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Uninformed Opinions

Guest MIND

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Guest MIND

The thing that really pisses me off about all the negative Steam comments and opinions of some is that they are totally uninformed.

Added to this fact is that the game isn't even out though.

I hear things about "the speed not being fast enough" or "it plays to much like Halo, Quake, etc". People just can't accept any sort of change whatsoever. The Multiplayer is fine, really it is. There's absolutely no issue with it. It's fun, fast paced, you can jump/climb, the atmosphere is dark and scary as shit, and the Revenant ability is fucking cool.

Thinking critically, one must examine the Single Player Campaign, Multiplayer, and SnapMap together. Single Player and SnapMap haven't even been seen in-depth yet.

I'm hoping that SnapMap allows for really in depth creations. Maybe even some tools to mod that games engine and code, adding graphics and monsters like the Original Doom games.

Some people just have to accept that it isn't 1993 anymore.

Call me crazy but I think this game will be better than the original DOOM. I just have a feeling about it. We need to wait just a little bit longer before we can start exploring what could possibly be the best shooter/reboot of all time.

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The best way to go about this is to wait until after you've played the final released product and then give the positives/negatives. I think Doom will do fine, I'm really looking forward to the single player campaign.

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I think the campaign is going to be fantastic. But I can see fans complaining about the level design not working like the classic games (since it will be a mix of arenas and explorable areas). Besides that, I think it will be received very well.

SnapMap will result in a lot of interesting stuff, and especially with the free updates coming I can see SnapMap really creating a solid community. A lot of the clamor for proper mod tools will subside when people see all the cool stuff happening in SnapMap.

(It's also worth noting that the movement speed can be increased in both the Campaign and SnapMap.)

The Multiplayer will be solid, but I think it will be the least talked about part of the game.

Overall, I think the Metacritic score will be around 85. I think it will sell about 4-5 million copies by the end of the year. I'm not sure if that would be considered successful for Bethesda though.

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Piper Maru said:

I have a feeling that Doom will be a solid game, but it wont make a huge impact as we're all hoping it will.

A similar result to the Tomb Raider reboot is the best case scenario; a successful reboot that sells about 5 million copies and makes the series relevant again. Worst case scenario would be about 2 million copies, similar to Rage. I don't see this selling less than that.

I'm sure Bethesda wants another Skyrim/Fallout, but that ain't happenin. Maybe if the Multiplayer was a home run.

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ChickenOrBeef said:

A similar result to the Tomb Raider reboot is the best case scenario; a successful reboot that sells about 5 million copies and makes the series relevant again. Worst case scenario would be about 2 million copies, similar to Rage. I don't see this selling less than that.

I'm sure Bethesda wants another Skyrim/Fallout, but that ain't happenin. Maybe if the Multiplayer was a home run.

With how they seem to be going the more action route with those, I sort of wonder how much success with those games comes from the modding for them.

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Piper Maru said:

I have a feeling that Doom will be a solid game, but it wont make a huge impact as we're all hoping it will.

I'm not hoping for a game that makes a huge impact, those barely even exist anymore anyways.
I'm hoping for a solid fun shooter that can provide me with entertainment for a few months.

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Guest MIND
Doom64hunter said:

I'm not hoping for a game that makes a huge impact, those barely even exist anymore anyways.
I'm hoping for a solid fun shooter that can provide me with entertainment for a few months.

That's a pretty sad statement.

Why settle for mediocrity?

Your complaining about those games "not being made anymore" but then go on to say that you only want something that will give you a bit of entertainment for a few months and then throw away, which is what most games these days are.

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MINDustry said:

That's a pretty sad statement.

Why settle for mediocrity?

Your complaining about those games "not being made anymore" but then go on to say that you only want something that will give you a bit of entertainment for a few months and then throw away, which is what most games these days are.

I'm hoping for a game that has a part of it that makes me want to continue going back to it when it is past its prime, and not one that is only good for a while and is never gone back to.

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MINDustry said:

That's a pretty sad statement.

Why settle for mediocrity?

Your complaining about those games "not being made anymore" but then go on to say that you only want something that will give you a bit of entertainment for a few months and then throw away, which is what most games these days are.

How in any way was my post complaining about that? I was simply stating that I do not expect a blockbuster gamechanger out of this game, since a product like that is extremely rare, especially because the FPS genre is one of those genres that has been done to death over the years, both in AAA and Indie games.

The more games there are in a genre, the more difficult it becomes for any single one of them to be something truly mind-blowing and completely inventive. A lot of designs have been explored already, from slow to fast paced shooters, and ironically enough, now that I think about it, the new Doom actually explores a mix that hasn't really been done yet, something between Halo and Quake.
But it doesn't seem like that's what people want either, since I've seen plenty bash the game for exactly that, stating it has an "Identity crisis". So to be truly mind-blowing and game changing, it would have to feel completely like Doom, without actually playing anything like the original Doom or any other shooter in existance for that matter, which to me, by any rate, seems fairly impossible to achieve. (Unless what people wanted was an almost 1:1 Quake/UT clone, but I digress)

And just for the record, I likewise don't expect, for example, Overwatch to reinvent the wheel on team-based shooters, or the new Deus Ex to be the new pinnacle of first person stealth games, or the new Dishonored, etc. you get the idea. I just find it completely unrealistic to have that kind of standard for ANY game, and it will just end up ruining your experience for the large majority of them.

tl;dr It's not about settling for mediocrity, it's about not having ludicrously high expectations.

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The last time I interacted with a Steam community was when I had the brilliant idea to buy Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. I'm not doing this again. It took its toll on my brain and I feel stupider ever since. Steam Communities are like the Yahoo Answers of videogames, the community gets frighteningly stupider the more popular a game's multiplayer mode is; it's like a black hole of retardness where all semblance of higher cognitive thought is sucked in and nothing escapes from it, there's no Hawking Radiation for this black hole.

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I'm sure that this is a case of
"they changed it, now it sucks". People just cant accept change. I laugh at people who says doom isnt generic. News flash, doom is generic it s just a game aboit a guy shooting enemies in well made or poorly made maps. Whats great about doom is that its fun and easy to come by because its generic. Buuuut people just dont want it to be fun, instaed they complain about how slow, how it looks like cod/halo/cs. Identity crisis? Doom is trying to be its own game yet people campare it to other games and evn more people want it to be the new quake 3. This identity crisis thing is bullshit. Doomguy and multiplayer looks like spartans? What the fuck do yo expect a space marine to look like? try making your own design and im sure its already been made. Taunts make you angry? Theyre called taunts, thats what they were supposed to do. I just dont know whats wrong with people nowadays.

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HellVain said:

doom is generic

What do you mean? I can't remember a lot of games that were released before Doom that looked like Doom back then, I think that's precisely why every other game like Doom was refered as a "Doom clone".

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Xerge said:

What do you mean? I can't remember a lot of games that were released before Doom that looked like Doom back then, I think that's precisely why every other game like Doom was refered as a "Doom clone".

I meant today dude, not the 90s. Doom is considered as a generic shooter now. Just not the same type as COD but during the early 2000s games like doom were prominent that it became too common.

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My two big ones are how customization the game will allow (Map building, etc, not aesthetics) and how much exploration will be given in the single player. I'd like to have each level packed full of secrets and other hidden areas to explore. I love how some of the Classic Doom levels have entire chunks of the level that are completely unnecessary, it makes the area feel that much more alive instead of just a means to an end.

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MetroidJunkie said:

My two big ones are how customization the game will allow (Map building, etc, not aesthetics) and how much exploration will be given in the single player. I'd like to have each level packed full of secrets and other hidden areas to explore. I love how some of the Classic Doom levels have entire chunks of the level that are completely unnecessary, it makes the area feel that much more alive instead of just a means to an end.

Probably the biggest thing I want to know about SP mode. The only thing that makes me worry about that part is if the pinata drops interfered with it at all.

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I get what you're saying HellVain but I would not describe Old Doom as "generic". I would say its simple or accessible, as the term "generic" implies it didn't/doesn't offer it's own character and charm which I really disagree with. By that logic Jimi Hendrix was a generic guitarist just because his style influenced a lot of people. The similar stuff that came after - the imitators, not the innovators - they're the generic ones. The pioneering innovator of a field should never be called generic as it implies it never stood out on its own. Hopefully this little ramble makes sense.

The New Doom doesn't even look that generic to me, especially because of the settings - this game is the first to grace is with these sorts of environments and that really puts it in its own league in the modern era where everything else is set in a kinda boring pseudo-realistic world.

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StainlessSteel said:

This video is weird to me. He is criticizing the community and calling it toxic for shunning all negative opinions of the game, yet, all I have seen are negative opinions of the game. Where are the people praising this game for being perfect? LOL.

I agree, I don't see overwhelming praise for Doom 2016, quite the opposite actually.

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Doomkid said:

The New Doom doesn't even look that generic to me, especially because of the settings - this game is the first to grace is with these sorts of environments and that really puts it in its own league in the modern era where everything else is set in a kinda boring pseudo-realistic world.

I think the game will stand out, at least to me because it doesn't have a lot of modern features like linear level design (hopefully), health regeneration, weapon limit, reloading, cover systems, NPC buddies and aiming sights. I can't remember what was the last first person shooter I played that didn't feature all these.

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Doomkid said:

I get what you're saying HellVain but I would not describe Old Doom as "generic". I would say its simple or accessible, as the term "generic" implies it didn't/doesn't offer it's own character and charm which I really disagree with. By that logic Jimi Hendrix was a generic guitarist just because his style influenced a lot of people. The similar stuff that came after - the imitators, not the innovators - they're the generic ones. The pioneering innovator of a field should never be called generic as it implies it never stood out on its own. Hopefully this little ramble makes sense.

The New Doom doesn't even look that generic to me, especially because of the settings - this game is the first to grace is with these sorts of environments and that really puts it in its own league in the modern era where everything else is set in a kinda boring pseudo-realistic world.

I look at doom as a generic shooter because begñfore ive played doom ive played other fps games. So to me its a generic shooter, but it doesnt mean its bad. What came first was wolfenstien, doom only perfected the formula. Maybe it started the fps boom. So COD isnt generic because it invented the sprint mechanic in videogames? Maybe, but seeing it done over and over, ive come to see it as a generic shooter, same thing over and ovee again. Though you make a lot of sense. So maybe ill have to rethink my opinion. Just glad you replied to me in an orderly manner.

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HellVain said:

So COD isnt generic because it invented the sprint mechanic in videogames?


This Doom-ish looking Star Wars game had limited capacity sprint long before COD was even a thing. The most popular example isn't always the trend starter.

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MINDustry said:

Call me crazy but I think this game will be better than the original DOOM. I just have a feeling about it.

To me, not so crazy either. There's already a lot of information that shows that it can be.

Better Graphics :) (yes yes i know, personal perspective )
Better AI (not so personal)
More detail (atmosphere)
More options while maneuvering
More elaborate MP for those that are interested.
... u name it ...

and then there's the content that we haven't seen yet.
So yeah... i'm excited :)

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