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Early Access SnapMap Gameplay


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I have seen a movie where someone changed the floor textures in different styles. You could also change the whole style of the room in stuff like ice cold, foggy, rusty burnt etc. On one hand i could unterstand that there are limitations, but on the other hand i wish/hope that further upgrades will give more freedom.

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Otus said:

I have seen a movie where someone changed the floor textures in different styles.

Link please? :)

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BJBlazko said:

Snapmap is great, but they show most of crap things. Who want to play piano, or basketball? Have you notice how many shapes of rooms are there? A little. Is there some other stuff than base like style, could we make some hell map? And youtubers movies are garbage. Did they even hear abot doom game from '90? E1M2 makes me not happy. Can we change some textures, or still these same motives on the floor and wall is present? I believe in snapmap, I hope it will not dissapoint me.

and big dissapoint to vanishing corpse, so we can't count for real archvile. And after watch leak trailer I see alpha doom archvile still present. Some guy show dota monster similar to new archvile. Bad.


what precisely is 'bad'?

please don't say you took that comparison as legitimate.

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Bad is design of new archvile, he looks like hammerhead shark!
or this whatever it is

And everything what I want is it:

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redrage said:

Link please? :)

I will try to find it this evening. But i am pretty sure it was in one of the links postet in the forum already. Maybe someone else have seen it too? It was just for a few seconds but the person in the Video clearly said that changing textures is possible. Even though there was only 4 different options

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I really love the design of the arch-vile, they eeally made him look like a demon priest because of the head. Besides i think i get the faceless void comparisson but come on, its clearly based on the angel-demon thing on hellboy...you know the fallen angel with eyes on his wings? Yeah, that. They made him look more intimidating than the old design...the old design to me really just looks like a skinny humanoid with golden skin and missing stomach...the attack animation even looks like he's praying.

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Well I would assume that at least one demon (archie) would fit in with all the rest of the demons, it's basic aesthetic sticks out in a bad way to the rest of the enemies, the same goes for the pain elemental, they don't fit the general aesthetic. Hell the archviles face barely even looks like that of the "archvile" you'd see on walls in the game

some people even think he looks like a generic alien

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It seems they've tried hard to give each demon a different anatomy, I think that's why they've decided to only use the classic horns and goat legs for the Baron of Hell and use something different for the cyberdemon, as for the archvile, I think they didn't want to make his head look similar to the Imp. Is this good or bad? I'm not sure, this definetly helps if you want to make each different demon stand out, but it's also risky because it can leave out the appearance that the fans liked about these characters, but remember that there are different ways to represent a personality, you don't need to necessarily rely on the exact same anatomy and appearance to do that.

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The pixelated nature of the Archvile made my young mind think he was just constantly on fire, hence the pale yellow skin. Seeing his actual form makes him significantly less interesting looking in my opinion.

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