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Pinky shot on the gamestop cards


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A better shot of the pinky here

Not some huge news but I am sick of talking about the beta and want to talk about what really is important ... the demons

From left to right:

Lost Soul?
Hell Knight?

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That pinky looks different than as seen in the older vids. I wonder if the model was altered some or it only looks radically different due to the lighting.

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They stated a while back that most enemies will have a few visual variants, to make hordes and mobs of enemies look a little more varied.
That's really fucking cool though.
It actually looks like his hind-legs are totally mechanical in this version, as opposed to the normal variant.

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The Civ said:

They stated a while back that most enemies will have a few visual variants, to make hordes and mobs of enemies look a little more varied.
That's really fucking cool though.
It actually looks like his hind-legs are totally mechanical in this version, as opposed to the normal variant.

And the cool thing I noticed is that it looks like biomechanical in the sense that it looks like demonic technology as opposed to human technology! =D

Maybe that's just my observation though. :3

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The Pinky is pretty cool and brutal looking. But I doubt we will face many of these big guys in a single battle, they might be almost as rare as Doom 3 Pinkies.

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Chezza said:

The Pinky is pretty cool and brutal looking. But I doubt we will face many of these big guys in a single battle, they might be almost as rare as Doom 3 Pinkies.

Well there was 2 mancus, 2 revenants and 4 knights in hell gameplay.

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a thought just bounced back on my mind again after so long.

whatever happened to that guy in charge of designing the demons in Doom 4 a couple years ago, who basically wanted every monster in the game to be anatomically correct including genitalia?

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Almonds said:

a thought just bounced back on my mind again after so long.

whatever happened to that guy in charge of designing the demons in Doom 4 a couple years ago, who basically wanted every monster in the game to be anatomically correct including genitalia?

Probably the guy who made the new demon designs we see.... I mean I know the new Doom will probably have anatomically correct demons, because the gore is anatomically correct... so much so that it made people who are not gore-enthusiasts rage quit a bit.

Ah well, I'm a gore-enthusiast (at least in works of fiction, I'm not a psychopath or anything. =P), and quite frankly I <3 the gore in the new Doom! =D

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Cool. Thanks for sharing!

And yes I am sick to death of the MP as well. Lets hope the SP campaign is in a whole class of its own and will blow us all away (and I do mean all of us). Having variants of the monsters is already wickedly cool. They actually have different behaviors too you know! Like the fireball shooting mancubus (yellow) and acid spraying mancubus (green). Its not a fair stretch to assume this is true for the other variants as well. :)

I wonder whether the "elite guards" that were mentioned in the gameinformer articles are just variants or are actually "custom" specials. We know that in snapmap you can dial up monster health and change their color. How sick would it be if "elites" would be varied in that manner and more? An elite could have higher health, more damage output or even be faster?

There some speculation, lets have fun. ^_^

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BluePineapple72 said:

Man i sure do hope we get to see some sweet demon ass

people will most probably be satisfied enough on this regard, that much I'm willing to say.

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Hmmm. had (2) collectors editions ordered through gamestop (1 online, 1 in store, also 1 from amazon that I'll give away on Doomworld later in May), though they did not mention these being included. Regional only?

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Buckshot said:

Hmmm. had (2) collectors editions ordered through gamestop (1 online, 1 in store, also 1 from amazon that I'll give away on Doomworld later in May), though they did not mention these being included. Regional only?

I think you walk into gamestop and just ask for the cards they will give them to you

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mistercow said:

I think you walk into gamestop and just ask for the cards they will give them to you

I do have the (3) cards they've already released, the revenant/mancubus/cacodemon, and next months is supposed to be a cyberdemon. But they're not foil collectors cards like the ones in the pictures here, and they're not handing out a full set for free to walk-ins (just 4), or so I thought.

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Where did you find these, by the way, and when will they be available?
I'd really love to pick these up at some point.

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The back of each card gives some intel on that respective demon:

It's interesting how each demon has two weapons they're "vulnerable" to. If certain weapons simply cause more damage to certain demons, then that's a pretty big change to the Doom formula that hasn't really been talked about yet.

Unless of course certain weapons DO NOT cause more damage, but are simply recommended because of how they work.

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tjat pinky demon is totally beautiful, tho i still wich they had the doom 3 pinki as well as a different monster, kinda like they have both the classic baron and d3 hellknight

i keep misreding the treahd title as panty shot XD

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So that's it then. Official answers to the age old questions of "how do cacodemons open doors?" and "how do cacodemons fly?"

Psionics, son.

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ChickenOrBeef said:

Unless of course certain weapons DO NOT cause more damage, but are simply recommended because of how they work.

If we're lucky, the Cacodemons will work like the old ones where you can stunlock them with a chaingun.

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Those are weaknesses straight out of classic Doom, but I guess that really isn't much of a surprise.

( as in, "riddle it with bullets to keep it from being able to act" and "blasting it in one shot before it can wreck you" )

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The pinky in the trailer looks unarmored compared too this guy. So I guess we have the Spectre, naked pinky and armored pinky variants so far.

I hope I can fight a dozen of these at the same time. Nothing says classic doom SP like back peddling against a horde of these assholes.

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Zemini said:

The pinky in the trailer looks unarmored compared too this guy. So I guess we have the Spectre, naked pinky and armored pinky variants so far.

No, he just has a different colour scheme. The Pinky in the video also had those bone plates, but in a strawberry marshmellow taste.

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