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Should there be random spawns after finishing "levels"?

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I know this idea is not classic DooM, but after you've cleared the level and just explore for secrets, it can get depressingly silent and lonely. This is when action stops, because you are supposed to leave the cleared area. But finding secrets can take time. The action is so good in this game, that it should still flavor those moments of simple exploring and secret hunting.

A random spawn of hellish scouting party or a hell knight here and there would keep you from falling into apathy.

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Exactly what i thought a few minutes ago as i was searching the way to a missed item. It´s not a big downside but it would be fine to shoot at least a few imps or cacos here and there on the way back.

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It would also give a proper sense of an "invasion" when there's always a chance of running into a demon. I know this is not L4D but would be cool to have few demons spawn now and then around the map.

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What's funny is there's actually a L4D-style director module that can be placed in Snapmap. Odd they never used it in the main game.

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A small amount of random spawns after clearing the level would be cool. As far as I remember System Shock 2 did this.

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I actually like that enemies don't start spawning in after I've cleared them all out. Makes secret-hunting a lot less stressful, just like the old Doom and Quake days.

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Trigger spawns like from DOOM 3 would be better than random. There are a few where if you actually pick up armor a Cacodemon will spawn right in front of you but they dont really do that for anything that is considered a "secret".

I play where I explore everything first, then kill(wrong way to play this game, because its actually fun), and I had full armor when trying to pick up some armor that was out of the way. Nothing happened but later when I went back to get it it scared the shit out of me because I was already there and nothing happened. Makes me wonder how many triggers in the game are there because a lot of times I couldnt pick up armor.

Random spawns could be a bad idea. You most likely wont be low on health when looking for secrets so defeating them wont be a problem, but if its in a platforming area it would just feel cheap if you got hit by a "random" projectile or panicked and fell off a ledge while looking for a secret. If they were triggered at least you could somewhat expect it, or have the enemies triggered later in the level when you are going back to exit. That way if you found the secret "normallY" then the enemy would still be there but if you went back and got the secret it would scare you while traversing back to the exit.

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Yeah I understand it could fuck you up during platforming. But I'd prefer being on the edge all the time not knowing I could run into a hell knight or even a baron in a room I just recently checked.

Painkiller was seriously depressing when I tried to look for secrets after cleared the level. I understand it was supposed to take in Limbo but still. It would be cool to have unique monsters as secrets or even some secret boss fights!

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In the hell levels for sure. It felt weird to be able to explore those areas unthreatened. You're in hell after all. There should be nothing preventing. New demons from ambushing you at any moment.

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Random spawns... can't be too random though. But then it won't have that creativity a map maker has.

Its like playing an OBLIGE map and a Romero/skillsaw/someonewithawesomemapskills. One has a unique and creative personality and the other has a procedural one.

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