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Things You Thought Would've Been Cool to See

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What are some small things you wished had been in the game, or just your random fleeting in the moment thoughts of "wouldn't that have been nice?"

I'd have liked to see some direct references to Doom 64, like nightmare monsters or the wall darts or even the Mother Demon as a statue/hieroglyph/skeleton/boss. I'd also have maybe liked a flamethrower or something, maybe throwing knives-I dunno, I'm sleep deprived and easily amused.

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The dead crucified body of marty straton in hell. I dont hate him but it wouldve been cool if he romero'd his way inro the game.

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A little more love into the classic doom maps. I'm not trying to digress this thread into yet more criticisms to the easter egg, but I would of enjoyed them so much more if they were more accurate with more suitable monsters.

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Chezza said:

A little more love into the classic doom maps. I'm not trying to digress this thread into yet more criticisms to the easter egg, but I would of enjoyed them so much more if they were more accurate with more suitable monsters.

I see that as something they can at least improve upon look wise over time (though if any expansion to the game is added with secrets like them, then hopefully they wouldn't have the same issues the current ones do).

I'd probably like to see some hitscan variants for possessed humans to make up for their lacking mobility.

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A flashlight (kidding, kidding)

Being able to play with the map visible on your HUD

The environment suit (if this is in the game I haven't bumped into it yet, on 2nd playthrough rn)

Invisibility in SP

Rooms with no/very little lighting and lots of monsters

It seemed "dumb" that I had to use argent energy to carry more ammo, when previous Doomguys (doom-men? Doom people?) just picked up backpacks

Really looking forward to the DLC, do we have a tentative time table for that?

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I'd have liked to seen a hydroponics garden. This game has plenty of color and cool environments, but its notably lacking in bright greens other than nukage pools and the occasional guide lamp. It'd also have been really cool to see how this game's art designers and engine handle foliage and water, I can't imagine it being anything other than stunning.

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If the Summoner was actually the Archvile, It disappointed me a bit, but all In all, they're both literally the same.

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Pegg said:

No they are not. The archvile is tankier, doesn't teleport and sends people hiding behind walls the moment they see him.

They literally do the same flame attack. :\

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An impse reference. No really, they made references to just about every other Doom meme and thing, so why not shoehorn that in somewhere?

A slightly more satisfying ending.

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Jaxxoon R said:

I'd have liked to seen a hydroponics garden. This game has plenty of color and cool environments, but its notably lacking in bright greens other than nukage pools and the occasional guide lamp. It'd also have been really cool to see how this game's art designers and engine handle foliage and water, I can't imagine it being anything other than stunning.

Levels full of radioactive waste are also strangely absent.

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actual archville, and a pain elemental. A cyberdemon we could place in snap map, or snapmap bosses.

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Reloading. I know that is kind of a weird thing I would have liked to have seen and it might have slowed down the combat a little bit, but it would have made the game a little more immersive and "believable" even though Doom is not about realism or about being believable. Would've added a little more strategy to the combat too.

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A reload key unbound by default that when enabled killed the player when pressed to hammer in the fact that reloading for the sake of "muh immursion" would actively go against every other part of the game's design and is a bad idea.

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At least so far an actual boss fight, only made it up to hell and thought arena's filled with Baron's, imps and other creatures. Would have been cool if there was the boss count of Doom 3 or Quake 4. But that's just me.

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Fisheth said:

At least so far an actual boss fight, only made it up to hell and thought arena's filled with Baron's, imps and other creatures. Would have been cool if there was the boss count of Doom 3 or Quake 4. But that's just me.

there are 3 boss fights, I found them entertaining.

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Only thing I am missing a bit is truly hell infected UAC installations. Lazarus Lab was nice and all, had this "Delta Labs" (but toned down) feel to it, but I would have loved some kind of overrun (and overgrown) UAC Outpost in hell, similar to classic Shores of Hell Maps. But maybe we get that as a DLC.

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Olivia as human type boss that runs, try to hide and shoot player with same guns and from time to time call in some demons for help. She could even try to use health station and steal Your health and armor pickups. While most new doom boss fights are on one empty arena this one could be made in place with many levels and places for cover. Top of argent tower would fit it best.

Human like soldiers that fight on demons side, Olivia's top tier cultist, think about some fancy sc-fi armors plus hell runes to decorate it. They should try to do all advanced AI shit that usually soldiers do like searching for cover, rolls, retreat etc. They could appear on only one level just before Olivia confrontation.

Security bots, they were very cool in Doom3. I wish to see them again.
Small spiders from D3, they were super creepy for first time I have seen them. Or other swarm like bugs.

Hydroponics level theme, full of water and lush green foliage.

Flying boss, maybe gunship piloted by Samuel or some other Olivia Cultist, could be even cacodemon fused with spaceship.

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