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Where you hoping the see the Pain elemental return?


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I personally was hoping to see the pain elemental return. I know alot of players hate Pain Elementals But some of us have grown to adore them a bit If I do say so Myself. Where you hoping to see them back? Do you think they could work in the new Doom?

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Maybe we will see him return in the new Doom 2. I was hoping to see the PE and the Arachnotron return this time.

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What do you think about their new suicidal tendencies? I suppose they fit the concept of a lost soul.

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I could see a Pain Elemental as a boss, not a regular enemy.
Maybe starts out chained down shooting out Lost Souls one by one every so often, once he gets lower health, he gets pissed, rips the chains out, and starts really puking out Lost Souls in large groups while whizzing around the arena.
If he isn't in it at all, I won't miss him though.

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Xerge said:

What do you think about their new suicidal tendencies? I suppose they fit the concept of a lost soul.

Given they're skulls on fire, it does kind of make sense for them to kamekazi since they're not structurally sound for repeat strikes. The Classic Doom just kinda gives a giant middle finger to logic. XD

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The Pain Elemental is tied with the Arch-Vile for my favorite Doom monster of all time. So I am eagerly hoping he returns. If not, I will be very sad. Why exclude a monster from the original classic roster?

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RUSH said:

The Pain Elemental is tied with the Arch-Vile for my favorite Doom monster of all time. So I am eagerly hoping he returns. If not, I will be very sad. Why exclude a monster from the original classic roster?

Would you like a big fleshy thing to spit out big spiky and on fire skulls out of its mouth? and right in front of your face?

Although as a boss, i would like it.

If its not in Doom 2016, i have no complaints.

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I was interested in seeing Pain Elementals return mostly because I was curious to see what the redesign would be like.

From a gameplay standpoint, they're just kinda annoying?

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I'd actually want something that spits out Pain Elementals, that spit out Lost Souls.

[Glados Voice]That'd be nice[/Glados Voice]

On a more serious note:
With the fact that the new Lost Souls explode on impact, a Pain Elemental could actually be a little bit less pain in the ***, because it would just be a "more intelligent projectile, that needs to be fired at to remove it from game".

But I also can wait for them in Doom II 2018, to be honest.

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I think the Pain Elemental has potential. Doom 2016 seems to have Kamikaze Lost Souls which can act as a projectile. They also can be more combat oriented with shooting and biting among the occasional spawn.

It could even be a mini boss in some respects.

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I found the painelemental a very annoying opponent, i rarely used it in my wads,
however when i came across one or more i found them to be a decent challenge and
welcomed the change in gameplay. I think when it's in the game now it will have
a similar threat-level and actually i would be glad it made the game.

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Eh. I'll be more disappointed if the game lacks some sort of giant robotic spider, but I can live without all of these things.

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DoomUK said:

Eh. I'll be more disappointed if the game lacks some sort of giant robotic spider, but I can live without all of these things.

You won't be disappointed.

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The PE was a terrifying and worthy foe in Doom 64, c'mon now. Everybody likes that design, I think. Two mouthed hairy beast, it's just hideous and awesome. If it doesn't make it into Doom '16, we better see it in the sequel, it's too good to pass up.

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I don't miss the Pain Elemental, but I miss some monsters introduced in Doom 3: the Chaingun and the Tentacle Commando, and the Wraith.

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