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Doom Trophies Now Live

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No trophie for completing the game on Ultra-Nightmare. Hmm. Interesting. I was 100% certain they would include it.

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"His ass will be slain for all time and you'll be triumphant."
... that is, until he / she becomes a recurring boss in future level packs (tho not snapmaps!)

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Trycon said:

Spider Mastermind.

Hope to god it looks nasty as fuck.

There's a picture of it in Doomleaks.

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Damn it, I was hoping to be surprised. I'm doing my best not to read any leaks etc but it seems like I'm going to know everything about this game before I play it.

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TheLastOttoman said:

Awesome, none of the trophies are for the multiplayer!

There are:
IPXSETUP.EXE: Win a Multiplayer match
Combat tested, Doomguy approved: Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer

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Enforcer said:

There are:
IPXSETUP.EXE: Win a Multiplayer match
Combat tested, Doomguy approved: Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer

Aww Crap. O well, at least it doesn't want us to win a MP match without dying with the Heavy Assault Rifle.

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Enforcer said:

There are:
IPXSETUP.EXE: Win a Multiplayer match
Combat tested, Doomguy approved: Reach Level 5 in Multiplayer

If leveling is anything like the beta, then that wont really be that much of an achievement.

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LittleBurger said:

If leveling is anything like the beta, then that wont really be that much of an achievement.

It might be; because in the beta they wanted you to unlock a lot fairly quickly.
I"m just thinking back to an FPS with a leveling system and getting to level 5 wasn't hard; but you'd have to invest maybe an hour.

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LOL, I think that's the first time anyone's referenced that file in about 20 years.... and probably the first time anyone's referenced that protocol in the past 16. Nightmares of Netware just thinking about it.

Would have been more memorable do name it DWANGO, imo.

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Just a reminder that "shoot it until it dies" was never a real protip and I made it up and now it's actually in a Doom game for real

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A Toe into Madness:
Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare. What? Complete the UAC? What the fuck does that mean? Reach Hell and you are done? I don't get it

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Enforcer said:

A Toe into Madness:
Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare. What? Complete the UAC? What the fuck does that mean? Reach Hell and you are done? I don't get it

The UAC is probably the first level.

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They give the impression that there will be only one cyberdemon and only one spiderM in the game. If I'm not mistaken there was only one spiderM in the original Doom too.

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Linguica said:

Just a reminder that "shoot it until it dies" was never a real protip and I made it up and now it's actually in a Doom game for real

The paradox here is your pro-tip that wasn't a real pro-tip is now a official pro-tip.


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I'm actually quite happy with these because on Xbox they have achievement art you can set as a background if you earn it, Wolfenstein just had a red background with a white symbol on it, these actually seem pretty cool!

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BluePineapple72 said:

Holy balls... he's in the game!

I wouldn't get too excited though. He might just be a door or a prop of some kind rather tHan a boss

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Enforcer said:

A Toe into Madness:
Complete The UAC on Ultra-Nightmare.What? Complete the UAC? What the fuck does that mean? Reach Hell and you are done? I don't get it



According to the leaks there is a level called UAC. And according to the mission objectives, you have to destroy the UAC. And the UAC doesn't seem very easy to finish if there is a single trophy for that one level.

Anyways, just looking at some shows id Software took many references to outside Doom media, with that Rip and Tear, Shoot it Until it Dies, etc.

Not that creative is it? But I like all these references. Even the one with the word Doomguy. That was coined by the players wasn't it?

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