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There should be a campaign or mode where you play as a demon decimating the UAC.

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The AvP games explored this kinda thing a little bit.

I'd enjoy more games where you play as some kind of villain (like Legacy of Kain where you're a vampire etc), just for variety.

The Darkness II is a fun shooter where you have little demon buddies and stuff and do kooky stuff with your evil powers.

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Oh no no no no no.
We don't need another Doom: Rampage Edition. One was already bad enough...

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HavoX said:

Oh no no no no no.
We don't need another Doom: Rampage Edition. One was already bad enough...

I think there's actually ways this kind of mode could be clever and fun. Keep ramping up the number of marines thrown at you, with bigger weapons, more clever ambushes, etc. Maybe they even try to cage you with obvious traps etc and you have to shoot some thingy to open the cage etc.

Granted, id putting this much time into a pretty niche idea might not be worth their time to them, but I could see ways where it would be a fun little campaign.

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I can see a demon mode being a fun thing from a hypothetical standpoint, particularly in a multiplayer context (demon team vs marine team). Though being very asymmetrical would pose some pretty hard design challenges. That's probably why they made "demon mode" limited to a super power through the demon runes to begin with. It doesn't matter that it's not balanced to the capabilities of a marine because that's exactly the point.

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HavoX said:

Oh no no no no no.
We don't need another Doom: Rampage Edition. One was already bad enough...

Conceptually, DRE was great - I think the idea could be pulled of well, but what we got was.. Gross.

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A Demon campaign is very unlikely. But if it were to happen I believe You would play as a corrupted Human who possesses the power to meta-morph limbs or your entire body into demonic forms. Having only 2 to 3 weapons / attacks just won't work, but allowing you to become a wall crawling prowler at will or via unlocks to enter unreachable locations is a fun concept (like AvP) or you could consume souls of victims to feed your morphing powers and transform to a Hellknight like beast which would be a berserk mode for the bad guys and so on.

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Playing as an archvile, I imagine an archvile could have a nice variety of attacks; slashing, dismembering, burning and resurrecting fallen demons to aid him.

He's also a demon who could move relatively fast.

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Xerge said:

Playing as an archvile, I imagine an archvile could have a nice variety of attacks; slashing, dismembering, burning and resurrecting fallen demons to aid him.

He's also a demon who could move relatively fast.

Yeah, an Archvile campaign would add some much needed speed and mobility to the game.

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Doomkid said:

Conceptually, DRE was great - I think the idea could be pulled of well, but what we got was.. Gross.

Besides, there are other mods that handled playing as Doom monsters drastically better than Rampage Edition did.

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Piper Maru said:

Which demon would be most suitable for a campaign?

Probably none of them, because they all would have balance issues, most of which is the slow movement speed of half the roster (playing as a Mancubus would be such a slog)
A campaign would need to be cut into sections where you play as different monsters. Revenant has a jetpack and could have a cool outer space section in low gravity. An Archvile (or rather Summoner) where you bring in other demons while also melee-ing marines. And then to top it all off a Baron of Hell section where you just decimate everyone to clean up.
And then a small Cyberdemon section as a hidden easter egg.

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Why not just the Revenant?
It can fly.
It can melee (hopefully)
It moves really really fast
It has decent amount of health.

Some SnapMap tweaking with the demon then Done!

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Chezza said:

A Demon campaign is very unlikely. But if it were to happen I believe You would play as a corrupted Human who possesses the power to meta-morph limbs or your entire body into demonic forms.

That sounds highly contrived and unusual. Definitely not the kind of idea I would expect.

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I would love to see marines v(ersu)s DOOM 2's enemies. Maybe Natural Selection type of game too?

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