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Well my first encounter with the Lost Souls was very underwhelming..

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Are they invincible or "dormant" or something here? id, this would be an interesting thing to add to SnapMap, a way to make an enemy invincible...it'd make the Pinky more threatening when he can't be shot twice and stunned...

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Graphic_Delusions said:

I completed a rune trial and came back to this:

JFC, don't inline a 84 megabyte GIF please.

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Seems likes those ones were bugged or something. The ones I have seen so far have acted reasonably quickly (though I think they could go awakening quicker then they do now). But I haven't seen them just bug out and stay in dormant mode like that.

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In the Classic Doom maps they have a strange behavior. For me they hug the walls and don't really detect you, ever. They are all drunk.

I get this feeling there is barely any A.I. made for these whatsoever.

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Those are definitely bugged.

I've noticed a few issues in the game -- for example, backtracking in one of the later hell levels is inadvisable because a teleporter that was uncaged is caged again.

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