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was the weapon res too high?

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Maes said:

Well, take a look at this then:



How is this any better? I may be biased because I played Doom first, then Wolf3D, but I simply never "got" why the weapons looked like crap, when, since they were basically overlays, they could have been drawn without the same restrictions that applied to the other sprites. OK, Wolf3D may have gotten away with it because of the novelty factor of the entire game, and because the weapon "animations" weren't all that elaborate. But can you imagine Doom's shotgun cycling animation with Wolf3D-ish detail? Ugh...

Edit: now that I think about it, Wolf3D's weapons may have been designed to look their "best" at the smallest possible view window size, so we spoiled max/full-screeners just saw enlarged versions of them.

The thing about Wolf3D's weapon sprites is that they're stored in the same data space (and format) as every other sprite and wall texture in the game, which limits them to 64x64 pixels. There are really only two screen sizes that display the graphics "properly" (one at native resolution, one at 2x native). It's just that the screen size can also go a notch or two lower - and several notches higher - than either of those.

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I still happen to think it looks better to have the weapons be of a higher quality since they're right in front of your face. Most of the time, you aren't face first into a wall so it won't look too pixelated so your gun shouldn't either. There's no reason to make it low res, anyway, since it doesn't have to be rendered in 3D space, it's just slapped over the screen.

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MetroidJunkie said:

I still happen to think it looks better to have the weapons be of a higher quality since they're right in front of your face. Most of the time, you aren't face first into a wall so it won't look too pixelated so your gun shouldn't either. There's no reason to make it low res, anyway, since it doesn't have to be rendered in 3D space, it's just slapped over the screen.

Yes I think this explains it well.

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raymoohawk said:

am i the only one who thinks doom would look better with lower resolution hud sprites? i find the way the sprites look when you get close to a wall or monster way too jarring, anyone else feel the same way? would doom look better if the weaopons were more around the resolution of wolfenstein?

Stop whining and go back to making sprites for Hdoom, this isn't such a big deal. (this isn't an insult, more of an encouragement)

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kuchitsu said:

For me a bigger problem is the fact that the distance doesn't affect the sky but does affect all other textures.

Eh? It's the sky, that's the whole point - when you move "towards" it you're moving an infinitesimal fraction, as opposed to how far you're moving towards the wall that's twenty feet away from you.

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I don't know, I don't think about it in realistic terms. I just notice that most of the textures change their appearance when I'm moving but this one doesn't and it feels weird somehow if I think about it too much.

Also if you keep turning right, left, right, left and staring at the sky, you sometimes can kinda notice its "walls". I've heard that it's like a cylinder. Looks freaky when you notice it.

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kuchitsu said:

Also if you keep turning right, left, right, left and staring at the sky, you sometimes can kinda notice its "walls".

Well, if you've been playing Doom: Rampage Edition, they ARE actually walls *grin*

I've heard that it's like a cylinder. Looks freaky when you notice it.

Vanilla Doom has only a sort of horizontally stretched "fisheye" effect for the whole view, in addition to one applied specifically to the sky. More advanced ports have more sky rendering options, including flat, proper cylinder, sphere etc.

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