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DOOM Soundtrack

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I'm still a bit skeptical because I haven't listened to anything that represents the songs that aren't supposed to be metal or heavy tracks that much, I really hope they don't leave those aside by focusing too much on the metal and heavy stuff.

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Krimson Madness said:

What do you guys think of these soundtracks for DOOM? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B55t28q2ceA, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDA2Mcz-rWU and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKnoTbg2qtI i find it perfect for this game if you ask me.

Will it also be good to have an option to put music on for the multiplayer?

Would be nice, as long as the wonky audio is fixed/better damage feedback is given.

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I love the first 1:18 seconds of "Welcome To Hell", but the rest of the song doesn't do it for me.

That song won't be in the final game though, and the final soundtrack won't sound like that. Mick Gordon said so in the comments. It seems to be more Metal focused now.

EDIT: Actually, the ending of that song is cool too.

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Xerge said:

You missed this one:


I'm still a bit skeptical because I haven't listened to anything that represents the songs that aren't supposed to be metal or heavy tracks that much, I really hope they don't leave those aside by focusing too much on the metal and heavy stuff.

WOW! I must say this is pretty badass! You know I haven't heard anything like that in a game before! It stands out. Pretty sweet

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From 7:14 it's really similar to Nirvana's scentless apprentice. .I mean those crunchy guitar bits. It's almost the same rifs. .

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There needs to be some dark ambience. I remember hearing a bit in the E3 footage, so I'm sure we'll get some. I just hope it can come somewhat close to matching the atmosphere of Aubrey Hodges' work.

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GoatLord said:

There needs to be some dark ambience. I remember hearing a bit in the E3 footage, so I'm sure we'll get some. I just hope it can come somewhat close to matching the atmosphere of Aubrey Hodges' work.

It would be good but not necessary to have dark ambient when theres no action and when a monster turns up it switches to the normal soundtrack like in Painkiller.

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I feel a blend of dark ambience and thrash metal would work nicely in Doom 2016's favour. It should really be like the original soundtrack composed by Bobby Prince while having thrash metal on some levels (where it was appropriate) other levels had ambience that really set the mood and scared the utter shit out of me (stares intensely at E2M2.... that level is my favorite Episode 2 level for being scary and for the thick atmosphere it has with the song and everything.)

So you know yeah.

Something catchy would be nice. Too many games these days just have ambience or orchestrated music.

And quite frankly making ambient noises with your mouth and trying to hum out the PSX Doom music isn't as catchy...

Unless you are humming the title screen theme. =P

(no offense to anyone who loves PSX Doom or Doom 64. Doom 64 is actually my favourite Doom game besides PSX Doom and the soundtrack is awesome! It's just not particularly catchy that's all.)

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