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Help me understand why people compare this to COD


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Clonehunter said:

As it happens, I always believed that Quake (1) was too fast.

This. I am actually glad Doom isn't as fast as Quake 3. I feel the new Doom walks a nice middleground between slow and too fast.

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People compare it to CoD either because that is only MP-focused shooter they are well familiar with, or because they see that as effective way to insult the game (since it is pretty popular to hate on CoD these days among "cool kids", and comparisons with CoD are mostly used in derogatory manner).

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Sergeant_Mark_IV said:

Actually yes, it makes. Being able to quickly zig-zag and evade enemy's fire, and being able to quickly work around obstacles and confuse enemies about your current position are key elements of Doom 2 and Quake 3 gameplay. Even the player falling speed is slow.

Doom 2 multiplayer is extremely superficial and requires nothing more than good reflexes to trigger the Super Shotgun first and instakill the opponent. The other weapons are barely useful and verticality in gameplay is nonexistent.

Also, 2 weapon loadouts isn't a COD thing.

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Loldoom said:

Doom 2 multiplayer is extremely superficial and requires nothing more than good reflexes to trigger the Super Shotgun first and instakill the opponent. The other weapons are barely useful and verticality in gameplay is nonexistent.

You are ignorant if you actually believe this crap.

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Doomkid said:

You are ignorant if you actually believe this crap.

What's the point of using projectiles or an inaccurate chaingain when you can instakill (or at least cause an absurd amount of damage) someone with a powerful hitscan weapon?

Doom 2 multiplayer _is_ extremely superficial. It's a one weapon, one tactic mode. You can't jump, you can't even aim up or down, so bye bye to rocket jumps and bunny hopping.

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How many minutes have you spent playing Doom2 in deathmatch?

Chaingun is THE go-to long distance weapon. Single-barrel is a good fallback at range, and when combined with some fancy footwork can sometimes trump an SSG wielder simply due to the faster reload. Rockets are great for mid-range distances - Lob a couple of them in the direction your opponent is traveling and the chances of impact are very high. Plasma is the hallway killer, I laugh at your SSG as I sr50 backpedal away and spam you with the blue stuff. The BFG decimates opponents and can be used in various ways. Newcomers will just spam it, but those who take the time to learn how the BFG works will destroy you with their knowledge of this game's fantastic subtle design choices.

No vertical combat? Sure, there's no rocket-jumping or any of that airy fairy stuff, but try out Judas23 and tell me with a straight face that the map isn't all about vertical combat. I personally don't much care for FPS games where you spend the whole thing floating around, anyway.

Map control points are a fun one. In any well designed maps there are going to be some items scattered around. Knowing where they are and hoarding them before your opponent does is just one more key to winning matches. If your opponent has fantastic footwork and aim but ignores items, that can be their Achilles heel. Know where the soulspheres and armors are, especially with repsawn on and dominate those various spots.

I don't know what fantasy world you're living in but Doom deathmatch - especially duels - are very, very heavily skill centric. There are others out there far better than I who can expand further on this I'm sure. But nah, it's all 'superficial', I'm sure you'd easily have mopped the floor with DevastatioN or JKist (just to name a select couple of excellent DMers) at the Quakecon tournament, right? No, you wouldn't have, because you haven't taken the time to learn the game's mechanics and haven't learned to strategize properly around the subtle design choices, both in weapon functionality and various map layouts.

tl;dr - How to spot the Doom DM newbie who's about to get cleaned up: "Omg the SSG is the only good weapon".

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TheWizard said:

Yes, these are borrowed from COD and other games, and yes these affect gameplay, the games themselves however don't play anything alike.

They're call fucking CONCEPTS!!!!!

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well I don't see the comparison, I mean you are a space marine that is fending off an alien invasion..... oh, sorry, I was reciting the plot to halo. you are a marine that is trying to save your homeland from a forien terror....sorry again, I apparently was reciting the plot to call of duty.

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Weapon load outs for the most part

Provided it's not exclusive to cod but it's what cod is known for
Its among the most popular fps in gaming history but mediocres af.

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Doomkid said:

tl;dr - How to spot the Doom DM newbie who's about to get cleaned up: "Omg the SSG is the only good weapon".

No kidding. You didn't even need to type that huge rebuttal, this person has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.

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Use3D said:

No kidding. You didn't even need to type that huge rebuttal, this person has absolutely no clue what he's talking about.

I just wanted to have it typed up and ready, just in case I run into another person spouting similar nonsense :) It doesn't happen often, mind you.

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