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DOOM - Exclusive SnapMap and Singleplayer Streams


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pro_zealot said:

So they changed multiplayer?

Its seems that weapons were more powerfull and gameplay was way faster than in beta.

They said that they used snap map to change the game speed and weapon damage

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pro_zealot said:

So they changed multiplayer?

Its seems that weapons were more powerfull and gameplay was way faster than in beta.

I think this has always been the intention. Set a standard in the retail, and let
people be creative, including modifying weapons, removing loadouts, being able
to pick up weapons, changing parameters of almost everything they offer.
and who knows hell level editing needs to be unlocked by those snappoints ?
could that be a valid train of thought ?

many people were just too quick to judge the whole game on just what they've seen.

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DooM_RO said:

On the flipside, creating new modes and gameplay is going to be a lot easier, which seems to be the main focus this time around.

Yeah, unfortunately this doesn't really interest me creatively as much as pure map making does. I'll probably play stuff that people make, but I probably won't spend a lot of time in the editor.

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Thinking more about it, what I really like is the idea of up to four different "teams". Allthough there is the limit to four players, this opens up cool possibilities for maps, like competition at who kills the boss first and stuff like that.

What I also like is the idea of iteration. Everyone can take a cool map, and expand on it, tweak it, add piss-filter to piss people off (just kidding). Seriously, it seems like they really spent a whole lot of thinking and work into this. It doesn't feel "tacked on", but even more like a sub-culture of the game. They did understand after all what made original Doom interesting to this day, because it is not that hard to expand upon.

Throwing in new prefabs along the road is a great way of keeping it fresh. Like a new set of prefabs comes out, and people take the most played maps and mods and expand on them, give them new twists etc.

It won't offer the freedom of an open sourcecode and full-blown map editors, but if the gameplay feels good, what's bad about playing some new SnapMap map every day and having fun?

Okay...now if Wednesday is another cool stream, I really don't know what to do between then and May 13th....

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Deatheye said:

after seeing this awesome snapmap showcase, what could the haters now hate on?

You mean besides the utterly terrible idea of snappoints? I mean I don't know how much snapmap content has to be unlocked via snapmap grinding, but just the very idea alone of having to grind XP to unlock features in a level editor makes me want to kill myself. The very moment I heard the words snappoints in the stream an ice cold feeling of disbelieve went through my body. "No, just no. There is no fucking way. They can't POSSIBLY be THIS fucking stupid".

If the stuff you unlock for snapmap via snappoints is only cosmetic perhaps this isn't THAT bad, but just the premise of this alone makes me angry.

And it's not like the actual stream itself was very good either. I fucking hated that girl and her annoying laughter. And I got pissed when she suggested that the dev NOT play that E1M2 remake even though it was the single most interested thing there. The actual stream itself also showed us shockingly little new information we did not know before. The only only interesting pieces of info is that we can prevent enemies from dropping loot (which is good) and that snappoints unlock more stuff (bad). I also hated it how 90% of the stream was just them playing shitty mini-games while spending little time actually making content with the editor.

Overall the stream was pretty meh. I am still looking forward to playing the game and I think snapmap will be good overall, but this stream was honestly just pretty crap.

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Hofmann said:

30 Demons = 1.5%
2000 Demons = 100.0%

Maximum of 2000(roughly) demons sounds cool to me.

Possibly different demons take up different amounts of % since the bigger, more varied ai and sheer polygons required to render them are higher. If you notice the part where he added the revenant, that map had ~1.7% taken, then with the rev added was at ~3.3%? So it's not going to be entirely equal. Possibly the ai conductor will be able to spawn things in without taking up mob space, which would be just ... awesome. And if it can learn, oh boy, the slaughterfests that will be possible.

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ArmouredBlood said:

Possibly different demons take up different amounts of % since the bigger, more varied ai and sheer polygons required to render them are higher. If you notice the part where he added the revenant, that map had ~1.7% taken, then with the rev added was at ~3.3%? So it's not going to be entirely equal. Possibly the ai conductor will be able to spawn things in without taking up mob space, which would be just ... awesome. And if it can learn, oh boy, the slaughterfests that will be possible.

Yeah, I guess the AI conductor might be able to "make up" for the percentage you didn't use by manually placing demons.

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That memorization minigame gives me some really devious ideas for a few traps in my custom campaign. I see a lot of potential for Tricks 'n' Traps gameplay here.

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ArmouredBlood said:

Possibly different demons take up different amounts of % since the bigger, more varied ai and sheer polygons required to render them are higher. If you notice the part where he added the revenant, that map had ~1.7% taken, then with the rev added was at ~3.3%? So it's not going to be entirely equal. Possibly the ai conductor will be able to spawn things in without taking up mob space, which would be just ... awesome. And if it can learn, oh boy, the slaughterfests that will be possible.

Yeah, I guess you're right. But then, even 1000 demons is awesome.

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Jesus fucking stab my shoulder with a plastic fork, that was so fucking amazing. There were a few shitty things that I wished they would have rather kept silent about like the basketball and parkour maps (literally a waste of time for everyone involved), and THAT FUCKING NONSTOP TEASING ABOUT THE E1M2 MAP SERIOUSLY I HOPE THAT GIRL BACKFLIPS BAREFOOT INTO A LEGO PIECE

I was particularly blown away by the multiplayer segment at the beginning (even though i joined the stream at like, halfway through), holy shit. It was so illydic seeing weapon spawns around the map in a AAA shooter along with high damage and speed I literally had to scratch my eyes more than once doubting it was my lack of sleep that was fucking with me.

All in all, 9/10 stream. Went much, much better than I expected.

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I have a great feeling about Wednesday, although I'll be avoiding it to keep the surprise for myself. I'm hoping to get people's impressions without spoilers after the presentation.

Hmm.... I Wonder if it's worth a fresh, spoiler-free impressions thread? Probably not :)

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hardcore_gamer said:

You mean besides the utterly terrible idea of snappoints? I mean I don't know how much snapmap content has to be unlocked via snapmap grinding, but just the very idea alone of having to grind XP to unlock features in a level editor makes me want to kill myself. The very moment I heard the words snappoints in the stream an ice cold feeling of disbelieve went through my body. "No, just no. There is no fucking way. They can't POSSIBLY be THIS fucking stupid".

If the stuff you unlock for snapmap via snappoints is only cosmetic perhaps this isn't THAT bad, but just the premise of this alone makes me angry.

Dude calm down, all you have to do is play a bunch of maps or edit them to get Snappoints, aka. something you do anyways when toying around with Snapmap.
It's really not that big of a deal, especially since most stuff will be unlocked fairly quickly if the multiplayer progression system is anything to go by.

They aren't demanding 50 bucks and your eternal soul to unlock these things.

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Edward850 said:

To justify this complaint, please tell us exactly what content, how much is "locked away", and how long it'd take to grind through to receive anything important (assuming anything important is actually "locked").

based on the stream, level palettes. Going back and watching the video it might just be the pictures used to describe you map. Hopefully this wont have anything to do with the content you use to actually create the map. Hopefully any locked away content is minor stuff. But this is Bethesda was are talking about.

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At work so I haven't checked out the stream, but I was thinking a sort of tug of war kind of map, if you ever played starcraft, or maybe like a "moba" style where the demons are minions.

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I can already tell I'm going to be spending a lot of time messing around with SnapMap. I can easily see myself dumping 500+ hours into SnapMap alone before it's all said and done.

I am still disappointed with how limited the architecture looks, though. I'm not a fan of prefab rooms at all. I've said it before and I'll say it again: SnapMap will be one of those things where in order for your maps to actually stand out, you'll have to do heavy-duty scripting.

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chubz said:

I am still disappointed with how limited the architecture looks, though. I'm not a fan of prefab rooms at all. I've said it before and I'll say it again: SnapMap will be one of those things where in order for your maps to actually stand out, you'll have to do heavy-duty scripting.

They only showed us a few rooms. How do you know?

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I didn't get to watch much of the stream but it did they say anything about editing monster colors/skins? It would help to make boss monsters and shit. I would love too see the amount of customization with custom monsters like we can with the player.

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Zemini said:

I would love too see the amount of customization with custom monsters like we can with the player.

Now I want official "Pimp My Imp" contests.

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hardcore_gamer said:

They only showed us a few rooms. How do you know?

Everything we've seen pretty much confirms that we'll be placing a bunch of prefab rooms, and that there will be no free-form room construction what-so-ever. Plus it's been done before by way of TimeSplitters, so I don't expect SnapMap to be any different.

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I had missed it, but we're prefabs able to be raised or lowered a floor? Was wondering if prefabs could be layered into the same space like in Timesplitters via a bug.

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