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How To Stop Setting Yourself Up for Disappointment

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Here are the common reasons why the new Doom is being bashed, and why these mindsets will ultimately leave you disappointed:

1) Doom '16 does not look or feel enough like old Doom.

This is not going to be a new, high-res 3D model version of old Doom. This is a separate game. While it is returning to the originals' roots, in a way, it is also updating Doom into modern times, with a few modern features (Some, like character progression and customization, that I agree with, and some, like loadouts, that I don't agree with so much). If you really want a classic Doom experience, play classic Doom. The objective here, however, is to bring the old franchise into the modern era, which, in my opinion, it is doing quite well.

2) The words "arena shooter" are thrown around- people are enraged that new Doom is not as fast as Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament

But Doom was never Quake 3 or Unreal Tournament. While some elements of the multiplayer are similar (item control, movement over cover), they still play differently. The two games above have always been faster than Doom multiplayer (especially due to bunnyhop), even with more updated ports like Zandronum or ZDaemon, which bring freelook, jumping, and higher player count into play. Generally, Doom is played at lower FOV, focuses less on vertical gameplay (rocket jump, plasma climb), and, especially with lower player counts or duels, is more careful in gameplay than Quake 3, because unlike the main weapons in that game, which are the rocket launcher and the railgun, which can be dodged easier, Doom gameplay revolves largely around the shotguns and the BFG, which are hitscan-based in play, besides the BFG ball. Not solely around those weapons, of course, but that still applies to other weapons: chaingun is also hitscan, and the rocket launcher and plasma rifle are faster and harder to dodge. So, if people enter Doom '16 expecting gameplay like Quake, they will be disappointed.

In short, do not play Doom '16 expecting a game you would think was made in 1996-2004, or expecting a remake of old Doom. Instead, expect a game that attempts to merge the old and new eras of shooters- that is the real purpose of a reboot. Something which, if you ask me, this game is pulling off very well compared to other reboots such as Shadow Warrior or DNF.

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TheMightyHeracross said:

In short, do not play Doom '16 expecting a game you would think was made in 1996-2004, or expecting a remake of old Doom. Instead, expect a game that attempts to merge the old and new eras of shooters- that is the real purpose of a reboot. Something which, if you ask me, this game is pulling off very well compared to other reboots such as Shadow Warrior or DNF.

This. This is exactly what I've been saying in regards to DOOM '16. I'm glad there's at least someone who thinks likewise.

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Yeah, the game is its own beast, can't be comparing it to the old stuff.

But I do think the new shadow warrior is fantastic though. SW2 is gonna be great as well.

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I've never played the new Shadow Warriors, sorry to say. They don't look faithful to me, but they look fantastic in their own right. I was making the comparison in terms of how I defined a reboot.

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Silverforte said:

But I do think the new shadow warrior is fantastic though. SW2 is gonna be great as well.

We're talking about the New Doom .

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Exactly, the main thing that that kept doom alive all these years were the Maps and the mods, only a handful play deathmatch on doom nowadays. Thats what separates doom and quake, what kept quake alive was the multiplayer aspect while in doom it was always you against a very difficult or a very well designed WAD.

We enjoy wads very much theres no denying that, whether it be an engaging story driven map, a mod thay changes gameplay and enemies, or even just simple slaugjter maps, we enjoy it. Since this is a new era of course modding wont be the same for the new doom, thats why they made snapmap,no its not forge though similar, they made snapmap so we can enjoy maps that can be made without the frustrations pf digging through code and re-writing the game altogether. You can even change enemies and models to match whatever it is your making.

All in all, i think those reviews are bollocks, i even read that doom ripped the halo reach armors. To me, doom was never a pvp game, it was always blasting armies of demons with a shotgun.

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

We're talking about the New Doom .

He literally mentioned Shadow Warrior in the OP, what the fuck was the point of your post?

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What about the bugged weapon sounds? Bethesda has a reputation for never fixing bugs, so this is worrying.

What about the way they are locking it down to just the one "approved" experience? No custom servers, no customizing the stock maps, no word on modding aside from the Lego maps that they'll retain copyright on?

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AirRaid said:

He literally mentioned Shadow Warrior in the OP, what the fuck was the point of your post?

He mentioned it just to compare .

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And silverforte was calling into question the validity of that comparison, which was a valid point. Your post was garbage.

What's even more garbage is this argument so let's drop it.

OP makes some valid points. A lot of the negativity for this is spawning from unrealistic or flat out erroneous (like, things which have been shown or told to be not part of the game) expectations.

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AirRaid said:


Well my post was based on what i read from the very first post, the other guy was like going off-topic and Talking about SW instead , when thread owner made the comparison in terms of how he defined a reboot.

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How To Stop Setting Yourself Up for Disappointment? Just play COD for hours and then switch to new doom, you cant be disappointed at all. ^^

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Oh, it's you.
You say that as if the new Doom is anything remotely like CoD, which it's not:

-No regen. At all.
-No reloading
-Way faster movement speed, and no limited sprint
-Adjustable FOV (which notably makes the game seem faster- compare 110 to 90)
-HP/Ammo/Powerup/Demon rune/Power weapon pickups
-All weapons are different and have unique roles (CoD basically has a million machine guns (assault rifles count here, gameplay-wise), snipers, shotguns, and rocket launchers. They're all mostly the same. Doom's weapons are all different (an assault rifle, a chaingun, a single and double shotgun, plasma rifle, rocket launcher, lightning gun, sniper, static cannon), and even the weapons that are kind of similar, such as HMG/Chaingun or the Sniper/Static Cannon have distinct uses.

None of this like CoD.

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Which is kind of his point. He's trying to say that if you play Call of Duty for a while, anything else at all will instantly feel better because Call of Duty is so bad lolz!

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^ I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic. Not sure though.â„¢

(I wasn't referring to that post you linked though.)

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AirRaid said:

OP makes some valid points. A lot of the negativity for this is spawning from unrealistic or flat out erroneous (like, things which have been shown or told to be not part of the game) expectations.

Yeah, if we just learn to be complacent about mediocre game designs, Doom ends up looking pretty good. Nice logic AirRaid.

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TheGamePhilosophe said:

Yeah, if we just learn to be complacent about mediocre game designs, Doom ends up looking pretty good. Nice logic AirRaid.

"I ONLY play the most SOPHISTICATED of video games! *snooort* Those filthy peasants don't even KNOW what good taste is! *SNOOOOORT*"

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This discussion reminds me so much of the threads around Doom 3's release. The utter disappointment that it wasn't just Doom with next gen graphics. Honestly I think the overanalyzing of everything before the game is even out is part of the problem, which is why I mostly stick to the Classic Doom forums. If you go into the game with expectations and knowing too much about it already, you're just doing yourself a disservice. Just play the game the way they made it with no preconceptions and see how you really like it without having so many things (pre-release info that you're bound to take out of context without the rest of the game around it, other people's reactions to said unreliable info, etc) shape your opinion.

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Doom64hunter said:

"I ONLY play the most SOPHISTICATED of video games! *snooort* Those filthy peasants don't even KNOW what good taste is! *SNOOOOORT*"

Don't you just lament the fact that the sophistication of our beloved game is being molested by the banal process know as "consolization", I.D. is ruining the sanctity of our beloved franchise!!

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I don't really understand the point of this thread. Who on this board ever had these expectations about the new Doom? Threads like this are just preaching to the choir.

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sheridan said:

I don't really understand the point of this thread. Who on this board ever had these expectations about the new Doom? Threads like this are just preaching to the choir.

Pretty sure it's mainly has to do with the frothing rage on steam about the beta.

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I agree with the OPs point and can't say I would prefer new doom any other way. Other than the balancing. But it's the singleplayer that matters the most. Or at least until I over play it and rely on snapmap creations.

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TheGamePhilosophe said:

Yeah, if we just learn to be complacent about mediocre game designs, Doom ends up looking pretty good. Nice logic AirRaid.

I'm not saying we should. But the number of people complaining that this game (the MP at least which we have played now) is a mediocre design is vastly in the minority. People are not saying "Doom MP is meh because the design isn't good enough" people are saying "Doom MP is bad because it is not like Quake 3". This is not a commentary on bad design, this is an unrealistic expectation for a non Quake game to be exactly like Quake.

The only person here I've really seen actually voicing a considered, objective opinion about the design of the MP without resorting to comparing it negatively to other titles is Shaviro, and he got shouted down.

sheridan said:

Who on this board ever had these expectations about the new Doom? Threads like this are just preaching to the choir.

Yeah nobody on Doomworld at all wanted a hi res remake of Doom or a new fast paced Arena shooter exactly like Quake. Yep, no-one at all. Are you serious?

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AirRaid said:

But the number of people complaining that this game (the MP at least which we have played now) is a mediocre design is vastly in the minority.

If you're referring to the world at large, I would say that the exact opposite is true.

AirRaid said:

People are not saying "Doom MP is meh because the design isn't good enough" people are saying "Doom MP is bad because it is not like Quake 3". This is not a commentary on bad design, this is an unrealistic expectation for a non Quake game to be exactly like Quake.

It's not an expectation for it to be *exactly* like Quake, but it is vested in the assumption that Doom and Quake are born of roughly the same design (which they pretty much are) and that the new Doom has regressed highly, past even the point of Doom's level of complexity and strength of design.

AirRaid said:

Yeah nobody on Doomworld at all wanted a hi res remake of Doom or a new fast paced Arena shooter exactly like Quake. Yep, no-one at all. Are you serious?

Completely. To my knowledge, 80% of the forum has been racing to defend Doom against an onslaught of criticism coming from the entire rest of the world. Another 10% like the game but don't care about the hate, and the other 10% of forum goers who are similarly dissatisfied just don't care. But maybe I've just been looking at all the wrong posts.

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It's so strange to see people arguing for modernity or bridging the gap between eras when everything about Doom 2016 feels like something that came out of 2007, perhaps 2010 at best.

There's been no shortage of soft innovation in the latest years. Do you guys not play video games or something? Look at Dying Light, Evolve, Rust, Overwatch... Parkour, invasions, asymmetrical balance, open world, MOBA; those are the subgenres of the current times, not decade old loadouts and announcers.

Incidentally, once you expand your horizons beyond CoD and Halo you will be able to understand why disgruntled commenters call Doom 2016 the same thing. Slapping a hell theme on your standard deathmatch shooter will not be enough to convince players used to a much wider range of gameplay types.

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You raise an interesting point, and my mind actually goes to some John Romero interview I remember reading a while ago where he said roughly that his vision for multiplayer in Doom3 (provided he had designed the game) would've been a large-scale battlefield-esque type game, which for the time (early 2000s) was clearly a bit ahead of the curve. I wish I could find that interview so it wouldn't seem like I was talking out of my hat, but when you mentioned open worlds and other playstyles I just thought it was worth mentioning.

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