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It's funny how...

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Most people who complain about Doom suffering from "consolitis" never heard/forgot about Doom 64.

It is also interesting to note how people back then didn't just erupt like this.

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Doom 64 was a niche title that barely anyone played. It's nothing compared to Doom 1 or 2 with it's strong modding community.

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rileymartin said:

Doom 64 was a niche title that barely anyone played. It's nothing compared to Doom 1 or 2 with it's strong modding community.

I beg to differ. I think it is the best Doom of all time.

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Can't compare, IMHO.

Doom 64 was a stand-alone game, no port that also appeared on other systems.

The main complaints regarding "consilits" stem from cross-platform releases, where the PC release or the overall game "suffers" under things like:

- over-simplifaction or at least reluctance to implement "complex" concepts
- Graphics / mesh quality / overall graphical fidelity that had to be reduced in regards to consoles
- introduction of (many years back) unknown concepts like achievements in the PC release
- missing, "typical" (in the past) PC features like server browsers, free saving of gamestate etc. pp.

list could go on.

To be honest, all that complaining regarding "consolitis" got old years ago. I could go on regarding how many games wouldn't exist on PC at all if they could not have been developed as cross-platform titles, but won't.

While Doom 64 used the overal concept of Doom and it's setting and established enemy and weapon behaviour, it introduced a completely new art style and used more advanced graphics effects than the original. I don't think it is a good example for "consolitis".

I think you could compare it if the release date of classic doom and doom 64 would have been closer together.

But I get your idea regarding "only because something is released on consoles, doesn't mean it has to suck".

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They called it "Intended for console" simply because it didn't offer enough graphics settings, Limited modding capabilities (SnapMap) ...

But now there's more graphics settings you can toggle/adjust, But they still call it so because it plays like Halo 3 (Which was released only for consoles, Like every New Halo) , And modding capabilities are still limited .

Devs want cross-platform comp by sacrificing the features/extensiveness of the mod tools that you create great stuff with , which clearly tells us devs are thinking about consoles while making it .

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In other topics, there are people arguing the speed shouldn't be too fast because it'd be hard to control with a gamepad or snapmap shouldn't be too big because it has to fit console limits.

You can't very well argue consoleitis is a boogeyman when fans themselves use console limitations as arguments to defend design decisions.

Unless your argument is that Doom64 was as popular as Doom 1 and 2... Good luck with that. The first Dooms sold millions, and millions more played the shareware. Doom64 sold perhaps half a million.

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DooM_RO said:

It is also interesting to note how people back then didn't just erupt like this.

The reason is because Doom 64 was damn good in both level design and art, for a N64 game. And the story was also different from the Classic Dooms, while at the same time as an unofficial sequel, thus a whole new campaign to blast demons. Who wouldn't love that?

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DooM_RO said:

I beg to differ. I think it is the best Doom of all time.

Yeah, Doom 64 is great... but whether it's the best Doom of all time is a matter of opinion.

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I'm literally only worried about how well I'll be able to aim on the PS4, which is the version I'm getting since my PC can't run it.

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GoatLord said:

I'm literally only worried about how well I'll be able to aim on the PS4, which is the version I'm getting since my PC can't run it.

Same here, If I end up sucking at the aiming, I might have to turn down the sensitivity.

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