TheLastOttoman Posted April 15, 2016 Using it long range with scope doesnt do enough damage to justify its use and the damage close range isn't a good idea either because of its low DPS. Anyone have any advise on this? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arctangent Posted April 15, 2016 I think you pretty much need to go for headshots on the thing. Kills in 8 shots instead of 12 on a 100 / 0 opponent. That said, I'm pretty sure it's more of a support weapon in its current state to pick off runners or just chip away at someone as you approach. Not really sure if it's worth using even then, though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HellVain Posted April 15, 2016 The heavy assault rifle is a mid range weapon with low dps so, I guess use it with a SSG or a rocket launcher so that you can charge and chip away health with it and then use the super shotgun or the rocket launcher so finish him off or glory kill him to earn some exp. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tuo Posted April 15, 2016 I used it quite often during the closed beta, and mostly as a team support weapon, basically chipping away at enemies while the are engaged in battle with a team member. Since it's hitscan, it's a bit more reliable on medium and long range than the plasmagun. It worked quite well, but of course you won't get a high kill count. When I went for points and k/d, I nearly never used it. But as team support weapon, I found it quite usefull, especially since it doesn't create a lot of visible distraction (explosion, plasma bolts etc.) for the one you are supporting it with, so he can stay focused on the target. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HellVain Posted April 15, 2016 DooM_RO said:It's simple. You don't use it. Each to their own tastes my good sir..each to thier own tastes . 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AnonimVio Posted April 15, 2016 It's pissing me off when people post 20 threads saying that the gun sucks and then 20 people reply to them saying that the gun doesn't suck. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT THAT SOME GUNS MIGHT NOT FIT YOUR PLAYSTYLE, AND THAT IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD WITH THEM THAT DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MEAN THEY THEY SUCK? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted April 15, 2016 Two words: SHORT BURSTS (it is mid range, isn't it?) You also need to circle strafe to disorientate the enemy as much as possible. While aiming for the head/chest for best effect (I said chest cause its near the head, so higher chance of headshot if you can't aim properly at it) Wise words from a guy who did three headshots with a rifle against guys weilding a sniper rifle, a lightning gun and a laser gun... in another sci-fi FPS game 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
archvile82 Posted April 15, 2016 AnonimVio said:It's pissing me off when people post 20 threads saying that the gun sucks and then 20 people reply to them saying that the gun doesn't suck. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT THAT SOME GUNS MIGHT NOT FIT YOUR PLAYSTYLE, AND THAT IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD WITH THEM THAT DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MEAN THEY THEY SUCK? You are right on point here, I have seen many youtube vids showing players using all the available weapons effectively. You just need to find the right combo. Mines the plasma rifle and SSG with siphon grenade. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HellVain Posted April 15, 2016 archvile82 said:You are right on point here, I have seen many youtube vids showing players using all the available weapons effectively. You just need to find the right combo. Mines the plasma rifle and SSG with siphon grenade. Plasma rifle? Thats awesome! How do ypu use it effectovely? I can't seem to get a hang with it . Also, my fave loadout is SSG and static canon 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheLastOttoman Posted April 15, 2016 AnonimVio said:It's pissing me off when people post 20 threads saying that the gun sucks and then 20 people reply to them saying that the gun doesn't suck. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT THAT SOME GUNS MIGHT NOT FIT YOUR PLAYSTYLE, AND THAT IF YOU ARE NOT GOOD WITH THEM THAT DOESN'T AUTOMATICALLY MEAN THEY THEY SUCK? I did not say it sucked, i only asked how to use it effectively. Learn how to read. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AnonimVio Posted April 15, 2016 TheLastOttoman said:I did not say it sucked, i only asked how to use it effectively. Learn how to read. I just needed to post this somewhere. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dreamphaser Posted April 15, 2016 HellVain said:Plasma rifle? Thats awesome! How do ypu use it effectovely? I can't seem to get a hang with it . Also, my fave loadout is SSG and static canon Plasma rifle and shotgun is my most used combo and a frag grenade with most loadouts. I usualy get most kills in a match with the frag grenade. its under used by most players. Shotgun for up close, plasma for mid range. grenade for multi purpose except close range :) When using the plasmarifle your positioning is sometimes key. Longer narower ways help your accuracy when shooting from a distance. when your opponent runs sideways next to you think ahead and anticipate his curve. plasma has slower projectiles so yeah ... think ahead. its fun :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HellVain Posted April 15, 2016 Dreamphaser said:Plasma rifle and shotgun is my most used combo and a frag grenade with most loadouts. I usualy get most kills in a match with the frag grenade. its under used by most players. Shotgun for up close, plasma for mid range. grenade for multi purpose except close range :) When using the plasmarifle your positioning is sometimes key. Longer narower ways help your accuracy when shooting from a distance. when your opponent runs sideways next to you think ahead and anticipate his curve. plasma has slower projectiles so yeah ... think ahead. its fun :) I see.. So in a nutshell dont shoot right at him but shoot the direction where he's going. Hmmm i guess i'll go practice my plasmagun skills. I never use plasmaguns on quake 3..and on doom i use it only on singleplayer so i guess i just wqsnt used to it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
tuo Posted April 15, 2016 HellVain said:I see.. So in a nutshell dont shoot right at him but shoot the direction where he's going. Hmmm i guess i'll go practice my plasmagun skills. I never use plasmaguns on quake 3..and on doom i use it only on singleplayer so i guess i just wqsnt used to it. Plasma is no hitscanner, but it shoots very fast projectiles. If the target moves, you still have to lead it. I haven't played Quake 3 in quite some time, but I think the Doom 2016 Beta Plasma Rifle has faster projectiles than Quake 3, so you won't have to lead that much. It least that was how it felt to me during closed beta. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zemini Posted April 15, 2016 I miss the repeater. I loved that gun and everyone else thought it sucked. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
watstha Posted April 15, 2016 Zemini said:I miss the repeater. I loved that gun and everyone else thought it sucked. Yeah, I loved that gun as well, but I recall seeing it in one of the game trailers of the MP, so my guess is that it isn´t cut from the game =D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chubzdoomer Posted April 15, 2016 The heavy assault rifle sucks pretty hard, which is why almost no one ever uses it. Nothing more to say. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AnonimVio Posted April 15, 2016 chubz said:The heavy assault rifle sucks pretty hard, which is why almost no one ever uses it. Nothing more to say. I'm using it very often, just because you aren't good with it doesn't mean the gun is bad. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Chubzdoomer Posted April 15, 2016 AnonimVio said:I'm using it very often, just because you aren't good with it doesn't mean the gun is bad. Its DPS is so horrible, though... I don't see how you can stand it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted April 16, 2016 chubz said:Its DPS is so horrible, though... I don't see how you can stand it. Its fun to have the challenge of strategy rather than force. And feels more realistic, since modern soldiers use such rifles. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ironhound Posted April 16, 2016 Man, the HAR is a real pain to use. Ive found scoping to be kind of useless, as it restricts the view, but I hate sniper weapons to begin with so... ...I use it to soften up targets for the super shotgun, but I suppose its useful in a team role, as you can flank and chip away at enemy targets. That being said, I feel the Plasma and Lightning guns are completely superior for this. The HAR is so inaccurate that I just cannot use it to the same degree as the Lightning gun. I did notice a HAR headshot does 13 damage as opposed to the lightning gun's 10, but thats assuming you hit with the wonky weapon spread. Basically, I think the HAR is too much of a handicap against an equally skilled player armed with pretty much anything else. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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