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Question about action!!!

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1. The wall will open, if player press TWO button. How can I do?

2. On some Wad any enemy can teleport (like trap). How can i do, that monsters will appear an exact time, while player press button?

3. How change music? :)

4. How can I mark a room with monsters? I want move this big map on other place

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There are probably much better explanations and guides out there, but since you asked and I kinda know the answers:

1. Simplest way is to make 2 walls, one behind the other. B) There's probably a niftier way to do it, but simple is good, yeah?

2. You'll need Boom features if you want the switch to make monsters teleport AND something else. Make a switch as usual with whatever action, then put a line in very close front of it with the other action, and check "pass thru" for the front line. For vanilla, I think you have to make your teleport trap triggered by a walkover line in front of your switch, or something like that.

To make a monster teleport closet, you need to make a sector somewhere outside of your play area, join it with a sector inside your play area so that the monsters can wake up when the player makes a sound, add a teleport line inside the sector, and a door of some sort to prevent the monsters from teleporting. Then when you want them to teleport, you open the door.

3. Use something like SLADE3. Open your wad, add a midi to it, name it "D_RUNNIN" if your map replaces Doom2 MAP01. You can probably find a list of the midi names for other maps pretty easily (opening Doom2 wad in SLADE is one way to do it).

4. In vertex mode, box all your stuff to select it. Switch to thing mode, box everything to select it. Press E to enter selection edit mode, then you can drag everything whereever.

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The easiest way, if you're mapping for Boom, is to select a sector in your play area that will hear the player, then select your monster closet sector, then press J. This will join your in-play sector to the monster closet, making them the same sector. The monsters will be able to hear the player as if they were in the in-play sector.

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Benjogami said:

The easiest way, if you're mapping for Boom, is to select a sector in your play area that will hear the player, then select your monster closet sector, then press J. This will join your in-play sector to the monster closet, making them the same sector. The monsters will be able to hear the player as if they were in the in-play sector.

Thank :) Boom something dont work, but on Doom2 work. Now I know how do ;)

Need just finish map... It take many time to think, how create cool room for action. Each room have other strategy way for survive.

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I did 75% of map and I have again a problem...

I want a switcher, that can open with red key. This is a action-number 135.

Switcher is mark by linedefs mode, add tag and action-number 135. The gate is mark with sector mode and have same tag as switcher.

But this dont work... What I should do?

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yaqxsw said:

I did 75% of map and I have again a problem...

I want a switcher, that can open with red key. This is a action-number 135.

Switcher is mark by linedefs mode, add tag and action-number 135. The gate is mark with sector mode and have same tag as switcher.

But this dont work... What I should do?

It should work if you have done as you described. Can you upload the .wad for us to look at?

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yaqxsw said:

But this dont work... What I should do?

The smart way of asking for help is to provide as much info as possible,
and best would be to publish a map which shows your problem.

But then this is such a simple setup that a screenshot may help you out.

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Here is screenshot. Can you say, how make screenshot on Doom Builder, that you can see a tag?

if that not help, I can send you on PM a WAD and you can look it.

5. As I save my new WAD file, play it and see, that on this WAD lost some texture... the texture looks like chess. How can I combinate the texture in Doom2 (The texture ressource are from Deus Vult and tarakans)?

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First off, have you tried using GZDoom Builder?
It is descendant from Doombuilder2 and has many added features which make mapping easier than ever. However, these added features also mean that you would have to learn how to use those features.

yaqxsw said:

Here is screenshot. Can you say, how make screenshot on Doom Builder, that you can see a tag?

Doombuilder2 has no direct way to take screenshots. You have to use the PrtScrn key which copies the screenshot image to the Windows clipboard. Then open an image viewer like IrfanView, XnView, Paint.Net, etc and paste the clipboard into that program. From there you can edit, resize and save the screenshot to an image file in png, jpg, etc file format.

yaqxsw said:

5. As I save my new WAD file, play it and see, that on this WAD lost some texture... the texture looks like chess. How can I combinate the texture in Doom2 (The texture ressource are from Deus Vult and tarakans)?

Loading additional resource pwads into Doombuilder2 does not mean that the textures you use from those will be loaded into your pwad when you save your map. To play your map so that you see those textures you have to load the resource pwads with your pwad.

Or, you could load your pwad and the resource pwads into Slade3 and copy the textures from the resource pwads into your pwad.

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yaqxsw said:

Here is screenshot. Can you say, how make screenshot on Doom Builder, that you can see a tag?


if that not help, I can send you on PM a WAD and you can look it.

A door will only open to 4 units lower than the lowest adjacent ceiling. If there are low ceilings next to a door it will not open past them.

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Kappes Buur said:

First off, have you tried using GZDoom Builder?

No I dont tried... I use Doom builder: http://www.doombuilder.com/index.php?p=about

Kappes Buur said:

Loading additional resource pwads into Doombuilder2 does not mean that the textures you use from those will be loaded into your pwad when you save your map. To play your map so that you see those textures you have to load the resource pwads with your pwad.

How can i do? Video would helpful :/

A door will only open to 4 units lower than the lowest adjacent ceiling. If there are low ceilings next to a door it will not open past them.

Floor hight have on Both side same level. Floor hight 0. Ceil hight 200

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Your "door" sector apparently has its floor as high as its neighboring sector's ceiling, and its ceiling is probably also that high. That's not how doors should look like. A door should have both its floor and ceiling at the level of its neighboring sector's floor - so that when the door is activated, its floor would stay still and its ceiling would raise up - because that's what doors do, just raise their own ceiling when activated.

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yaqxsw said:

How can i do? Video would helpful :/

About those textures which you cannot see in your pwad. This tutorial explains how to correct that.
Since you are mapping for the BOOM format you should also read The BOOM Bible.
As if that is not enough reading, there is also this series of tutorials explaining the basics of vanilla DOOM editing.

To make your pwad available for others to check out and correct some possible faults, you could upload it to something like MediaFire or Dropbox.

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I not understand... this texture guide cant help me... and I cant make back and test map O.o

I send here a link, pls check... check a gate and texture. If you fix it, I will say "THANK YOU"!

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What map causes problems?
I tried map 01 and it worked fine. I used latest gzdoom.

As a personal note your maps are headache inducing. Blowing my brains out with a super shotty would hurt less.

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As a personal note your maps are headache inducing. Blowing my brains out with a super shotty would hurt less.

It is good or bad? :D What can I do better?

Please, read your PMs.

I didnt seen a PM. Now i will answer you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried add my WAD into doomworld ingame archives, but not success... I get 3x rejects.

On last reject, I dont understand what it mean... there are not Doom2 texture...

On germany:

Sun May 8 23:25:31 EDT 2016 Rejected IGTH.txt because: enthaelt nicht modifizierten id Software-Ressourcen (INTERPIC und CREDIT Grafiken sind von Doom 2)

On english - Email:

The size is okay. However, we have had to reject the WAD again, because it now contains unmodified id Software Doom II graphics as the INTERPIC and CREDIT lumps. You do not need to include these graphics in your WAD, because they are already included with Doom II and are therefore loaded by default when you run the game. Therefore, these two lumps must be deleted from your IGTH.WAD.

Can someone help me? :/

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Your wad includes "unmodified id Software Doom II graphics as the INTERPIC and CREDIT lumps"

You need to delete those. You need something like SLADE to do this. If you goto slade->archive->maintenance->remove entries duplicated from iwad that should be enough*

*I haven't used this feature myself though. So backup your wad before you do anything.

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illuknisaa said:

Your wad includes "unmodified id Software Doom II graphics as the INTERPIC and CREDIT lumps"

You need to delete those. You need something like SLADE to do this. If you goto slade->archive->maintenance->remove entries duplicated from iwad that should be enough*

*I haven't used this feature myself though. So backup your wad before you do anything.

Thank you! I so stupid, yes I see this in slade. Ok I deleted it and hope for accept

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yaqxsw said:

I not understand... this texture guide cant help me... and I cant make back and test map O.o


I send here a link, pls check... check a gate and texture. If you fix it, I will say "THANK YOU"!

If you can't read tutorials, follow any of the mountains of advice already provided (I'm astonished how much people are willing to help here), or capable of self-learning; you're screwed.

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