Neutrino Posted April 16, 2016 AnonimVio said:I don't think 4,257 people is a minority. You are ignoring the fact that everyone with active steam account can download this beta and, after playing it for a short while, leave a review. Rest assured that fair share of those people had their "reviews" formed in their head the moment they started downloading the game. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted April 16, 2016 Finally checked the Steam page and SHEESH! What did they expect, '90s MP? What FPS game doesn't have MP like that nowadays? They want something completely fresh to live up with the Doom name. Like what? Obviously not GK, nor Demon Runes, or even infinite sprint. They want Doom to be unrealistic, like how it was in the '90s. And aren't happy with this realistic Doom, thus making it generic. Spoiler Fortunately, ITS ONLY A BETA AND THE FINAL PRODUCT WILL HAVE CHANGES BOTH MINOR AND MASSIVE THROUGH THE TESTING OF THE ALPHA AND BETA VERSIONS. Let's no go Duke Nukem Forever yet Oh, now its 35%. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
hardcore_gamer Posted April 16, 2016 What makes the "this isn't exactly like old Doom" complaints even dumber is that trying to copy the old formula exactly into the new game would not even work. The only reason I can run so fast in Doom and still hit anything is because the game doesn't have full mouse aim. When I try playing the game with full mouse aim I have to slow down so I can actually hit anything. Anybody know what the reaction to the beta is on consoles? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Flesh420 Posted April 16, 2016 The beta's allot faster than I thought it would be, and it's not as bad as I thought it would be, either. I'll certainly need to order a new GFX card in the coming weeks. The loadouts do suck and that lobby system is horrid. They really just need to stop with the Console lobby trash. Keep that shit out of pc games. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
hardcore_gamer Posted April 16, 2016 Game is going much better on PS4.!/en-us/games/doom-open-beta/cid=UP1003-CUSA00699_00-DOOMBETA00000001 over 7k ratings and 5 out of 5 stars. Could not find the xbox version. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Neutrino Posted April 16, 2016 hardcore_gamer said:Game is going much better on PS4.!/en-us/games/doom-open-beta/cid=UP1003-CUSA00699_00-DOOMBETA00000001 over 7k ratings and 5 out of 5 stars. Could not find the xbox version. Well, that is something that should have been used right away in response to anyone who claims that user reviews on Steam represent opinion of majority. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
snapshot Posted April 16, 2016 hardcore_gamer said:Game is going much better on PS4.!/en-us/games/doom-open-beta/cid=UP1003-CUSA00699_00-DOOMBETA00000001 over 7k ratings and 5 out of 5 stars. Could not find the xbox version. Could this be what people mean with "Game clearly intended for consoles" =P . 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DecemberMan Posted April 16, 2016 Xbox: 4,5/5 stars 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted April 17, 2016 Looks like the PC gamers are just being jacked up then, with what this being Doom, which had simple DM back then on PC. I guess they don't want any modern features of MP for Doom. Someone really should ask them "how would YOU change it?" 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
sheridan Posted April 17, 2016 Could the Doom fanbois kill Doom? By the looks of it they're trying as hard as they can. Voros said:Someone really should ask them "how would YOU change it?" I think if you go digging, even just the tiniest bit, you will find your answers very quickly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted April 17, 2016 Hopefully, the more modern additions are multiplayer only and the single player will be largely intact. And I'm hoping SnapMap will have enough meat to it to actually make legitimate levels. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
ChickenOrBeef Posted April 17, 2016 MetroidJunkie said:Hopefully, the more modern additions are multiplayer only and the single player will be largely intact. The Campaign and SnapMap will definitely have a number of advantages over the Multiplayer: -Access to entire arsenal at all times -Weapons will all have their proper damage output -In-game music -Faster movement speed (which can be unlocked via the progression system in the Campaign or by simply changing the variable in SnapMap) The Campaign will definitely have more universal praise. There IS going to be some type of progression system in the Campaign though, so I can already see people trashing that. From what we understand though, you can make your character choices pretty early, so it shouldn't upset the people who only want a pure experience from the start. I'm assuming there will be a number of Campaign videos released soon that will go over that stuff. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted April 17, 2016 Quake fanboys are just mad the MP in Q4 sucked and wasn't even made by id. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted April 17, 2016 rileymartin said:Quake fanboys are just mad the MP in Q4 sucked and wasn't even made by id.Same could be for the joke of a MP Doom 3 provided us. I got more enjoyment out of Quake 4's maps than Doom 3's claustrophobic pipe stations. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted April 17, 2016 You could technically say the new Doom wasn't made by "ID" either, since none of the original team is still on board. Unless I'm mistaken. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RobotJoe Posted April 17, 2016 i think a full wheel of weapons is too confusing and cumbersome and I hope they realize the same with the singleplayer and patch in a two weapon limit, that's all we really need i think. I mean having to also learn and memorize where weapons spawn in the maps and having to contest and control those areas is just too much and too hard, i just want to focus on killing dudes!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted April 17, 2016 You could just tie weapons to button combos. Relegate one button to weapon selector and press a second one for the which. A for Pistol, B for Shotgun, X for Chaingun, etc. That would almost double the amount of buttons the controller has to work with. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LittleBurger Posted April 17, 2016 RobotJoe said:i think a full wheel of weapons is too confusing and cumbersome and I hope they realize the same with the singleplayer and patch in a two weapon limit, that's all we really need i think. I mean having to also learn and memorize where weapons spawn in the maps and having to contest and control those areas is just too much and too hard, i just want to focus on killing dudes!! Well there were some matches in the beta where people seemed to not have learned where the Gauss Cannon was in the map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
VGamingJunkie Posted April 17, 2016 RobotJoe said:I mean having to also learn and memorize where weapons spawn in the maps and having to contest and control those areas is just too much and too hard, i just want to focus on killing dudes!! Are you complaining about having to track down weapons? Why not just slap all the players in a small box and eliminate the need to have to actually find each other while we're at it? Really, though, that seems like the wrong thing to complain about since that's half the involvement of shooters like this, even deathmatch in the Original Doom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Almonds Posted April 17, 2016 well I personally am of the idea that the game should come with full-fledged fragmaster support 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RobotJoe Posted April 17, 2016 i think they are already pushing things with having health and armor on the maps, what's wrong with health regeneration, a lot of games use it and a lot of those games are good! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LittleBurger Posted April 17, 2016 RobotJoe said:i think they are already pushing things with having health and armor on the maps, what's wrong with health regeneration, a lot of games use it and a lot of those games are good! The killstreaks! Will no body think of the killstreaks!? Those poor killstreaks. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
RobotJoe Posted April 17, 2016 LittleBurger said:The killstreaks! Will no body think of the killstreaks!? Those poor killstreaks. yeah exactly!! hack modules are cool and all but i would love some traditional kill streaks. What if like instead of the demon rune spawning in periodically u got to be it after a set amount of kills, kinda like juggernaut or something. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Almonds Posted April 17, 2016 um killstreaks were a thing in UT so are they an inherently bad feature now or 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LittleBurger Posted April 17, 2016 Almonds said:um killstreaks were a thing in UT so are they an inherently bad feature now or Naw, only became a bad feature when CoD decided to use them with their games that are released yearly. Now they will likely always be looked upon bad while CoD is alive and kicking. Even if the game (CoD) itself wasn't really that bad for what it was (that new one each year thing sort of killed it for me at least). 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
TheMightyHeracross Posted April 17, 2016 RobotJoe said:i think they are already pushing things with having health and armor on the maps, what's wrong with health regeneration, a lot of games use it and a lot of those games are good! You just called Doom '16 "watered down baby halo" in the "Why All the Hate" thread. Now you want HP Regen? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
HavoX Posted April 17, 2016 LittleBurger said:The killstreaks! Will nobody think of the killstreaks!? Those poor killstreaks. Damn fucking straight; you should be rewarded for all the effort you put into by having a killing spree. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AirRaid Posted April 17, 2016 LittleBurger said:Naw, only became a bad feature when CoD decided to use them with their games that are released yearly. Now they will likely always be looked upon bad while CoD is alive and kicking. Even if the game (CoD) itself wasn't really that bad for what it was (that new one each year thing sort of killed it for me at least). Whoa whoa whoa, let's analyse this for a second before we jump on the PEOPLE SAY IT SUCKS JUST BECAUSE COD bandwagon. UT's "Killstreaks" - get 10 kills, the announcer yells UNSTOPPABLE etc, a message pops up to all other players, "AirRaid is Unstoppable!". AirRaid needs to keep playing hard to earn his next kills. Call of Duty's killstreaks - get 10 kills, player get's given a goddamn aerial gunship which grants them 20-30 seconds of easy as fuck kills, unbalancing the match. THere's a reason the killstreak system in Call of Duty is as polarising as it is. People who are good enough to abuse it love it, and everyone else spends half the match getting boned by unavoidable bullshit they can do nothing about. Doom is in the first category though. You just get an announcement that you're doing well, and you don't get any tangible reward for it. As an aside, the more recent CoDs use a "scorestreak" system which actually rewards objective play as well, and actually is a hell of a lot better than straight up killstreaks. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DooM_RO Posted April 17, 2016 Look who found our little thread. WARNING: The people there are garbage. Read at your own risk. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
watstha Posted April 17, 2016 DooM_RO said:Look who found our little thread. WARNING: The people there are garbage. Read at your own risk. Ugh! Once seen, never unseen... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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