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I hope all those options were deactivated/on lowest settings, because the beta looked not so good/far away from the other stuff seen before

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Deatheye said:

I hope all those options were deactivated/on lowest settings, because the beta looked pretty bad/far away from the other stuff seen before

You know, it baffles me when people say a game that looks like this looks "bad". Seriously, how insanely high are your standards? Personally I'd say that visually, the beta was pretty damn good-looking.

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AD_79 said:

You know, it baffles me when people say a game that looks like this looks "bad". Seriously, how insanely high are your standards? Personally I'd say that visually, the beta was pretty damn good-looking.

since it's id we are talking about here my expections are quite high - I should have said "looked not so good" instead of pretty bad though

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Considering that I saw a youtuber who played both the PC and PS4 version complain that the console version looked much worse than the pc version I would not get your hopes up. But honestly who really cares? It's not like the beta looked bad or anything. I found the graphics serviceable enough.

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Looks good. Too bad we still don't have final system requirements.

Anyway, any ideas on this one: Show First-person Hands Toggle? I mean, in what context is that supposed to work?

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Can you tell us wat the settings where set at in the open beta. My PC ran the game at a steady 60fps and it would give me a general idea how well my PC will handle max settings. I would also like to know if we can completely turn off AA.

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The beta ran like butter on my PC (980 Ti, i7 4790K, 16GB RAM) so I'm quite positive about the final version, at least on PC (the console version was also pretty good).

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MrDope said:

The beta ran like butter on my PC (980 Ti, i7 4790K, 16GB RAM) so I'm quite positive about the final version, at least on PC (the console version was also pretty good).

of course it ran like butter, you have a high end system - thanks for showing us your penis for no reason, he's big enough

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Deatheye said:

of course it ran like butter, you have a high end system - thanks for showing us your penis for no reason, he's big enough

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I think the beta was altering settings based on hardware in some way. For example, the "weathering" setting when you choose your color/material had ZERO effect on my system, and when I was at my brother's place, it had a clear difference as you slide it.

EDIT: Also, my video card is a GTX 660 and it was running around 50FPS at 1080p.

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Is it because the game was apparently stuttery before they released the hotfix? I wouldn't know, I installed the hotfix and never encountered any issues like that.

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Show Performance Metrics

Wha.....what is this??? This sounds like...like a PC Game...of old...next you tell me it has a benchmark mode! Where's the camera?

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Jaxxoon R said:

Is it because the game was apparently stuttery before they released the hotfix? I wouldn't know, I installed the hotfix and never encountered any issues like that.

Which nvidia cards had issues? I have a gtx 780 (also used the hotfix) and didn't notice anything off.

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Holy shit! Those options))) Now id suddenly loves PC again) Anyway it's really good to know that game will be highly scaleable and even people with really bad PC could very much play the game)

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It's funny because I'm quite pleased about this news, yet my PC could never run it and I can't afford a new one. But the fact that they're going to allow such detailed customization is really cool. On a side note, I honestly think the folks who are dismissive of the graphical quality feel as such because we're inching closer and closer to Hollywood-level effects, and when one notices that some surfaces aren't projecting shadows, or that such-and-such normal map doesn't look exactly like the material it's emulating, some people interpret that as "bad graphics." And that's not fair because it will be at least one more console gen before those issues are resolved.

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I'm personally quite pleased with all this. With Rage, there were relatively limited options for graphics settings. Doom 3: BFG showed signs of swinging back in the right direction, with the framerate settings and other additional options, and it looks like they've now swung the pendulum all the way back where it belongs in regards to graphical customization. Yet another reason to look forward to this.

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GoatLord said:

They must know we're real anal sons of bitches. Sometimes I forget how staggeringly dense the ZDoom/GZDoom menus are.

I have to wonder why they nicked away at having more options in modern games? Is it just purely due to consoles, or no worth seen in adding more options for PC (even after the a multiplatform game is released)?

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To be honest, my PC isn't powerful enough to play the new Doom at maxed out settings with an uncapped framerate. It's a laptop that only runs Diablo II and Doom and is kinda meh. (no offense laptop! ^^)

So I'm getting a PS4 this summer with Doom; to be quite frank my friends and I sincerely believe that Doom (2016) is the best looking game of the 2010s decade at the moment.

It's to the 2010s what the original Doom was to the 90s.

A groundbreaking graphical technical masterpiece that will be heralded for years to come as a technical achievement and a game milestone.

I can't wait to play the new Doom single-player...

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Nice to see some legit settings options in a modern game. So many leave these things out. I doubt there will be a dev console available but it sounds like the majority of things we'd want are available in menu.

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Eternal0 said:

Nice to see some legit settings options in a modern game. So many leave these things out. I doubt there will be a dev console available but it sounds like the majority of things we'd want are available in menu.

Won't stop some people from not caring about that due to it being a "console" game and continue to overly hate on it.

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