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DOOM is getting ripped and torn by negative Steam reviews


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Seriously, what a freaking mess on all fronts. And this is just a MP Beta. Tell you what, when the game ships, I'll be staying away from every gaming related site and every forum until I finish the campaign. I don't want a shitstorm like this to affect my enjoyment of playing such a long awaited game.

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Krimson Madness said:

If your not gonna get the game then you're not a DOOM fan sorry.

I edited this because you also can be a true fan without preordering the game sorry guys.

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Touchdown said:

Seriously, what a freaking mess on all fronts. And this is just a MP Beta. Tell you what, when the game ships, I'll be staying away from every gaming related site and every forum until I finish the campaign. I don't want a shitstorm like this to affect my enjoyment of playing such a long awaited game.

Unfortunately I went from being blinded by hype to being extremely pessimistic, from the information they gave us there is no reason why i don't think this game won't be "hey walk to this marker and do this thing"

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Technician said:

I better start by deleting all my shitty maps and start regretting the two decades of my life wasted. Thanks for setting my priorities straight.

True fans of the franchise are gonna get this game i meant.

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Krimson Madness said:

True fans of the franchise are gonna get this game i meant.

Not necessarily, some true Star Wars fans don't get the prequels, some true Call of Duty fans don't get ghosts. Why? Because those installments of those franchises are bad, and most of those true fans hate them. So for some very valid reasons, a lot of true doom fans are extremely doubting the new doom

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BluePineapple72 said:

Not necessarily, some true Star Wars fans don't get the prequels, some true Call of Duty fans don't get ghosts. Why? Because those installments of those franchises are bad, and most of those true fans hate them. So for some very valid reasons, a lot of true doom fans are extremely doubting the new doom

People are making opinions about others their negative opinion. Wait until the game is out then test everything and only than judge the game. I was a fan of COD until Black Ops 1 (best COD in my opinion) from MW3 until COD now COD isn't true anymore. From what i have seen and played the new DOOM is still true to the franchise.

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They screwed themselves by hiring Certain Affinity, the people responsible for shit MP of the modern era.

It is surprising though how many seem to be interested in a legit arena shooter, at any rate.

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TheWizard said:

I think the biggest problem is people expect to get the same feeling they got when they were kids. Not gonna happen.

I thinks it's the way they're advertising the Multiplayer.

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Alright, after some deep thought and heavy reconsideration, I now want to play the final game more than ever, due to the very anemic amount of information we've gotten on snap map and campaign I've become extremely curious as to how they will be, and I cannot wait to find out

also a leaked arch-vile screenshot could've helped :P

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Steam, are you shitting me?
That community is filled with shit-brained retarded morons who can't do anything else but to bash on every game that doesn't appeal to them, they are toxic.
Avoid it, it's a plague, just like Certain Affinity, who is responsible for this shit modern era MP.
And also who cares about Quake Live, that thing sucks, Q3A is much better since you have mod support for it, whereas in QL you don't.
Then again, haters gonna hate.

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Flesh420 said:

They screwed themselves by hiring Certain Affinity, the people responsible for shit MP of the modern era.

I'm sure they're the cheapest bidder.

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Krimson Madness said:

I also said that true fans are gonna get this game. So you can only contribute to the community if you're a pessimist? I can ask you the same. I'm want everything from this game from preorder bonusses to season pass because i love the franchise and the developer and that alone makes me a true fan. Yeah i'm a DOOM fanboy and i say that with pride.

Are you implying I am not a true fan by disliking what I am seeing and pointing out the faults id and CA have made with this so far? I'd say you're more of a Doom (2016) and Brutal Doom fanboy than a fan in general of the series.

Besides, I have about 20 years of mapping and modding experience behind me as well as an established presence on multiple Doom forums (ZDoom, here and Zandronum). You're just a newcomer beating your chest by the sounds of it.

I don't see much good coming out of the way the multiplayer is being advertised, that on top of open beta not having advanced video options because there's no way I can run the game at high/ultra with my current system specs.

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Those steam reviews are incredibly ridiculous. Looks to be a bunch of people who can't think for themselves repeating each other tbh. Not that every one had to like the game, but c'mon it's all the same bs the shitty review sites are saying. What does everyone expect out of this game?! Jesus fucking Christ

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Glaice said:

on top of open beta not having advanced video options because there's no way I can run the game at high/ultra with my current system specs.

Is it defaulted at max? I was never sure if it was maxed out or set at low/med settings.

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I would assume so since I did not see any options to change general video presets for low/medium/high/v. high/ultra in the video settings. I saw stuff for AA, motion blur, resolution, vsync and a couple others.

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I see what you're saying, but when I saw the screenshots of the advanced menu it looked like everything was greyed out and set to low. Unless it's just there as some sort of a place holder? But I always assumed it was because that's what it was locked into. Could be wrong though.

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Glaice said:

Are you implying I am not a true fan by disliking what I am seeing and pointing out the faults id and CA have made with this so far? I'd say you're more of a Doom (2016) and Brutal Doom fanboy than a fan in general of the series.

Besides, I have about 20 years of mapping and modding experience behind me as well as an established presence on multiple Doom forums (ZDoom, here and Zandronum). You're just a newcomer beating your chest by the sounds of it.

I don't see much good coming out of the way the multiplayer is being advertised, that on top of open beta not having advanced video options because there's no way I can run the game at high/ultra with my current system specs.

I didn't say you werent a true fan. I'm a fanboy of all DOOM games ;) i played DOOM 2 and DOOM 64 the most ;) you can't dislike DOOM after seeing the campaign footage it looked too good, too brutal and too gore. DOOM looks too fun to say i don't wanna play it.

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BluePineapple72 said:

Alright, after some deep thought and heavy reconsideration, I now want to play the final game more than ever, due to the very anemic amount of information we've gotten on snap map and campaign I've become extremely curious as to how they will be, and I cannot wait to find out

also a leaked arch-vile screenshot could've helped :P

Still not sure that thing is the Arch Vile...there are other sources that show a different, more plausible Arch Vile, while the Arch-Arch-Vile could be something different in the story...btw: I am hyped as well

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MrDeAD1313 said:

I see what you're saying, but when I saw the screenshots of the advanced menu it looked like everything was greyed out and set to low. Unless it's just there as some sort of a place holder? But I always assumed it was because that's what it was locked into. Could be wrong though.

I think the Beta auto detects settings on first boot up but looking at the advanced options screen shot doing the rounds it looks like there will be plenty to tinker with.

Regarding the reviews I'm really not surprised, the community is toxic and they have been gunning for this game for a while.

At the moment you got steam stats at 19,000 odd players and it keeps on rising. So it cant be all bad and I imagine many playing don't bother with the forums or take much notice in the reviews as like people said here most of them are no reviews just people crying about it no being the next quake.

Another thing to note, Doom 3 MP failed miserably but (it wasn't great but I had fun playing it) I don't remember the reactions being anything like this.

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yup, don't care. Don't care what anyone else says I'm getting the game, I'm going to play the crap out of it. I highly doubt I'll dislike it. Haven't been disapointed by an id game yet (ignoring Brink, in witch splash damage's fault there.) I quit giving a shit about mp games mostly a long time ago. Killing demons is what I like to do in doom. I'm sure there will be plenty of that.

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archvile82 said:

Another thing to note, Doom 3 MP failed miserably but (it wasn't great but I had fun playing it) I don't remember the reactions being anything like this.

Doom 3 MP had very little advertisement (if nothing at all) if i recall correctly.

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DMPhobos said:

Doom 3 MP had very little advertisement (if nothing at all) if i recall correctly.

Doom 3 MP was tacked on, that was the standard of the era. They added MP to Doom 3 just for the sake of having MP.

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The common consensus number means some like it, some don't, whether the ratio is a high or low number. You might be one of the people who like it, so going by the common consensus is pointless. And not everybody who plays it reviews it.

Personally I do like it quite a bit, very fun. It's free, might as well try it and make up your own mind.

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Steam user reviews are trash, I am frankly surprised that Valve hasn't removed them or at least performed massive overhaul of entire user review scheme by now (either by their own volition, or due to publisher urging as I cant imagine any of them being happy with the current state of things).

Doom Beta is a particularly bad case, as it is free for all, meaning that EVERYONE can download it and leave a "review" - and here we can see results of that.

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Neutrino said:

Steam user reviews are trash, I am frankly surprised that Valve hasn't removed them or at least performed massive overhaul of entire user review scheme by now (either by their own volition, or due to publisher urging as I cant imagine any of them being happy with the current state of things).

Doom Beta is a particularly bad case, as it is free for all, meaning that EVERYONE can download it and leave a "review" - and here we can see results of that.

I don't think valve should remove it, just ideally people think for themselves and don't just go by a common consensus number they see.

For a Doom example comparison, for whatever reason almost every WAD on idgames has around 4 stars. There is zero information to get from that review system, I never use number of stars on idgames to determine anything. It's just a number that's there.

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