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Favourite Doom sound?


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My most favorite one of all is the sound of a monster getting gibbed. Very juicy. Honorable mentions are:

-Imp sight sound, the more growled one.
-Arachnotron's death sound.
-Hell knight's death sound.
-Weapon pickup sound, specially once I pick up weapons from many dead monsters at once.
-Monster bite sound from the PSX sounds.

I used to love the teleport sound until I started to play hard wads.

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Splatter said:

It is a good sound effect, though. Does anyone know where it came from or the first source port to add it?

I think it comes from ZDoom. It's been there from the start -- it's even the only thing you'll find in the very first release of ZDoom's extra data file (ZDOOM.WAD back then). I was a bit surprised to see it was also in PrBoom+.

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Not a sound per-se, but I like pitch variation: while it does sound somewhat annoying with explosions, machinery and projectile sounds (they could have really added an exception for most of them...) I feel that it does give "character" to the monsters. E.g. some growl higher, some growl lower, so you can imagine that some are tougher, manlier, some are faster or more pissed etc.

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Splatter said:

It is a good sound effect, though. Does anyone know where it came from or the first source port to add it?

As Gez said, it's probably from ZDoom, but it's worth pointing out that Doomsday / Risen3D come with their own "secret sound".

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The Arachnotron death sound. And the Baron's sight sound. The former sounds so damn satisfying especially when using a SSG or a rocket launcher.

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nxGangrel said:

The Arachnotron death sound. And the Baron's sight sound. The former sounds so damn satisfying especially when using a SSG or a rocket launcher.

The Arachnotron death sound is pretty pretty awesome.

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Tritnew said:


You guys know what I'm talking about.

I am a Buddhist and have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm quite particular to the sound of a Revenant horde being aggro'd.

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When the Chaingun goes In the fray, a Buddhist that doesn't accept It Is frowned upon.

Sorry, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, move on. :V

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Not really Doom-specific, but I love the sound of a MIDI open hi-hat hit. One of my favorite things about "In the Dark", actually.

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rileymartin said:

I am a Buddhist and have no idea what you're talking about.

Tritnew said:

When the Chaingun goes In the fray, a Buddhist that doesn't accept It Is frowned upon.

Sorry, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, move on. :V

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Arachnotron death sound is the best. I also love their walking sound when there are many of them walking together.
Baron of Hell death sound would rank second.
I also like Arch-vile alert sound (I like only how it sounds, not to actually hear it) and the sounds of Arch-vile dying, Mancubus groaning in pain, and Plasmagun firing.

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That sound when the arch vile is raising his hands like hes saying "how could this happen to me" and he makes the sound that sounds like "drululululululululululu"

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Berserking something into gibs. The firm *punch* followed by a wet slosh of red is great.

Also - and this is actually my favourite - the sound of a Pain Elemental dying to an SSG blast. The billowing muted explosion following a sharp clack of the shotgun firing is so satisfying.

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I don't recall if it's the same in the PC version, but the PS "ka-thunk" sound of the Pinky demon's body dropping dead was one of my favorites. That, and the Doom64 gurgle sound of the Mancubas spotting the player.

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vesperas said:

I really like the sound when you pick up a chaingun.

The sounds when you pick up other weapons are no worse. :)

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scifista42 said:

The sounds when you pick up other weapons are no worse. :)

They're all the same! (I actually never noticed it until now -.-)

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I love the sound of Doomguy screaming when he dies by a rocket or something. Not the standard death sound, the kind that would normally be a gasp face if he lived.


I would sometimes play E2M8 just to hear it.

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Royal_Sir said:


The high-damage death sound? Isn't that more like "HOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRGGHH"?

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