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Monster infighting


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I did notice it at some points, but I was not sure how it was initiated. Sometimes I enter a new big high area in hell and I see below me some Mancubi fighting with other monsters.

I am wondering if it was just scripted or forced in a way so that they claim "Yeaaah, we do have monster infighting, seee? Like the old Doom!" or if it really happens as it should, sometimes monsters accidentally being hit by other monsters and thus making them angry. I haven't noticed something like that but is it there?

That's a thing I noticed with new Doom, it's like "hey let's play the nostalgia card to make people go mental", it's not like let's make a good mechanic like this or not do it. It's the same as with their classic maps, "let's make some half-assed easter eggs so that people well go mental OMG RETROE MAPZ".

Or are there real mechanics behind monster infighting? Why do I noticed them only when I enter some rooms and not sure if they are initiated by accident?

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Every in-fighting is triggered by accidental friendly-fire. Some demons get startled and immediately attack you and accidentally hitting another demon thus initiating the fight. And with the new graphics and AI their in-fighting just got better and more intense.

BTW. Revenant vs hell knight = one hell of an amazing battle.

To trigger this, Don't shoot or damage the enemy but instead trick the enemy to hit another type of enemy to initiate in-fighting. The same type of demons rarely battle.

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There are a few scripted instances for bigger setpieces like the Baron's introduction, but there definitely is actual infighting in the game as well.

I wasn't specifically going around trying to initiate it during my playthrough, but monsters were fully capable of damaging each other and getting into fights.

I'll have to go back and see to what degree it actually works.

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Yup I'm noticing that as well. There's s barely any. I try alot to get fights to happen and fire no shots and nothing. Like the soldiers with the pink laser pistols against imps. Sometimes they damage the imp enough to get him into the stagger state, and then he comes out of it and doesn't attack back. Just keeps going for me. I'm playing it on UV so I wonder if there aggression is set towards player more sonthan demons. In my 5 hours of play I've seen itaybe twice. And I tried making a snap map room for that purpose and still can't make it happen with the same consistency in the original games.

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Champskiez103 said:

Sometimes they damage the imp enough to get him into the stagger state, and then he comes out of it and doesn't attack back. Just keeps going for me.

Had a similar thing last night on Hurt Me Plenty. A fight broke out before I could even see the demons (but had expected them now for years). Looked to be a three-way fight between an imp, cacodemon, and mancubus. Don't remember much about the imp (probably died), but the mancubus immediately came after me when I showed up. Cacodemon kept going at him, and repeatedly staggered him.
It's kind of fun to imagine cacodemons shouting, "HEY, DON'T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME!"

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I noticed it a couple times, but as soon as I got closer they all just turned around and targeted me

I agree the classic doom easter eggs were silly

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HellVain said:

To trigger this, Don't shoot or damage the enemy but instead trick the enemy to hit another type of enemy to initiate in-fighting. The same type of demons rarely battle.

You forgot to prefix that with "PROTIP: ".

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