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This lower is contributing to a lower chance of getting a Quake 5.

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Buckshot said:

that far exceeds the standards of games they are rating higher (by near universal agreement of those that have played it)

Just because other people like it more doesn't mean that some guy on the internet will like it just as much as a bunch of people on forums will

It's like they were aching to give it a bad review since they found out they weren't getting press release copies.

Joab gave it a 7 which means he liked doom. Do you need more?

When they grow up, so will I.

they aren't posting on forums about other peoples opinions on games


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I could be talking like a conspiracy theorists here but...

Bethesda and id Software not giving away any early copies and providing indirect bribes such as paid for 5 start hotels, custom merchandise and other ethically questionable experience improving strategies to these journalists probably allowed them to be as harsh as they wanted to. Their hands weren't tied, in fact perhaps a little salty. It seems like the Marketing money all went into celebrity gaming and outdoor advertisements.

I don't have much respect for gaming "journalists" in general.

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Gamespot gave Doom an 8/10, and they gave the last COD a 7/10, so I respect them a lot more then IGN.

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Obsidian said:

To expand on that:

This is also interesting, allthough I know that the great majority of people here won't be able to read it. I seldom have heard a reviewer - especially Peter Bathge - praise a game in such a way. He already calls it "FPS of the year"-material and says he hasn't seen a better shooter in quite some time. Sadly, it's in German, don't know how well the Google Translator works for that.


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Total Biscuit has completed a fairly comprehensive review of the Campaign/Snapmap/Multiplayer.

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