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Shotty vs SSG

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In Doom 2, I mostly use the SSG (as probably does half of this forum :), it's just the ultimate weapon against anything (except Arch-viles, the only reliable means of disposing of them is the BFG). However, sometimes I feel sorry for the ordinary shotgun, I remember how many Imps, Cacos and Barons I slayed in Doom 1 and switch to it... but then an Arachnotron or something appears and these things are too tough for me to deal with using the shotgun... and I press 3 again...
Also, in DM, the SSG is basically an insta-kill melee weapon, i mean, its minimum damage is 105 HP!

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Shotgun - For saving ammo against zombies and for long distance shooting.

Super shotgun - For smacking meat shield enemies like the Baron, Mancubus or Cacodemon.


So satisfying.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I always like the SSG and whenever I picked it up it would be one the the only weapons I used. But I just love the sound ,feel and low spread of the regular shotgun.

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I just love that moment where you kite an SSG-weilding player around the map, killing them with your trusty boomstick.

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CheeseOnTheMoon said:

I always felt like I was wasting ammo.

SG = 1 shell = 7 hitscan points
SSG = 2 shells = 20 hitscan points

And I think each point has the same base damage value. So basically you almost get 1 whole shell for free when shooting with the SSG and making most of the pellets hit.

It's really good for close combat/against big targets, as others have already pointed out.

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Voros said:

Correction: SG = 7 Sniper Rifles.

Whet? Sniper Rifles have pratically the same power of a shotgun.

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rdwpa said:

SSG for sure. Too many fun things to do with it. Point-blank combat against mid-tiers, shooting at low-tiers while micro-herding them into clusters. The SG has use for sure, but if you have the both the SG and SSG and are reasonably skilled at SSG usage, you will nearly always save ammo by using it primarily, switching to the SG only for certain spot applications.

This. To me it's not even really a matter of preference, it's an ammo-efficiency thing. I like both weapons, and in UD I really tend to not notice that I don't have the SSG, but when I do have it it makes so much more sense economically in most situations than the SG does. If the SG makes more sense, I switch to it.

While we're talking about the shotgun, I will mention something I've seen said around here before. I love Doom for getting the shotgun right. The spread is exaggerated but it still works fairly realistically. This pretty much ruined most later FPS's for me because I love using a shotty for close/medium range combat, and the shotgun in most games SUCKS HARD at anything beyond 2 feet. Maybe has something to do with 80s action movies and everyone thinking machine guns are cool as shit, so they know most people will just use those and the shotgun is basically an afterthought? Whatever the reason, fuck them and their unrealistic weak ass "shotguns".

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bzzrak said:

In Doom 2, I mostly use the SSG (as probably does half of this forum :), it's just the ultimate weapon against anything (except Arch-viles, the only reliable means of disposing of them is the BFG).

Am I the only one who uses SSG in 75% of the time when taking on Archviles?

Also, even though you get 3X damage for 2X ammo in the case of the SSG, I still think it's the better ammo conserving weapon against any low tier enemy. This is due to the fact that you can fire one shell at a time and it's much easier to distribute the damage it does do as opposed to the SSG.

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nope, SSG is a great weapon against 1 or 2 archviles but once there's a few of them i have to go rocket/BFG

of course its great fun to kill 2/3 enemies with a single SG blast, but even better when you can kill 4/5 with an SSG shot :D

also if youre UV-max speedrunning the SSG is probably your bestest buddy.

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EduXYZ said:

Whet? Sniper Rifles have pratically the same power of a shotgun.

One shell fires 7 very long and mostly accurate shots. A sniper rifle fires 1 shot accurately over large distances.

So, SG = 7 Sniper Rifles (in terms of the the number of shots)

And, SSG = Sniper Rifle (in terms of power)

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Well I use both equally; but I believe both have their specialized purposes.

If I'm going toe-to-toe with a high-level enemy I usually use the SSG.

Also I use the SSG on Pinkies, as I find it very effective and satisfying for only ONE SHOT to kill them.

The Shotty I use for long-distance enemies, or for weak enemies, or if I'm low on shells and I need to conserve ammo.

But eh I guess that's just me. ^_^

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I think the the standard shotgun looks better. Like the way you pump it, it looks so cool. Though even though the Standard shotgun looks better for actual combat I prefer the SSG.

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