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PSX Sountrack - What's your fave track?

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So we all know that Aubrey Hodges created a beautiful soundscape for DOOM's PSX facelift. It was more evocative and atmospheric than the cheesy MIDI thrash metal of vanilla DOOM.

I wanted to know if you guys feel the same about Hodges' soundtrack, and if so, which track gives you the most goosebumps.

I'll start by weighing in and voting for his track for the map 'CONTAINMENT AREA', which is called 'A Calm Panic Rises'. It sounds like the environment is breathing, despite some terrible malfunction that is interfering with it. (QUEUE Doomguy to go in and remove that malfunction!)


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I like PSX soundtrack, but i haven't played PSX Doom much, so i haven't listened to all the tracks there. Out of all i've listened to, my favourite is Plant music (this one). I like it's scary orchestral tune.

There are also some other tracks that i like, such as Deimos Anomaly music (basically, this one entirely consist of demonic growls) and also some other track with babies crying (similar to Doom 64's Altar of Pain theme). Both of those are scary as hell.

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ChekaAgent said:

My favourite is Plant music (this one). I like it's scary orchestral tune.

Yes, that's from E1M2; it's always struck me as a lament of some kind. It's quite forlorn, like an atmosphere of 'all is lost'.

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Hell Keep (In The Grip Of Madness)

This was an easy decision for me. Nothing else gives me a greater senses of foreboding and dread. I love it.

I'm never sure if it's a waterphone used in the track though.

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Six said:

Hell Keep (In The Grip Of Madness)


This was an easy decision for me. Nothing else gives me a greater senses of foreboding and dread. I love it.

I'm never sure if it's a waterphone used in the track though.

This tune and the strobe room in the Mansion along with the Pain Elemental's roaming sounds, never has Doom terrified me.

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Demon Drone or MAP08 Minos from Final Doom, something oddly calming about it and yet it is still quite creepy.

I also really like A Calm Panic Rises and Sanity's Edge (toxin refinery/tower of babel).

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ZeroTheEro said:

For me it's mostly the title theme.

Would you believe that's the only one I deleted from my PSX music .wad??

Different strokes for different folks.

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Deimos Anomaly and Mt. Erebus, the most evil sounding tracks are always the best ones to me.
For Final Doom its Geryon and Doom 64 it has to be Dark Citadel and Breakdown.
Overall thats my top 5.

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I've always been partial to Steadfast Extermination/Track 13, to me it's like PSX Doom's equivalent of Sinister from the original Doom.

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Avoozl said:

I've always been partial to Steadfast Extermination/Track 13, to me it's like PSX Doom's equivalent of Sinister from the original Doom.

That track sounds truly terrifying and evil!!

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I like it a lot. It's a great example of good dark ambient, with a strong use of textures and unknown sounds. Except for the title\intermission I like them all, including the Final Doom tracks. It's difficult to choose only one.

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For me my favorite track is PSX Doom - Hell Beneath.

But the most memorable and creepy track is PSX Doom - Mt Erebus. These children's cries.. Ohhh... Creepy.

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Azuruish said:

But the most memorable and creepy track is PSX Doom - Mt Erebus. These children's cries.. Ohhh... Creepy.

Agreed . . .

There's something about those cries. I think including babies in it is something that really trumps our morality. Aubrey Hodges is a talented artist, that's for sure.

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Lurkers (Pandemonium) is pretty relaxing to listen to. my favorites are probably The Broken Ones (Nuclear Plant) or Sanity's Edge (Toxin Refinery) though. i do really love the extension for Lamentation (Mt. Erebus) though. hot damn, does those strings sound nice.

i also really like the fact that there's a hardcore track in the game with Club Doom. one of the last places i expected to hear something so intense.

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Poormetheus said:

I also really dig 'Mind Massacre', from E1M7 Computer Station.


It is also my favourite one. The sound of apocalypse... indeed, its name fits well - I imagine it as a illustration of protagonist' arising madness, creeping around his head as he goes through otherwordly landscapes and battles hordes of demons, all alone. Yes, it really makes me feel lonely in this horror of demon invasion. What a masterpiece. (made from a bee locked in a can!)
I also have a special memory related to this track. I first heard it in PSX Final Doom upon entering Crater. This soundtrack, coupled with the sounds of Arachnotrons chassis' walking around, denied me to exit the starting room. It was simply too terrifying to get outside. To be fair, I was probably less than 10 at the time, but still - I have not felt such dread ever since when playing a game.

I will also give special mention to "Unhallowed" (from Geryon level in PSX Final Doom). This track is also somehow unique to me... that demonic whistle, combined with dark and complicated terrain of that level, really made me feel uneasy. It conveyed to me that I am in some forsaken corner of Hell, where even the devil rarely is present. Like a tangible isolation. The whole PSX Doom BGM does a very good job of making you feel alone, but Mind Massacre and Unhallowed are outstanding for me.

The PSX's version was my first venture into Doom. So it is a no-brainer that its soundtrack defined for me the atmosphere of the game. It was not until much later I tried the PC original... I will just say that hearing the MIDIs was a big disappointment. But hey, you can mod in any kind of music nowadays, so I have nothing to complain about. When I want horror, I play PSX Doom music wad. If I want more action, I also got metal music of the Doom OST's remakes to serve me well. Such is the wonder of the Doom modding...

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I like all of Aubrey Hodges Doom music, but these two stand out to me. They're not necessarily spine chilling like some of his other tracks, but the sense of desolation and hopelessness really resonate with me.

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Sanity's Edge has to be the one I love, just the feeling of dispair and loneliness makes It overall perfect.

I forgot the track, but It had these weird background vocals that some of you guys tried to decrypt, It literally scared me at 3 AM while I was playing It In the dark.

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Besides the main theme and the intermission screen theme, Retribution Dawns it's my favorite. It's calm, yet somber. It grew on me

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Deimos Anomaly.



That's why. It sounds like a giant demon. It makes you imagine mentally that a gigantic demon (probably a Titan) is making that sound and it's a huge mofo that you probably got to take down at some point.

But alas we never see it in PSX Doom... =(

Not even the Cyberdemon or Spider Mastermind is as giant as a Titan theoretically is.

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Tritnew said:

Sanity's Edge has to be the one I love, just the feeling of dispair and loneliness makes It overall perfect.

I forgot the track, but It had these weird background vocals that some of you guys tried to decrypt, It literally scared me at 3 AM while I was playing It In the dark.

You must be talking about this.

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I actually remember playing some custom map for Doom 3 back in the day, and the music there was Breath of Horror. I thought that those roars belonged to the cyberdemon (there was a cyberdemon that map).

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Piper Maru said:

You must be talking about this.


There It Is! I was playing Final DOOM and I heard those roars/speaking, I was scared shitless and wondered "What the fuck Is that?".

That's the greatest part about PSX DOOM, It scared me without being a jumpscare filled mess.

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