'Nur in the first Age (Great Serpent), and from the ashes rose the DoomSlayer. He is granted powers from the remaining sentinals, and over the eons the slayer kills all in his path. The Doomslayer is also helped by a traitorous demon only known as a wretch.

Doomslayer eventually kills a Titan, and the demon Priest are like "Oh no you didnt!" and entomb him in hell with a warning.

We also have the Second age (Chimera) and the Third Age (Guardian) and now the Fourth age (Unknown lord). Where the Doomslayers crusade takes place is still up to speculation.

Nice! Where did you find all that extra info?

So we will basically be playing a character that is not military at all and is possibly closer to demon than human it seems? I'm sure a lot of people will have some issues with this but I think it's glorious.

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John Doomslayer, you are the prophesied Demonborn. You alone may harness the power of the demonic runes and their ancient magic. Now repeat after me: FUS-RIP-TEAR

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Linguica said:

John Doomslayer, you are the prophesied Demonborn. You alone may harness the power of the demonic runes and their ancient magic. Now repeat after me: FUS-RIP-TEAR

Fus Vaaz Luv

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victorboris1 said:

I'm too lazy to read and anything bigger than three paragraphs is too complex for my feeble mind.

i think You must love Planescape: Torment......

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BluePineapple72 said:

Alright so I found the full story....

Oh come on! id was trying so fucking hard to hide the truth beneath untold miles of Doom's code and you destroyed years of hard work! WEll done!!!!!!)

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Ironhound said:

I mean. I see your point, but its FUCKING DOOM. The series isn't known for its story elements. What the shit happened in Doom 3? Scientist goes mad, scientist kills everyone, scientist gets turned into a bat, marine cleans up the mess.


Take your paragraphs back to Bioshock and Wolf:New Order

damn if you're dense, dude.

it's literally been specified many times earlier in this same thread that the only tidbits of info regarding the game would be mainly about doomguy's past links and would be touched upon in the same manner of doom 3, infinitely less intrusively even. Not to mention how easy to discard for the player it is.

for instance, if you were to take all the side info from every single PDA scattered around the installations in doom 3 and slumped them all into a single comprehensible paragraph you'd end with a literal two page transcript that's even larger than what we got here. Not to account for weapon vids and audio logs from scientists or the often minute-long speeches provided by alive researchers that are literally useless.

it's the same thing being carried over with a bit more of in-depth for players who actively look for it, but without the tedium of having to sit through all of it.

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MetroidJunkie said:

So, basically, he's a human that's filled with so much raw hatred and fury that he makes SATAN fear him. Count on ID to go high octane hardcore.

Yep, Kratos would be proud, although we still don´t know how much human Doomslayer AKA Doomguy is.

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id.dav said:

Oh come on! id was trying so fucking hard to hide the truth beneath untold miles of Doom's code and you destroyed years of hard work! WEll done!!!!!!)

It had to be done, the world needs to know the truth, the words needs to see it as it is, the world needs to see true cyberbullying

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BTW! Do you remember people were a bit concerned about "you are activated to do one thing....", speculating is Doomguy a cyborg or what....id kind a spoiled his origin at e3 already)

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Remember these are all stolen from the old alpha build and most likely do not represent the final plot, though it is pretty dam interesting. Reminds me of some sort of Doom 64 lore..
Likely everything's going to be explained better than these short few paragraphs. Its talking about the UAC conducting top secret tests, opening portals into "hell" Something we've known since Doom's inception..
From what I've read it seems like whatever's on the other side of the dimension starts making everyone go crazy, turning most of the higher UAC staff on Mars into fanatics before the full blown hell invasion. Something similar occurred in Doom 3 with its teleportation subjects going insane, committing suicide etc.

Now about the Doom Marine being some type of "Demigod"
It is possible that the Marine could possibly put on "its" armor, infusing him with powers, collecting life from demons, etc. Like an ancient artifact armor.
Sort of like the same type of "beings" who fought against the demons in Doom3 revealed at the end contained inside the soul cube.
But the "real" story will be revealed in how the game plays, inside its atmosphere and tone. We have always pretty much known what was going to take place, its all about the execution of these events.

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id.dav said:

BTW! Do you remember people were a bit concerned about "you are activated to do one thing....", speculating is Doomguy a cyborg or what....id kind a spoiled his origin at e3 already)

Me in January:

Linguica said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that the Doomguy in the new game is going to turn out to be some sort of clone, or cyborg, or android, or something, as a plot twist.

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My suspicions were crazier, I entertained this notion that Doomguy might actually be an empty armor this time around, powered by sheer rage of innocents slaughtered by Hell throughout countless ages.

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ArchangelOfHell said:

Now about the Doom Marine being some type of "Demigod"
It is possible that the Marine could possibly put on "its" armor, infusing him with powers, collecting life from demons, etc. Like an ancient artifact armor.
Sort of like the same type of "beings" who fought against the demons in Doom3 revealed at the end contained inside the soul cube.
But the "real" story will be revealed in how the game plays, inside its atmosphere and tone. We have always pretty much known what was going to take place, its all about the execution of these events.

It's all but confirmed that you actually play as the DoomSlayer and not a marine who inherits the hell armor. There are audio logs that refer to the current DoomGuy being pulled from his tomb and being 'released' from his prison to stop the demons...So I really think that this isn't really a question anymore based on the info we have. Of course this could have changed, but based on the beta data dive these are the findings.

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Then again, there is also


The info that the armor actually absorbs hell energy (argent energy) and induces it into the guy inside, basically giving him unnatural health and power

Still, the audio logs from


are quite clear, if you ask me.

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So Doomslayer/Doomguy is NOT an asset of humanity. Not a Marine, whose job is to fight for humanity. So, Doomslayer shouldn't be helping humanity "just cause". Possibly, Doomslayer helps them because humans released... it from its prison. But then again, WHY was it prisoned? They should've have thought that first. And then there's the part when its all over. What will Doomslayer do then, stay out of the way? It is not human, nor Hellspawn, but something else. And from what I learned, I don't think Doomslayer has much... virtue... And it feels completely different in the franschise
-One Marine stops Hell from taking over Earth.
-One humanoid creature who wants to claim Hell.

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Voros said:

So Doomslayer/Doomguy is NOT an asset of humanity. Not a Marine, whose job is to fight for humanity. So, Doomslayer shouldn't be helping humanity "just cause". Possibly, Doomslayer helps them because humans released... it from its prison. But then again, WHY was it prisoned? They should've have thought that first. And then there's the part when its all over. What will Doomslayer do then, stay out of the way? It is not human, nor Hellspawn, but something else. And from what I learned, I don't think Doomslayer has much... virtue... And it feels completely different in the franschise
-One Marine stops Hell from taking over Earth.
-One humanoid creature who wants to claim Hell.


Doomslayer has one job, and one job only. Killing demons. He does that for a living, regardless for whom.
Basically, the story goes like this:

Demons attack and nearly whipe out an ancient civilization, which - in it's last moments - creates a hero to fight the demons, and the grant him all the power they have left (Doom 3 anyone???).

The hero - the Hellwalker or Doomslayer - mops hell's floor with the demons in revenge for the destroyed civilization (see Doom 1, but medieval), and even manages to kill one of the all-powerfull titans (looks like Icon of Sin is one of those titans...see Doom 2).

During his working hours of Slaying Doom, he even ravages the plains of hell, for example bringing down what looks like a huge tower, which the UAC later aptly gives the project code "E2M8".

The Demons fear him because of his profession, and create a plan. They lure him to attack one of their biggest outposts/cathedrals/whatever, and while he continues mopping the floor there, they use their power to let the whole thing collaps, basically trapping the Doomslayer in his "tomb". They place sigils on this tomb so every other Demon knows "do not open, contains Doomslayer, best before 4016. Did I say "do not open"?".

The Demons again rule the dimension, fueled by "hell energy", it's what they need to live, and what gives them power. It's also called argent energy. To make it easier to attack other realms, they create the "well", a strong source of hell energy.
The UAC somehow manages to locate this well in the hell dimension, and manage to create a portal to it. With filters, they even manage to use the energy for their own, pushing the research forward with unending amounts of energy ressources.
The flipside is, they also open a portal to said dimension. The UAC beeing the UAC, they want to research this realm, and even form what looks like a pseudo-religious cult within their research ranks, in which it is seen as the highest privilege to once enter hell realm, take research data, maybe even look at the Icon of Sin, and then get torn to shreds by Demons.

Through several expeditions, they manage to bring Demons back to our realm, and the UAC beeing the UAC, immidiately start screwing mechanical things to them because...well...research and bio weapons, and it overall seems like a great idea to enhance a Demon which wants to kill you.

This is all overseen by:
a) Betruger 2.0
b) Samuel (who we don't know that much yet about, at least I couldn't find more than the audio logs)
c) VEGA, an evil AI whose circuitry runs off hell energy at temperatures exceeding the surface of the sun, thus they put him in a large fridge under the ice caps of mars...and one hundred years later blaimed global warming for them shrinking

One of them - Samuel - thinks it's a good idea to release the Doomslayer - who UAC found during one of the operations in hell - to again mop up the floor, after Betruger 2.0 seems to have again lost control/changed sides/whatever, because id and Bethesda needed a new Doom game, and we as Doom fans need new material.

Within this are a couple of Cyberdemons, some overlooming "Mastermind" whose name strangely includes parts of the latin word for spiders (*nudge *nudge), and a chainsaw on Mars.

The End

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