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Reviews and Reviews in progress


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IGN got to be kidding me (8.5 hour long campaign? Are they already practising speed runs? Rocket Launcher beeing useless once you get the Shotgun and HAG explosive mods/missles?):
7.1/10 in-progress score...well, typical IGN

PCGamer sounds very enthusiastic:


PCGames.de (German) also seems not be highly impressed so far, stating combat gets boring after a while, it has uninspired level design and doesn't know what it wants to be (WTF?):

Heise.de (German) states it has "slightly dated graphics", glory kills become boring fast, and enemy design is "blocky and outdated"

Steam Reviews currently 93% positive(!!!) and basically every discussion thread under the review-in-progress's is filled with people who love the game.

What's up with that? Do some of the critics take revenge for not getting review copies?

I mean, this game is not for everyone, but when I read "slightly dated graphics" and AI-problems with dead enemies where it is a "bug" that they do not vanish instantly (seriously guys?), and that combat gets stale fast...I have the impression I am playing a different game.

What are your impressions so far - if you care about reviews? I care because I want this game to succeed, so that id might get back at releasing new games or reboots of their franchises every two years or so.

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Keep in mind we live in a world where if you don't bribe the media you'll get a 7/10 at best. Yet every Call of Mediocrity will get 10/10 and be the saviour of gaming as we know it.

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Total Biscuit gave it a positive review, but he'll be making another review of Doom for balancing he said. So, i'll be waiting for AngryJoe ( Yeah, he's the only reviewer i trust )

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Chickensoup101 said:

Total Biscuit gave it a positive review, but he'll be making another review of Doom for balancing he said. So, i'll be waiting for AngryJoe ( Yeah, he's the only reviewer i trust )

I'd add Ben Croshaw as someone whose reviews nearly always match with my own opinion (plus are very well done on the comedy side).

Haven't followed TotalBiscuit, but AngryJoe also seems to be spot on most of the times.

I'd also throw Jim Sterling in, but I know that many don't like him.

Of course I don't want to say their reviews are "more true" than others, they simply match my own taste very closely.

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Chickensoup101 said:

Total Biscuit gave it a positive review, but he'll be making another review of Doom for balancing he said.

He hasn't reviewed it yet. He spent 20 minutes gushing about the campaign, stating that it was NOT a review.

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I don't care about IGN reviews anymore. They recently gave Stellaris a 6 because the author doesn't seem to understand the genre he was reviewing. Also lel at the rocket launcher being made useless by other guns. Once you have the homing ability it's deadly.

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I don't like reviewers, it is usually just the opinion of some jabroni (usually a stupid jabroni), and they're opinions usually don't reflect the game as a whole, they also a lot of the times look HARD for things that are bad just to take the score down. These "critics" will often give great games shit ratings (arkham city got below a 6 on IGN) and bad games great ratings (COD)

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Guest MIND

These "reviewers" are fucking idiots and pick at the smallest of things. So far, the game is an EASY 8.5/9 out of 10 for me.

What is it with "the AI is stupid"?

Has he played it on Ultra-Violence? How far along has he gotten into the campaign when zombies are trying to tear your fucking guts out?

Also they're picking at the smallest of shit.

Enemy design, graphics, and other things. Sound. Whatever, but they will give COD or Battlefield a great review.

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hardcore_gamer said:

I don't care about IGN reviews anymore. They recently gave Stellaris a 6 because the author doesn't seem to understand the genre he was reviewing. Also lel at the rocket launcher being made useless by other guns. Once you have the homing ability it's deadly.

It doesn't sound it, but the Remote Detonation is more powerful. Every single upgrade to it just gives the thing more damage.

Also, Fans of game complaining about reviews of said game, this always goes well.

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As long as the fans really enjoy the game I'm happy.
Sites like IGN and other big names lost there respect along time ago and have been trashing good games for some time.
However he does mention some good stuff later in the review, but there were alot of dumb nitpicks, like bad level design?? Really?? Do your eyes work correctly? Clearly sites like IGN are upset about getting the game on the 13th like everyone else... The level design is by far one of the best qualities. Never before has Doom been this immersive.
And the AI is some of the best in the series IMO. The way the demons move around trying to tear your face off is pretty awesome, the minute you underestimate them your dead, which is fantastic.

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I think this game is great. Hopefully it makes enough money to warrant a remake of Doom 2. Hopefully these mediocre reviewers don't prevent that from happening.

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tuo said:

PCGames.de (German) also seems not be highly impressed so far, stating combat gets boring after a while, it has uninspired level design and doesn't know what it wants to be (WTF?):

What a crappy review. They actually complain about all the extra codex stuff you can read, because in their opinion the story is (or has to be?) "lowbrow like a QVC broadcast". It's like "Doom is all about brainless shooting, right? 7/10 too much story."

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Simon Miller from videogamer loved it.


This still isn't enough to make me forgive him for not liking Wolfenstein TNO


"Mreh! he doesn't share my opinion on Wolfenstein TNO!" -Me

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I've been watching a YouTube channel called Me Ice and Fire's silent (thank god!) Play through of DOOM.

Any reviewer who thinks the enemy design is dated, the levels uninspired and the extra fluff of codexes is bad is a fucking idiot and deserves to be ridiculed. And I can tell straight away the reviewer is a complete scrub once he says "the rocket launcher becomes obsolete once you get the explosive shotgun ability". ORLY? Let me guess, you rushed through the campaign, not searching or getting upgrades, so you wonder why the rocket launcher is sub par?

Jesus, thank god for YouTube play through she, so I can see the game in action then decide!

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Oh IGN...the same site that gave Wolfenstein TNO a 7.something while most other sites have it in the 80-90% range.
Then they review a game with an even better SP campaign, and more replay-ability, a lower score.

Seems legit.

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mikeo007 said:

Oh IGN...the same site that gave Wolfenstein TNO a 7.something while most other sites have it in the 80-90% range.
Then they review a game with an even better SP campaign, and more replay-ability, a lower score.

Seems legit.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II -- 9.3
Call of Duty: Black Ops III -- 9.2
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare -- 9.1
Call of Duty: Ghosts -- 8.8
Call of Duty: Black Ops -- 8.5
DOOM -- 7.1

It's obvious IGN is butthurt over either not getting to review it before street date or not getting some form of kickback/bribe from Bethesda.

I could have understood an 8.5 or maybe an 8, but a 7.1??? Yeah, they had a personal issue with either the dev or publisher (or both). Anyone's who has actually played it knows it's far above that score, much less any recent COD.

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At this point I'm not taking IGN seriously anymore, they're obviously handjobbing COD to death while a better game comes out with much more replay value and they say "Give It a 7.1" just because the MULTIPLAYER HAS FUCKING LOADOUTS AND THE ARENAS ARE BEING OVERDONE (I love the arena style combat).

All I could ever say Is "Fuck you IGN".

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Guest MIND

IGN has just lost any respect I had for them and that's not because I'm not a COD fan. I loved MAY and WAW but a 7? I was expecting an 8 or a 9.

Yet they give COD 9s as if Call of Duty is actually engaging or exciting to play.

Fuck you IGN.

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It's not like anybody cares what IGN thinks anymore anyway. They're just a meme nowadays. Since they gave one of the Pokemon games a 6 because there was too much water in it nobody takes them seriously.

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Winged_Warrior said:

Just wait for the Kotaku articles...

I'm pretty sure Kotaku Is made up of liars, right?

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Can I chime in with yet another well deserved "Fuck you IGN"?

I really don't think that can be repeated enough, and I think they deserve the outrage.

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you guys are children I swear to god

Buckshot said:

Can I chime in with yet another well deserved "Fuck you IGN"?

I really don't think that can be repeated enough, and I think they deserve the outrage.


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mistercow said:

you guys are children I swear to god

Well when IGN goes and unjustly/unfairly dings a game series that I've loved since childhood, that far exceeds the standards of games they are rating higher (by near universal agreement of those that have played it), absolutely right I'm going to act like a child. It's like they were aching to give it a bad review since they found out they weren't getting press release copies.

When they grow up, so will I.

Also, I used to do stuff for GameSpy. And much later on, Ziff Davis came along and favored IGN over gamespy, and shut them out. To me, they closed out the wrong company.

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heh I don't like to bash reviews for doing their job (critiquing), especially in an industry that hands out 9s like candy, but the complaint that the game needs smarter demons that utilize "teamwork" just comes off as funny :)

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