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Possibly new trailer? (GONE NOW, SPOILERS AHEAD)


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So that robot is like the surrogate of the Vega AI? And he is helping you fighting demons with his laser sword? I haven't seen that trailer so I am a little confused...

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watstha said:

Pretty awesome how this trailer is an analogy of Doom players. In the words of Samuel (If he is Samuel): "*Laughs* You´ve returned"
Meaning, we as players, have returned to the world of Doom. Pretty cool concept of us being the hero of the story, and also made in a much better way than "You are Big Boss."

excuse my ignorance, i don't know the lore very well, but who is this Samuel?


according to the leaks, that robot is someone else... i know the name, but i rather avoid the ban hammer :)

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TheMightyHeracross said:

inb4 "Oh no friendly characters" comment

To be fair, judging by his dismissive, callous tone and that murderfuck demon laser sword, he could prove to be in either a sort of "sadistic AI" position by controlling the protagonist to do his bidding, or even simply outright hostile towards the player, for any number of reasons.

Wait... Disinterested Banker, is that you?

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Fuck that piece of shit snapmap.....look at this muthofucking badassery!!!

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id.dav said:

Fuck that piece of shit snapmap.....look at this muthofucking badassery!!!

Glad you've found something you like about the new Doom man, awesome!

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TheWizard said:

Glad you've found something you like about the new Doom man, awesome!

WTF man? I never shited on Single player ever!! All I was concerned about was item drop system and its balance, but other than that you've got nothing on me here!))

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id.dav said:

Well I'm sorry but this trailer don't tell shit about story...I didn't get anything anyway))

Wait till you play the game

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Thanks for the link! Cyberdemon has a cool sweep attack. Archvile is awsome, and even the Imp design has grown on me.

Strange, the green armor was buried into an ancient rock sarcophagus despite looking modern?

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Thank god for Doomleaks,

This is by far the best trailer so far. Just wicked.

"Hahaha,You've returned, the only flesh and blood to walk between our world, and theirs."


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xblade said:

excuse my ignorance, i don't know the lore very well, but who is this Samuel?


according to the leaks, that robot is someone else... i know the name, but i rather avoid the ban hammer :)

No need to be sorry, man =)
Yeah, I´ve seen the leaks as well, guess it makes sense =)
May 13 can´t come any sooner.

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hardcore_gamer said:

I really hope this "the Doom guy is a robot" thing turns out to be nonsense. I want to play as the Doom marine. Not as the terminator.

about 80% of all my posts are serious. Some of them even make it here. Make of that what you will ;)

Hint: I tend to put all things I say that contain spoilers unknown to most the readers (to my knowledge) in spoiler tags.

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DecemberMan said:

OMG, can someone send me the trailer? Pretty please :) I'm pumped, I wanna see it!


Nvm, it's on Doom Leaks!

I just saw it.... it's fucking awesome! I can't wait! I'm so hyped! The music is badass and metal, and it's just....

I saw a Blue Lost Soul, so variants for demons are certainly confirmed. The new Archvile looks creepy as fuck and it's just.... the game is going to be amazing! =D

*fanboys about the trailer non-stop for hours on end*

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DoomzRules said:

I saw a Blue Lost Soul, so variants for demons are certainly confirmed. The new Archvile looks creepy as fuck and it's just.... the game is going to be amazing! =D

The blue Lost Soul was in I think the campaign trailer. It seems to be their idle color, and they tend to burst into orange/yellow flames either when you aggro them or when they launch their attack (not sure yet)

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hardcore_gamer said:

I really hope this "the Doom guy is a robot" thing turns out to be nonsense. I want to play as the Doom marine. Not as the terminator.

Dude, the first seconds of the trailer show clearly human hands breaking restraints and grabbing armor. There is no way Doomguy is a robot. Plus, the Fight Like Hell trailer with the Refused music showed a human face behind the helmet.

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TheMightyHeracross said:

Dude, the first seconds of the trailer show clearly human hands breaking restraints and grabbing armor. There is no way Doomguy is a robot. Plus, the Fight Like Hell trailer with the Refused music showed a human face behind the helmet.

There was also a human face on the terminator as well...

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Tetzlaff said:

Thanks for the link! Cyberdemon has a cool sweep attack. Archvile is awsome, and even the Imp design has grown on me.

Strange, the green armor was buried into an ancient rock sarcophagus despite looking modern?

Maybe the ancient rock sarcophagus symbolizes the original Doomguy's tomb and the new Doomguy takes on the old Doomguy's mantle?

Cyberdemon looks awesome.

The Archvile is pretty cool, and the Imp design is WAY better than the Doom 3 one IMHO.

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hardcore_gamer said:

I really hope this "the Doom guy is a robot" thing turns out to be nonsense. I want to play as the Doom marine. Not as the terminator.

If it makes you feel any better numerous story leaks confirm he isn't a robot...

...I'll leave the rest for you to see when you play. :P

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hardcore_gamer said:

I really hope this "the Doom guy is a robot" thing turns out to be nonsense. I want to play as the Doom marine. Not as the terminator.

He is Human.


Or is he?

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hardcore_gamer said:

There was also a human face on the terminator as well...

But the Terminator had an endoskeleton, so he wouldn't need FULL BODY ARMOR.

Besides, the whole theory is silly. Plus, tho just said he was joking when he said "nailed it!" There's no chance he's a robot.

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