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Doomworld Musicians, serenade us with your beautiful music!

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On 9/25/2022 at 6:25 PM, Arrowhead said:

EDIT: Oh wait, is this just for folks that play instruments?


The first post is 6 years old; I think at this point the thread is for music-makers of all stripes.

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I've posted on this thread more than once, but, not anything in the realm of "best of" compilations for my own favorite tracks for people who haven't heard anything I've posted before or done yet.




I'm actually known somewhat, for this:
Romero just copublished the first game, and I'm still shitting my pants. That is all.

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1 minute ago, dybbuk81 said:

So you made the whole soundtrack, am I understanding correctly?


If so, just wanted to say that I found it very fitting - and I felt like the tracks worked together as an 'album', rather than just a disparate compilation of video game music. I'll have to re-listen!


The game was fun - the soundtrack being a part of that. Great job! :D

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Thanks! I can't take full credit, I enlisted Luke Wilson towards the end who I knew in high school but live states away from now. He did the more metally stuff in the Hell Theme plus most of the main theme and hub background. I did all the rest ;) Now for the sequel we are splitting roles in half...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/17/2022 at 5:35 AM, dial-up said:

Sounds amazing! What software did you use?

I used OpenMPT to make the song, and SNESMOD to convert it to an .SPC file.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I'd bump this with this speed MIDI I made. Made in about 2 hours, influenced by the Rise of the Triad soundtrack, except the paranoia is cranked up to 11. It's kinda weird.



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  • 2 weeks later...
50 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

Listened to the first track, beautiful stuff Essel! Are we likely to see a Spotify release?

Thank you! It's been submitted to Spotify so it should show up there in a few days.

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I wanted to unleash the full power of the Yamaha XG (and also learning about the format in the process), so I remade (Yup, no converting GM midi to XG) of 2 Doom tracks using all the power of XG.

You need a Full XG compatible Module/Softsynth (I used the Yamaha S-YXG50 when making the midis, is software version of the MU50 so that module should work as intended too). It will not work on XGLite format (like S-YXG2006LE) because it doesn't have any Variation nor Chorus effect.

Anyway heres the midis :P

Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names) XG.zip
On The Hunt XG.zip

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is probably one of the best musical experiences of my life. This is what I guess would be deep-cut from an obscure band, C-Tec - which was an industrial super-group that made made some really uncharacteristically human music for the genre. Because the lyrics are a poem by Dorothy Parker, the legalities of doing a cover had a lot of loose ends. I contacted a friend who was in the band, and he got the blessings from the other members under some doable copyright conditions. We asked our friend Eric from Null Device and Klack do some violin, while my wife played synths, sang and played piano. I played bass, bodhran and guitar. 

When we were recording it, my wife and I had received some pretty sad news, and we just threw all of that energy into the song. We released it on Bandcamp without much promotion and it ended up catching on with DJs - despite the morose kind of vibe. We donated 100% of the profits to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to honor Dorothy Parker's memory. Besides taking what was a lot of negative energy and turning it into a positive, the band reposted the track, and for an industrial nerd like me, that was pretty huge. 

Edited by Ed

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like impersonating Liam Gallagher's voice. I even went to a studio once about one year ago and recorded a few Oasis songs in that style:



It's been a while. I would like to drop by a studio soon if possible...

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Put together in 3 days, a dark-ambient/noise album made entirely out of stupid samples. Serene shitposting, if you will.



A collaboration between me, @Velvetic, and @Regular Warren (now known as "The Final Event")


Our Bandcamp pages:






Edited by KeaganDunn

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  • 4 weeks later...


New song off of an as-of-yet-unannounced album. Hopefully out sooner rather than later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Inspired by Aubrey Hodges' track Breath of Horror for the PSX DOOM port, I decided to make this track, with a short recording of me speaking as a basis. (Bonus points if you can guess what I'm saying exactly!)


Download link: https://mega.nz/file/XkIRAQJb#wc7z2BtJi9fdiUwu72z3OtYFoaIXg6BEmaqCxR8HYbk
Please give credit as well as link if used for your own project(s).


Edited by taufan99

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decided to go over the weird experimental prog mood this time. Composed for a MIDI disc project that should hopefully come to fruition soon.


Composed on a Roland SC-8820 using the SC-55 patches just because.


Edited by PsychEyeball

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