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Why are the new Hellknights...


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JohnnyTheWolf said:

I would go further and argue that all Doom 2016 monsters seen so far look rather small and unintimidating - with the exception of the Cyberdemon, of course.

What... really? The 2016 Baron towers over the original Baron/Hell knight, Doom 3 included. I'd say the Mancubus stands a good heads length over the original, and the Cacodemon is slightly bigger, the Revenant is about equal to his old appearance.

However the Hell knight is slightly thinner than the Doom 3 Hell knight, and probably a good 3 inches shorter to boot, but it's possibly because the Hell knight in Doom 4 is hunched over running the entire time.

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The new monsters are also scary because they can all run
Seeing a Revenant charging at the player was fucking scary and not expected to happen
Hellknights and Barons can run and leap at the player

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Deatheye said:

.. so small? doom 3 hellknights are huge and intimidating - classic hellknights are even as big as the barons of hell

I love the doom 3 Hellknights and it's out of question the new one got inspired from them, but why are they so fucking small? that really disappoints me

What? No way.

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Yeah I've gotta say, I kinda love the way the Baron leaps around. I'm really looking forward to playing through this.

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Almonds said:

There are no Barons in Doom 3. You're thinking of the hell variant of the Hell Knights which added a lot of hellish tattoos all over their bodies.

So we can also consider Baron of Hell from Classic Doom as "Hell" Variant of Hell Knight ?

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No, the Baron of Hell came first so, technically, the Hell Knight in Classic Doom would just be a weaker Baron of Hell. Also, ID doesn't call the Hell Knight in hell the Baron of Hell. I can't find any results for "Baron of Hell Doom 3" that don't either direct to the Classic Baron or the Doom 3 Knight. The hell Hell Knight isn't even color coded, it just looks like a Hell Knight that's had a boost in demonism, the same color save for some red areas.


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JohnnyTheWolf said:

I would go further and argue that all Doom 2016 monsters seen so far look rather small and unintimidating - with the exception of the Cyberdemon, of course.

You what? The new pinkie is massive and bulky compared to the original which was the size of the player. The revenant is also less anorexic and more intimidating. None of the original demons were really that big compared to the player aside from the bosses.

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Doom 3's Hell Knights were actually intended to be Barons, at least in terms of toughness. Doom 4's Hell Knights seem weaker in comparison simply because legit Barons are back and Hell Knights are relegated back to their Doom 2 status. I say that because the ammo needed to take down Hell Knights in Doom 3 are similar to the ammo needed to take down Barons in Doom 1 and 2. The Hell varient of the Hell Knight is just a retextured Hell Knight. Imps have a similarly different skin, for example (bit more fleshy looking).

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MetroidJunkie said:

I did find out that apparently Hell Knights and Barons were supposed to be a parody of the Hammer Bros from the Mario franchise...

I guess some higher-ups, decided it would be a cool joke and a nod to the original if they made the Hell Knights resemble the Hammer Bros....

I mean they have the skull which reminds me of a helmet, and the general aesthetic of the Hell Knight from Doom 2016 reminds me of the Mario Hammer Bros if it took steroids and became some scary fucker that you don't want to mess with.

Like a Mallet or Sledgehammer Bros. =3

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DoomzRules said:

I did find out that apparently Hell Knights and Barons were supposed to be a parody of the Hammer Bros from the Mario franchise...

I guess some higher-ups, decided it would be a cool joke and a nod to the original if they made the Hell Knights resemble the Hammer Bros....

I mean they have the skull which reminds me of a helmet, and the general aesthetic of the Hell Knight from Doom 2016 reminds me of the Mario Hammer Bros if it took steroids and became some scary fucker that you don't want to mess with.

Like a Mallet or Sledgehammer Bros. =3

I can sort of see the resemblance with the skull, and the body that looks sort of like it has the shell of a turtle in a way. Though the shell like resemblance that can sort of be seen reminds me more of the newer iteration of the mutant ninja turtles more.

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I don't see how the Hellknights are unintimidating. If I saw something like that charging towards me I would simply freeze in place and shit my pants. That goes for all of the Doom monsters, if they catch you the only thing they promise is a gruesome death.

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I mean if the Imps alone can get you to death, they'll literally cut through your armor, rip out your entrails, tear off an arm and then finish you. Needless to say all the demons are not pleasant fellows hoping to talk over the extinction of humanity with a cup of tea, no matter how lazy that Cacodemon seems to be.

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I can easily say that the Revenant in this Doom looks creepy and intimidating, as for the Hellknight, he looks like an alien-demon lookalike, but still creepy too.

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Ya I really dig all the monsters so far in Doom 4, I like that the hell knight and baron are different. The baron looks like a blast to play against(the AI one not mp) I said it in another thread but E1M8 would be really fun with the new verients, I like how pinkies charge now, And I'v always wanted a bigger melee threat then just demons.

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I still havent found out where the eyes are. Its like a black miniature Shambler with melee attacks mostly.

Forget the size, where are the eyes?

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ChickenOrBeef said:

It doesn't have any.

Doom 3's had eyes. And surely it must somehow aim at the player.

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They must be using thier acute sense of smell and hearing. They are blind which means that they mostlikely are subterrainean and hunt like sharks by sniffing out blood in the air.

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Almonds said:

Dude he doesn't know about Tremors

Yes i do.

but i swear there are eyes on Doom 3's Hellknight.

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Voros said:

but i swear there are eyes on Doom 3's Hellknight.

I see what you're talking about, and on the new one it seems theres a little hole in about the same spot. (edit) Boom, here's your angery screaming penus

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Voros said:

Yes i do.

but i swear there are eyes on Doom 3's Hellknight.

The Doom 3 Hell Knights do indeed have eyes. They are very obscure and beady but they exist. Go to the console and spawn a hell knight, turn on no target an no clip and go right up to it's face and you'll see them, they even blink.

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Piper Maru said:

The Doom 3 Hell Knights do indeed have eyes. They are very obscure and beady but they exist. Go to the console and spawn a hell knight, turn on no target an no clip and go right up to it's face and you'll see them, they even blink.

I noticed them the first time after the BFG Edition was released. IIRC, it was some BFG Edition promo art that actually made me think "hmm, are those things eyes?".

I was a little bit dissappointed when I realized they are truly eyes, because I always thought they don't have any, and I somehow love the idea of something this evil and brutal not beeing able to see, Quake Shambler style.

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I would have much rather lived my whole life not knowing the Hell Knight in Doom 3 has eyes.

Oh god, I shouldn't have laughed out loud as hard as I just did I literally woke my dog up holy crap.

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