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was the weapon res too high?

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am i the only one who thinks doom would look better with lower resolution hud sprites? i find the way the sprites look when you get close to a wall or monster way too jarring, anyone else feel the same way? would doom look better if the weaopons were more around the resolution of wolfenstein?

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I strongly disagree, and in fact like my smooth weapon animations mod to improve their quality. You can lower the resolution of my weapons when you pry them from my cold, dead hands!

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I don't think it would look better, but I definitely know what you mean, seeing a relatively well-detailed weapon juxtaposed against a grid of giant pixels when you're up near a wall.

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Rather than humping walls, I think more playing time is spent enjoying the glorious pixelated scenery of the game at a distance. Wolf3D resolution weapons would clash much worse with the world assets at common gameplay distances I think.

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raymoohawk said:

am i the only one who thinks doom would look better with lower resolution hud sprites?

You probably are, yes.

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Well, take a look at this then:


How is this any better? I may be biased because I played Doom first, then Wolf3D, but I simply never "got" why the weapons looked like crap, when, since they were basically overlays, they could have been drawn without the same restrictions that applied to the other sprites. OK, Wolf3D may have gotten away with it because of the novelty factor of the entire game, and because the weapon "animations" weren't all that elaborate. But can you imagine Doom's shotgun cycling animation with Wolf3D-ish detail? Ugh...

Edit: now that I think about it, Wolf3D's weapons may have been designed to look their "best" at the smallest possible view window size, so we spoiled max/full-screeners just saw enlarged versions of them.

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I see what you're getting at, but I still prefer detailed weapon sprites.

Since you're helping me with ZQ assets, I should mention the clashing won't be as bad since not only will the default resolution be 400x224 and will thus look like Doom's in terms of resolution (I intend to add some scaling when moving forward/backward, hence why I requested extra resolution, to avoid having big pixels), and the in-game assets will be generally 2x resolution.

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For me a bigger problem is the fact that the distance doesn't affect the sky but does affect all other textures. Also kinda clashing and looks weird if you think about it too much.

I guess the same could be said about the status bar, but it kind of feels like a separate part of the display so maybe it's okay.

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Never has it crossed my mind that they would look "better", but I have wondered what they would look like if shoehorned into Wolf3D.

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Well, in vanilla Doom, hit F5 (low detail) and play with a smaller window size, and you'll get a much more consistent look ;-)

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The weapon resolution is perfect as is, IMO. It feels right being greater than the resolution of other things in the game, as you naturally always see your weapons being close to your POV, while you generally don't spend much time standing closely against walls or things during normal gameplay.

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The highly detailed weapon sprites is one of Doom's signature visual effects IMO. I still remember how unique it looked when I first played it.

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Doom weapons were more detailed for the same reason that first person guns in today's games tend to have more polygons and better textures, because they're what's in your face 24/7. Unless you hump walls, you're generally not going to be that close to them so they prioritize the quality of the thing that's going to be constantly close to you.

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Maes said:

Well, in vanilla Doom, hit F5 (low detail) and play with a smaller window size, and you'll get a much more consistent look ;-)

I've done this but with the border so it looks like Wolf3D at its max window size. Low detail actually makes the abstract landscapes look better.

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Doomkid said:

Never has it crossed my mind that they would look "better", but I have wondered what they would look like if shoehorned into Wolf3D.

You mean like this?

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^ INB4 Sodaholic says that they'd be in the wrong aspect ratio, to begin with :-p

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The Jaguar version of Wolfenstein 3D used some shoehorned in Doom weapons sprites for some reason, I guess to unconsciously promote the Jaguar port of Doom.

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The jarring thing for me is that the player floats around smoothly while the guns are janky, like the attrocious SSG reloading animation .... oh god why

Thank god for mods.

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MetroidJunkie said:

The Jaguar version of Wolfenstein 3D used some shoehorned in Doom weapons sprites for some reason, I guess to unconsciously promote the Jaguar port of Doom.

Maybe they used them because they didn't want to use the ass-ugly Wolf3D sprites and the Doom ones were the next best thing compared to drawing them from scratch.

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Actually, they already had high res versions of the Wolf 3D weapons, which the 3DO version uses:

The SNES version also "technically" uses them, even though the actual sprites and textures aside from that are even lower res than the original PC version.

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SNES Wolf used half-resolution walls, but full resolution sprites.

Also, the Mac/3DO weapon sprites are just ugly upscales of the SNES ones, they're not truly detailed.

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raymoohawk said:

am i the only one who thinks doom would look better with lower resolution hud sprites?

your wish is my command


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Not really any different than playing in low-detail mode back in the day, but with somehow crisper textures/sprites EXCEPT for your weapon. Kinda feels wrong, like the player is inferior or something.

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