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Favourite Doom sound?


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Kapanyo said:

I know, they look cool, sound cool and they make you react differently to their projectiles.

Oh, my bad, for some reason I thought you were making fun of them. I totally agree, they are my favorite Doom enemy for sure!

I agree with you Camahueto, that "unf" sound is another classic Doom sound effect. The Pain Elemental's pain face is pretty funny too.

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just was browsing quickly through this thread...
and got to the conclusion that it is a lot simpler to answer which are the LEAST favorite sounds ; )

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  • 8 months later...

The HOIIOIIIIII of the Spider Mastermind


The "ow" of the Pain Elemental, more when he is like "ow ow, ow ow ow ow, ow, ow ow ow ow ow ow ow (dead)"


The sound of the SSG


A Cyberdemon dying is not only satisfying but like OH FINALLY YOU DIED YOU ************************** 

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Not sure about this, but most times I replacing Doom sounds with PSX Doom sounds. They are miles better and more sinister!

Edited by riderr3

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I think my favorite from an aesthetic perspective is the arachnotron dying. But I feel happier inside when I hear a cyberdemon or an archvile die. Or a LOT of revenants.


Ironically enough, whenever I hear a pain elemental wake up, I'm always like "What da blazes was that??" For some reason, no matter how much Doom 2 I play, that never sounds familiar.

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I'm not a big fan of single sounds.... For me it's the combination that makes things "yummy". For instance, pumping rockets into a pack of revenants and hearing the bones snap is always good fun. I also find the sound pain elementals make when they get hit kinda cute " ow, ow, ow, ow" nomsayin? And then there's the satisfaction of SSG-ing an archvile and having this distorted "whyyyy...?"

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Can't have one sound as favorite because it is impossible :P. Too many good sounds. I love the plasma's ear rape even if it hurts and forces you to lower the volume haha. Arachs and cybers entire sound sets are great. Everything in them is memorable. (Maybe not the cyber's organic hoof sound)


Worth mentioning D'sparil's death sound and his lightning spell while at it :p. 

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From Doom 1, I love the Hell knight, Hell Baron and Imp death sounds. I couldn't decide between the Hell knight and Hell Baron, as both of them are very satisfying to me. 

From Doom 2, I like the Revenant's bone break and the Arch-vile's: <<WHY?>>.

From guns anything that has to do with shotguns and the BFG sound when fired. That concentrated plasma, which is released only to devastate anything at its passage, feels like it should: << YOU GOT THE TOUCH, YOU GOT THE POOOOOWEEEER!!!!!!>>

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If I had to pick two, which I'm gonna do, it will be the Demon dying and the Arachnotron dying. As for the PSX Doom sounds, the Baron of Hell sounds are pretty damn cool, when he's spotting you and when he dies. Yep they did a good job on the sounds, one of the reasons why Doom remains a fun game nowdays.

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On 4/1/2017 at 9:09 AM, Pegg said:

Worth mentioning D'sparil's death sound and his lightning spell while at it :p. 

Or maybe the Heresiarch's "cork" sound when he dies? :-P I always thought that sounded really weird.

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