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MAP16 - “Forlorn Defense Line” by Tatsurd-Cacocaco

Much of this felt a bit easy and methodical, but I enjoyed it anyway. I like the sandboxy feel of it with all the various buildings to explore, and there are moments of drama along the way. Talking of drama, that end fight took me by surprise, especially as my backwards retreat was thwarted by some walls which I'm sure weren't there before. Cheeky!

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MAP 17: HA! This is almost a psychotically fun level. Lots of lower tier monsters around which seem like they will be a problem until the entire thing becomes a gigantic melee of carnage. So much infighting. I took a brief tour of the level after finishing it to try to see where the big pile ups were and basically realized the entire level was full of corpses by the end. To give you an idea about how packed this level is: I'm pretty sure an archvile died to infighting. In case you didn't know, other monsters are not allowed to target archviles, so this could only really happen if there were a ton a monsters. Crazy fun level. Even death here is somewhat fun because when it happens it was likely in a giant chaotic scrum.

In generally don't like Brutal Doom (probably just because it feels a little too cartoony and a little less intense), but this level might be hilarious played in Brutal Doom.

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MAP17: UAC Energy Plant

This level really is all about shovelling as much meat as possible into limited real estate, isn't it? There were plenty of times when I really did feel that I was "knee-deep in the dead," wading my way through a slushy layer of corpse-flesh as I tried to dissect the elements of a withering crossfire. There's a satisfying balance of squishy fodder and genuine challenge at work here, long stretches of mowing down imps and soldiers by the dozens (aided in many places by clustered barrels) punctuated by the appearance of tougher foes and the occasional mad scramble to put down and arch-vile before it has its wicked way with the corpses liberally strewn about the place. Visually it's a feast, though perhaps more claustrophobic than I generally care for; there's not really a sense of putting the player's mobility to maximum use at any point. I suspect that coming into this on continuous play may have messed with some expectations about a finely-tuned balance of ammunition and how certain fights were intended to be shaped by it, but I don't much mind, I had a blast here.

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MAP17 UAC Energy Plant

Holy fucking motherfucking shit. 427 monsters now? Many of them are quite small fry, easily killed. And to top it off, the hint BLOW AWAY! means something. Yep, barrels are littered in places you'll see the monsters, meaning some quick kills. I liked this gimmick more in Valiant though, mainly since the levels with barrels had a lot more space to move around in. The kill count skyrockets upon barrel explosions, and I really need to be fast or the enemies meat-shield the barrels and waste more of my ammo. This level went by so quick, and was quite cramped and frantic.

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MAP18 - Space Port Panik
ZDoom, UV - Pistol Start, KIS(%): 100/88/83

It seems like I was crash-landed in the middle of nowhere. I was moving around the giant outside area to grab some goodies for pistol starters. And then, this level threw some revenants and other monsters, including a cyberdemon. Since I only had a shotgun and a chaingun, it was another monster infighting simulator for me. Things were getting even worse when I entered a building with pitch-black brightness. Of course there's a night vision goggle around the corner, but it's just a temporary solution. And to be honest, some objects with complete black textures look so strange. But then again, despite some flaws I've mentioned, I liked the explorable layout of this level. It would be better if the author added some more efforts to polish the architectural details. But this old-fashioned, classic detail seems acceptable to me.

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Starting from here, I've seen all maps in ZDaemon TNS before. Some I learned rather well, some only a little. Also I guess there are differences from multiplayer, so maybe I'll encounter some fun surprises.

18 - demo. Sure, kind of interesting. We don't see many maps where darkness is your main enemy nowadays but, well, here is one. So you better use that amplification visor well... I enjoyed trying to take over the main hall, using the cyberdemon to cause some major infightings and just generally running around this area. It reminds me of Map14 with its semi-circular structure, but apparently it's by a different author. Cool, also quite creepy at the beginning (I can't stress it enough: the music choices in this wad are really good).

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unfortunately playing these 5 maps has coincided with me losing, like, 100% of my hand-eye coordination, so these maps leave a bad taste in the mouth due to so many deaths, although not through any fault of their own! therefore a few of these demos (maybe all?) are not true FDAs from start to finish but were the next play session

map15 'Nandeyanen' - demo here

Nandeyanen is a good looking little base, with an interesting RK premise.

+ nice MIDI
+ hell portal area looks great
+ i like the 'chasing the red key' idea

- cyberdemon can sometimes blast you through the maze when you assume youre safe
- secret SSG can really trivialise the map
- ending was a little anti-climactic

map31 'Manufacturing Plant' - demo here

this was a little bit too '94 for me but the mancubus pits and the cyberdemon arena were quite fun

+ nice MIDI remix
+ mancubi pits + imps = fun infighting
+ cyberdemon arena was tense

- large open spaces with dull texturing look bad (imo)
- not enough monsters for the size of the arenas
- indoor areas were quite boxy

map32 'Blood Fund Gang' - demo here

nice idea, with some decent execution

+ cool 'real-world' map
+ nice progression through the customer floor, vaults, offices
+ MIDI is good

- some areas were too cramped for easy manoeuvrability
- some of the staircases were steep and made engaging enemies below quite awkward without vertical mouse look
- perhaps too much health scattered around

map16 'Forlorn Defense Line' - demo here

trying to play this map linearly led to a lot of deaths and frustrations so im not that enamoured, but playing it more like a speedrunner (and i know tatsurd is a v. good one) made the whole thing more palatable

+ that revenant/caco/archvile/chaingunner middle street is devious
+ challenging to route
+ cave area looked good

- not enough ammo if played head-on
- cave lacks some covering areas once the archvile teleports in
- the area with imps behind iron railings (next to the revenants and HKs on the BK platform) sometimes let through rockets and archvile blasts - that, coupled with the door to that corridor locking behind you, is very lame and needs fixing IMO. either the iron rails should provide no protection and mean you then backtrack, or they should be made solid and allow you to camp the revenants. id prefer the 1st option

map17 'UAC Energy Plant' - demo here

meat-walls galore! enjoyed this the most out of the 5

+ fun, driving MIDI
+ l love floating techbases
+ destroying so many monsters is fun

- slightly cramped in the first areas but not impossible
- some misleading wall heights meant i rocketed myself in the face!
- nothing else to really criticise, great map!

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Quite a few slime trails in this level, to go along with all the doom furniture and dramatic light variations. I think this may the first map of the wad that’s really used big variations in light in the same space. It’s a bit undermined by the fact that the light has no evident source. I guess it is meant to be coming from outdoors, but the outside light levels are actually pretty gloomy, unless you’re actually in the lava.

I liked the parkour puzzle on this map, leaping to the switch that you need to get the yellow key. It also ties in with the most memorable fight of the map, as HKs/Barons/Revs swarm in toward you. They’re a trifle easy to corner camp with the RL (or the plasma if you have it from a previous level like I did), but other than that it’s probably the high point of the map. Certainly more memorable than the lone AV that teleports in when you grab the red key, or the superfluous mancubi guarding the exit. I’d suggest moving tag 13 to linedef 1727 so the AV teleports earlier, swapping the mancubi at the exit for cacos, and adding a manc to sector 90. That way, the player would find it a little harder to blithely skip any resistance after grabbing the red key, and run straight to the exit as I was able to do.

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MAP17 - “UAC energy plant” by burabojunior

Wow, cramped isn't the word.. Even the monsters were bumping into the walls, when they had enough room to move at all. This feels very much like the sequel to map12, though the emphasis here seems to be on gratuitous carnage. The use of barrels makes for some glorious murdering, particularly in the area around the blue key. Great fun, but damn those spaces are so tiddly.

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MAP16 - “Forlorn Defense Line” by Tatsurd-Cacocaco - UVMax minus a secret after 20 deaths or so

I'm not fond of this one. Most of the map is alright, sandboxy and Plutonia inspired but there are some annoying moments, like the balcony revenants rehelekretep pointed out. After like ten deaths, I concluded that the safest, almost mandatory, line of play was to shoot them from the outside after taking down everyone including the plasma rifle archvile guard. The final fight didn't play well for me, retreat to deal with flyers, rocket the chaingunners and finish off the mastermind while hiding behind the walls that have grown up.

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The funny thing with map18 is you can basically just leave if you know the layout. There are a lot of pacifists in maps that are a lot faster, often due to AV jumps or glides or other tricks, but this one is notable because you just sneak out using a more conventional route without even encountering any resistance. It's almost like a -nomo.


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Naan said:

MAP16 - “Forlorn Defense Line” by Tatsurd-Cacocaco - UVMax minus a secret after 20 deaths or so

I'm not fond of this one. Most of the map is alright, sandboxy and Plutonia inspired but there are some annoying moments, like the balcony revenants rehelekretep pointed out. After like ten deaths, I concluded that the safest, almost mandatory, line of play was to shoot them from the outside after taking down everyone including the plasma rifle archvile guard.

same - i ended up sprinting to pick up the rocket launcher above the entrance to the cave, doubling back and rocketing the revenants from the entrance to the middle street. a bit luck-based for my liking but oh well.

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Map 15 -- Nandeyanen - 110% Kills / 100% Secrets - FDA
Fair bit of dead time at the end of this demo while I wander around and search for (and eventually find) the secret exit....wouldn't want to look like a dullard in front of Mr. Romero, you know. This search did lead to my finding the first proper bug of my playthrough, though--just past the threshold of the first (false) red 'door' there is apparently a use-activatable untagged lift line which causes the level to temporarily go coocoo (and which could really jumble up monster positioning if it happens early on), and the same thing happened again when I opened fire on the final Keen inside of the exit kiosk. Fortunately these mishaps didn't break the map, but they are of course extremely unsightly nonetheless.

As for the level proper, I'm glad to say I found it a lot more palatable than map 11 by the same author earlier in the mapset. In broad form, the way it's staged and paced really isn't a whole lot different--i.e. it's a linear series of one-off challenges that ultimately allows you to access an objective which you're shown right at the start--but the ideas here for the most part focus on combat and trap scenarios rather than on zanily awkward structural gimmicks, making for a much more conventionally (modern) Doom-y experience, which is simply much more to my taste. Perhaps not quite as wont to repeatedly sock you in the gut as map 10, it nevertheless has more teeth than a lot of what the set has had to this point, with a number of disconcerting snap-quick monster reveals and a selection of setups that can cause death and/or dismemberment very quickly if you handle them badly, particularly the collapsing hedgemaze with its cyberdemon overwatch. Those who've been enamoured of the set's somewhat 'classic' air to this point may also be troubled at the emergence of a proper arena-based setpiece during the helltrip later on, though this is quite manageable provided you don't lose too much ground early on as a result of being too stingy with your rockets or the like. Occasionally the author opts for forms of area/route denial which may not entirely suit the environs--it doesn't feel like there's any really elegant way to handle the hitscanner chokepoint through the door into the southwestern computer room without foreknowledge, and the blocking Baron at the end of that same segment is patently unnecessary given that the player will have at least two other ways of retreating/camping at that point--but generally the action's a lot more functional than what was seen in map 11.

As with Nanka's previous map, the aesthetics are fairly strong. The setting/theme is nothing out of the ordinary, depicting another nameless UAC base which has been partially swallowed by the Hell-realm, but the presentation is smooth and 'professional' while evincing personality via quirks of composition, ala more of the food-shaped secret areas. As has been the tendency for many of the set's maps thus far, there is quite a varied mixture of texture assets on display (chiefly from the CC4 and stock sets), and a wide range of colors in close proximity, but at no point did I feel like things looked too garish or busy (though that scintillating shell of skulls/flesh surrounding the northern observation pod before you wrest it from Hell's clutches is certainly a bold choice), which bespeaks a knowing artistic hand. The way lighting is handled also again deserves credit, very moody bright-on-dim highlight scheme as mentioned previously. The constant cheeky keepaway with the red key is a fine example of playful whimsy that doesn't sacrifice basic gameplay through its will to be at the forefront, unlike the arrangement seen in map 11. Liked the music, too.

Map 31 -- Manufacturing Plant - 92% Kills / 100% Secrets - FDA
This is a very weak level. I suppose I should probably try to be constructive, but the way the super-secret exit is handled here left such a bad taste in my mouth that I don't much feel like writing about this one. Longtime readers of these DWMC threads know that I am generally loath to play the "bad design" card, but this IS bad design. The gist of things is that if you look for secrets while playing the map, you almost certainly screw yourself right out of being able to reach the secret exit at all....so if you want to find the secret exit, DON'T look for secrets. Except for when you're supposed to. Hastur's beard. Near as I can tell, there is no way in which this design is communicated to the player, overtly or otherwise, until it's already too late--it has occurred to me that maybe the pre-m31 intermission text (which I did not actually witness before investigating, due to the FDA format I'm using for the playthrough) is supposed to contain some kind of veiled hint about this (A/ -- Ninja. Secret way. Do not enter.), but since most of that card is just lighthearted gibberish it could just as well be nothing, and even if it is a hint it's a very poor one. The rub here is that these days a lot of players just IDCLEV to the secret levels when they can't find or haven't tried to find them legit (since slots 31 and 32 now have a longstanding reputation for spectacle), and so this kind of stunt really only bites players who try to genuinely engage with the mapper's vision fair and square in the ass.

Realistically, then, you have to play the map twice to get to the secret exit. This is the heart of my bitching, here--if the map were fun I'd probably hardly care about all the above, but sadly it's not really worth seeing twice, posing a sequence of flat, mostly featureless halls and boxes with monsters lightly peppered into them. From a conventional standpoint, it's easy to argue that this kind of combat placement represents a failure, since 99% of the monsters can be easily run past en route to the standard exit (with only the regiment of shotgunners in the base perhaps presenting an issue). With or without the oddly-sequenced secrets, combat is very trivial; if the idea was to gate the secret exit behind a challenge run of sorts by tempting players with items they can't immediately take, this falls apart simply because all of the vast space renders proceedings perfunctory. The environment itself is textured more or less neatly, but is otherwise essentially flavorless, and so there's no sense of sightseeing tour or the like to help compensate for gameplay deficiencies.

Under normal circumstances the vast overscaling seen here is a newbie trait I would personally find more palatable than the squashed hubspoke aspect of map 09 in spite of the toll it tends to take on action, but like I said, the whole deal with the secret exit really seems to have soured me on this one. Even if that's just me being grumpy or closed-minded (TM) or whatnot, though, I reckon the meat of the map is still fundamentally weak and would probably be easier to scrap/redo entirely than to rehabilitate/repurpose.

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rdwpa said:

The funny thing with map18 is you can basically just leave if you know the layout. There are a lot of pacifists in maps that are a lot faster, often due to AV jumps or glides or other tricks, but this one is notable because you just sneak out using a more conventional route without even encountering any resistance. It's almost like a -nomo.


its not the 18th here but ill definitely be watching that after i finish my playthrough - i love Pacifist!

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MAP15 - “Nandeyanen” by Nanka Kurashiki

a cheeky game of keeping the red key away from the player, which is the only key needed to access the secret exit, visible behind bars from the starting point. go forward - wall closes in front of the key. press a door - another door opens, behind you. reach the red key - a revenant pops up instead, and the key is hidden again. interesting map, trying to get that elusive red key can be quite motivating. i didn't get it, because i failed to find a keen, and watched rdwpa's demo. combat-wise, the turret cyber was the only thing that gave me trouble because he hit the hedgerow, leaving me in a pretty bad state. and one can snag on the octagon in the circular room with the revenants and knights.

MAP31 - “Manufacturing Plant” by Masayan

a bit large and square, underdetailed spaces. offers a chainsaw in the beginning but i prefer berserk (there's one later in the map). dozens of zombies to mow down, and the best part was the open area with several mancubi, each sitting in his pit, vs 5-6 times as many imps. and my hero, one arachnotron, which managed to massacre half of the area's inhabitants with its plasma stream. there's a cyber in the end, but also a bfg to tech him manners swiftly. not a map of uncommon visuals, but fun for everyone who likes infighting. i didn't find the secret exit (see what demon has to say about "bad design" - i simply couldn't be bothered to search for it and the rest of the map, apart from the infighting part)

MAP32 - “Blood Fund Gang” by Toooooasty

nice attempt at realism depicting a bank. a flood of chaingunners and other former humans storms the building at one point. they're simple to snipe or massacre with rockets but i underestimated how many they were, had to retreat and blew myself up against a caco that went in the way. the office has plenty of cramped stairs and hallways one can camp inside and get rid safely of the warping mob.

MAP16 - “Forlorn Defense Line” by Tatsurd-Cacocaco

some buildings in the open where one has to find a safe route through. the beginning is not particularly hard, mostly imps, but then there's this middle road between buildings with an archvile who has line of sight, and revenants denying you the little cover around. he can see your helmet behind the bars if you enter the corridor on the opposite side, and blow you up, only the door frame gives cover. so i ran through, grabbing the key under the vile's nose, and to the right, running into more revenants. finally i could snipe the vile from here. so far an enjoyable map. the ending was a bit unexpected and underwhelming, imo: an army of chaingunners and a mastermind blocking the exit, so sniping that spider with plasma was the sanest solution.

MAP17 - “UAC energy plant” by burabojunior

holy shit. if map 12 was cramped, this is a fight in a phone box. hellspawn likes taking cover behind lines of barrels for some reason, and then more of them than could reasonably fit in a map. it's a frantic massacre of hilarious proportions, you blow things up and they keep coming. they managed to bury me in corpses in the main hall once because i couldn't see some chaingunners outside for all those bodies and gibs. i'm thrilled to see more from burabojunior.

MAP18 - “Space Port Panik” by doom68k

a kind of space port with 3 large trucks in front of a main hall, which is dark inside... and suddenly lights up when chaingunners, spiders and other crap start shooting. a light amp visor is somewhere in the middle, as well a a berserk, a soulsphere and the ssg farther out, which make the map much more manageable than with only a shotgun. however i hate gzdoom's "night goggles" light amp effect, is there any way to make it like plain higher luminosity in vanilla? there's a cyber outside that can be used to kill the barons and knights found in the lava section, and an invulnerability in a crate.

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A pretty fun open map that is quite easy at first glance, but some of the encounters can be pretty tough to deal with. The red key encounter specifically was fun, 4 revs and an archvile to revives some low tiers you killed previously.The final encounter also put me on edge with its high use of hitscan chainguns. Pretty fun map and nice secrets.

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Holy shit! I originally wasn't going to play this right away as I am tired and that monster count was certainly daunting on me. Then after I wrote my last review I saw people praising the hell out of the map and bodies piling up fast. They weren't kidding this map was quick to blaze through. Not without still being challenging with a couple of well place arachnotrons and RK encounter was also pretty well set up. The barrels of this map did most of the work for me which is always cool to see in a map. Cool map.

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MAP16: Forlorn Defense Line

A small town of sorts, where you'll spend more time inside than outside, in lots of cute varied buildings and caves.

The beginning can be quite difficult. There's not that much ammo around where you start. If you stay away from the northern half of the outdoor yard (on account on the arch-vile turret and the revenants up there), you might find yourself in ammo trouble soon, so try to bite the bullet and look for some helpful ammunition there. Once you gain a foothold in the northern yard the map gets a lot easier, perhaps too much so. Most traps are easy to foresee and are never too difficult. The rocket launcher looked like it should have been trapped, but nothing happened when I picked it up.

The final battle is quite impressive visually, but isn't difficult at all as you're given ample cover that makes you completely safe from the chaingunners and the spiderdemon; once you dispose of the flying monsters it's easy to mop up with the rocket launcher and plasma rifle.

MAP17: UAC energy plant

Mo' like slaughter plant. There's 500 monsters on this map but it's not long at all; the monster density is very high. At times the sea of corpses can even cause framerate drops. Killing these crowds of beasties is actually great fun, especially with a lot of infighting going on all the time, and barrels provided to easily decimate the hordes. Like many other maps in the set, this one's also very cramped though. It actually works in your favor, because the monster crowds can't surround you, and you can easily establish chokepoints.

The area beyond the red door is pretty awesome in how it keeps revealing new monster layers, like an onion. There aren't even any opening walls, the new sub-hordes are gradually activated as you manage to move further and further into the room. However, the part after you've slaughtered the main body of enemies is a bit annoying, as you need to carefully eliminate snipers one-by-one while being stung by hard-to-see distant chaingunners. The finale isn't quite as epic as the first part of the map but still rather fun.

MAP18: Space Port Panik

What an odd-looking level. It reminds me a bit of UAC_DEAD. The environments tend to be huge, ugly, and badly textured (for example, the pitch-black giant benches in the blue room, with accompanying weird shadows on the ceiling.) However, I admit the spacious main hall is kind of atmospheric.

Perhaps the most interesting part is the beginning, where you need to take out the zombies one by one in the dark, and the later fight with hell nobles beyond the blue door. I did not care for fighting the cyberdemon, but at least he makes things more exciting while he's patrolling the outside yard. The main dark hall is repurposed a few times for monster waves; I really liked the third wave, with mancubuses and arachnotrons, though it can be cheesed easily by hiding behind the desk in the corner.

There are some switch hunts here. I got stuck for a while after picking up the blue key before I realized you could jump from crate to crate to reach a switch. I then tried to get back to the main area through the tantalizing nearby window, but... for some reason it's marked as impassable. I ended up having to go over lava and pay the 20% health toll.

In the end, I tried to kill the cybie and ran out of ammo without killing him. When the arch-vile appeared I had to lure him out of the building so I could run past all the monsters into the exit. By the way, I loved how the yellow key allows you to use the hitherto locked, alternative door into the main building, therefore allowing you to use entirely new tactics. It's an example on how to reward the player with an intangible advantage, as opposed to just giving him a bunch of items.

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JudgeDeadd said:

with mancubuses and arachnotrons, though it can be cheesed easily by hiding behind the desk in the corner.

This wave was really funny because it looked like I was an employee behind a desk and there was group of arachnotrons who were pissed off they weren't being served quickly enough.

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MAP18: Space Port Panik

This one didn't do a lot for me. I liked the scale of it, the big central hall surrounded by cargo loaders, but it played out as a bit of a clusterfuck with staggered waves of enemies swarming through the darkness, and the provision of health felt very unforgiving of mistakes for an environment that pretty much denies the player the opportunity to tackle its challenges clinically and carefully.

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rdwpa said:

This wave was really funny because it looked like I was an employee behind a desk and there was group of arachnotrons who were pissed off they weren't being served quickly enough.

haha. i also liked the chaingunner manager guarding the YK(?) :D

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MAP18 Space Port Panik

It's either got a 90's style look, or perhaps a speedmap-type layout. But either way, that moment when I actually enter the port might just be the most painful fucking thing I've experienced in a whole damn while. No thanks to a dosage of hitscanners lining the halls here in several locations inside. The keys are all in the same "shuttles" so it's only a matter of how to actually get the keys themselves, which involves a few switch presses, and one needs erratic jumping.

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MAP19 - Remind
ZDoom, UV - Pistol Start, KIS(%): 100/96/80

What a lovely level. This level has well-designed layouts and themes, from narrow dark caves to the dungeon with grayscaled marble textures. Speaking of theme, I liked the environmental change after I opened the blue key door; from our world to hellish dimension. Each sections are designed pretty good in both architectural detail and monster placement. Not to mention that the soundtrack fits very well to this level. Some players may have a chance to don't like the dark cave area since it's hard to see spectres with pitch-black brightness, but at least it worked to me thanks to the berserk powerup. In conclusion, I enjoyed this level from the start to the end.

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19 - demo. Visually this is a very interesting map with a strong theme and good attention for detail. Parts of it are, like, frozen in time, which is cool. The gameplay is less hot because many monsters are kinda easy to avoid and sometimes they can't even reach you due to the block monster lines. And often they attack in small groups that are trivial to deal with. So it's more like a cinematic\story level I guess, and at least in that it succeeds. Btw linedef 4767 uses a Boom action I think.

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MAP18 - “Space Port Panik” by doom68k

Heh, nice crash landing. Interesting use of very heavy lighting contrast, makes some indoor areas quite perilous. Not sure I had enough ammo to kill everything after taking out the cyber, I could see an archvile causing mischief so I legged it to the exit after getting all the keys. Not a bad map, bit clunky in the visual department here and there, reminded me of map14.

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The author of maps 11 and 15 returns with another slightly surrealistic effort. I think this is his/her strongest effort so far. I like the silent opening (after those demons ‘port away, at least). The lack of monsters and the near-monochrome tunnels combine quite well to create a sense of unease.

The climactic battle for the yellow key is also very well done, with the layout rewarding exploration by the player even as Mr Cyber hurls his rockets around. The use of cacos and PEs after the boss is dead is also smart, since they’re the enemies most likely to be able to prevent a simple sprint for the exit. A determined player could still probably do it, but it is much less obvious a stratagem than it was on the last map.

In between those two bookends the level is solid. It has a number of decent set piece battles mixed in with some incidental work, that lets the pace of the map ebb and flow. Always something I appreciate.

Good stuff.

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Ok, that map was weird lol. It was really just out there imo. The main room was really dark and the hitscanners were ripping me a new asshole at the beginning. The cyber fight was pretty fun using him and the invincibility to deal with a big encounter. This map was pretty weird really. But it has a charm about it that made me like it regardless.

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MAP19 - “Remind” by Nanka Kurashiki

beautiful, atmospheric map, its gray stone wall contrasting with blue torches, flesh and monsters. also a fitting music track. most combat is easy, i went through much of the map using the fist, and the 3 or so archies come isolated so they're not much of a threat. anyway, i had more time to admire the visuals.

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