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What Now?

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So now that the newest Doom game, 8 years in the making (counting its time as the infamous "Call of Doom"), has been finally been released, where does id software go from here? What was for the longest time a beloved series, having long since been forgotten by the mainstream, has returned to the limelight. Will we have to wait another 12 years until we get a new game, any game, by id software? Will Keen ever make a comeback? Will we ever see a return to the Lovecraftian themes of Quake 1? Will we ever find out what happened to that one id employee's eye?

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I'm hoping for the return of less realistic, less serious, fast paced, level oriented doom clones. I'm just sick of war shooters tbh.

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Jaxxoon R said:

So now that the newest Doom game, 8 years in the making (counting its time as the infamous "Call of Doom"), has been finally been released, where does id software go from here? What was for the longest time a beloved series, having long since been forgotten by the mainstream, has returned to the limelight. Will we have to wait another 12 years until we get a new game, any game, by id software? Will Keen ever make a comeback? Will we ever see a return to the Lovecraftian themes of Quake 1? Will we ever find out what happened to that one id employee's eye?

Now I want at least 3 Old Blood style DLCs.

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How about a sequel that takes place on a futuristic Earth, which has trees and bushes with actual leaves (something that I don't think Doom '16 has - it has dead trees, but no leaves)?

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HellVain said:

I'm hoping for the return of less realistic, less serious, fast paced, level oriented doom clones. I'm just sick of war shooters tbh.

Hellvain, get out of my head!!!

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Isn't it obvious? Now, they work their way up to DOOM 2 Hell on Earth and Final DOOM. Maybe a DOOM 3 that ruins everything and turns it into an overly dark horror game (I'm exaggerating for comedic value, for those of you who don't pick up on sarcasm).

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MetroidJunkie said:

Maybe a DOOM 3 that ruins everything and turns it into an overly dark horror game (I'm exaggerating for comedic value, for those of you who don't pick up on sarcasm).

Nah, they can do that with the Quake 1 reboot, since we already have Doom 3 ;)

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MetroidJunkie said:

Isn't it obvious? Now, they work their way up to DOOM 2 Hell on Earth and Final DOOM. Maybe a DOOM 3 that ruins everything and turns it into an overly dark horror game (I'm exaggerating for comedic value, for those of you who don't pick up on sarcasm).


This game is too good. It better spawn at least one expansion and a sequel. I'm totally blown away so far. Almost 1 hour per level so far (I'm ridiculous trying to search for secrets). Completely amazed by this game. Was totally worth the wait.

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MrDeAD1313 said:


This game is too good. It better spawn at least one expansion and a sequel. I'm totally blown away so far. Almost 1 hour per level so far (I'm ridiculous trying to search for secrets). Completely amazed by this game. Was totally worth the wait.

Ever seen those videos of korean kids that are first in line to get the latest starcraft game? They like hold it up, breakdown into tears and hysterics of shock & awe, collapse from the anxiety and excitement and everyone applauds.

That's not at all how I felt when I picked up my collectors edition from gamestop last night.

But shortly after installing it and a level or two in, damn it, I wish I could turn back time to last night's midnight launch and act like one of those kids. Truly worthy of completely breaking down my manhood in front of a crowd. No joke.

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"What Now?" Well, the Bethesda E3 Showcase this year isn't that far from now, and as far as I'm concerned, there's a lot of questions that id software might need to address regarding a new DOOM game.

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I'm guessing:

1. A bunch of DLC packs as announced

2. A Doom expansion, like Doom 2

3. Another quake capturing more of Quake 2 + 3 instead of Quake 1

**Alternative Crazy Theory** They make an ancient Doom where you were the Medieval Hero slaughtering Demons with a range of melee weapons and enchanted powers.

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Chezza said:

I'm guessing:

1. A bunch of DLC packs as announced

2. A Doom expansion, like Doom 2

3. Another quake capturing more of Quake 2 + 3 instead of Quake 1

**Alternative Crazy Theory** They make an ancient Doom where you were the Medieval Hero slaughtering Demons with a range of melee weapons and enchanted powers.

So basically, GMOTA?

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If they ever get around to reboot the Quake franchise, should they go the scifi way with the Strogg War or should they stick to the Lovecraftian roots?

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DooM_RO said:

How about a Co-op campaign?

The best for me would be an expansion (with either mostly the same or more amount of content of the base sp) that would be a reboot of doom 2, along with adding various other features as well (coop, handful or more of other toggleable/slider options, etc).

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victorboris1 said:

If they ever get around to reboot the Quake franchise, should they go the scifi way with the Strogg War or should they stick to the Lovecraftian roots?

Aside from the name, those two Quakes are completely different properties.

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What now? I'll be waiting for Yooka-Laylee to come out, that's what... :P

On-topic, it would be nice to see a Quake reboot or even a REAL sequel...

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victorboris1 said:

If they ever get around to reboot the Quake franchise, should they go the scifi way with the Strogg War or should they stick to the Lovecraftian roots?

I vote Lovecraftian - though I'd hope they make it feel less Doom-inspired this time around.

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dsm said:

How about a sequel that takes place on a futuristic Earth

Heh, for a moment I thought that's where Doom 2016 was going in one of its latter levels.


I was wrong.

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dsm said:

Nah, they can do that with the Quake 1 reboot, since we already have Doom 3 ;)

this is what I'm betting on, they're not done with the new doom yet so we'll see what else happends.

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I really really loved the game! But honestly I don't want another Doom game in the near future. I want Quake! A Quake reboot would be sweet with really dark and moody atmosphere similar to Bloodborne! That would be fucking great! But honestly what I really want to see is a completely new Quake game! New universe, new enemies and all that stuff. iD showed with this new Doom that they still got it! They still can make a fantastic shooter. The combat in this game is superb and I want to see iD do even better in their next game. If iD would announce a new Quake I would loose my mind!

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No, the next step is for Marty to break off from ID and form his own company, Æon Storm, where his team will utilize ID Tech 6 and develop DAIKATANA (in all caps).

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Kapanyo said:

No, the next step is for Marty to break off from ID and form his own company, Æon Storm, where his team will utilize ID Tech 6 and develop DAIKATANA (in all caps).

He's going to make you his bitch.

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