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Why does Doomguy explode in the Jaguar version of Doom?


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This has always bothered, confused, and made me chuckle because it's just so damn unusual. Doomguy explodes when he dies in the Jaguar and 3DO version of Doom. Why does this happen? How does this happen? It doesn't make sense.
Does anybody here have an answer on this that I don't know? It's just insane as fuck.

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Doesn't he only explode on the HUD when his corpse explodes? Doomguy can be gibbed just like the zombies/imps/etc can.

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Well, it's logical: when he is gibbed, his status bar face gibs, too. Why not?
Although, I have to admit, status bar gib animation is.. kinda disturbing.

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I never been able to get the gibface when I die in the Jaguar or the 3DO version, but the PSX version used that whenever you die due to explosives.

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Frisky said:

Why does this happen? How does this happen?

Because it's natural. If Doomguy died under presser of course his face must be pressed in bar too. I'm surprised why it's not exist in Vanilla Doom after playing PSX Doom.
How? By script.

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Ok, I've just found something:
According to the Wiki, on 3DO port status bar face always explodes, even if the player dies not a gibbing death. On PSX Doom the face explodes only when player gibs, and that's the way it should work. However, there's nothing said about the Jaguar version.

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