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What is your deathcount? (so far)

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I just got the game last saturday, and its my first time yielding a console controller for around 5 years. It's weird feeling a PS4 controller, but i got used to it after some time.


I guess i was asking for it, since i'm starting this game on UV, so my deaths have been frequent. So i right now clock at around 40 deaths, and i just got the BFG. Funny enough, about 20 of these deaths were environmental related, such as falling down a put, blowing myself up from a bomb or rocket, or just touching an ice floor i wasn't suppose to touch.

So what's YOUR deathcount?

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I wasn't counting, but several deatsh were due to falling really far during some platforming or getting ganked by the assholes shot gun guys.

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I admit that i'm playing on HMP because my computer is technically under-spec in terms of GPU, so I have both a sort of 'slow mo' advantage and a lesser difficulty, but I've only died once so far.

And that was by accidentally walking off a ledge into a pit.

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Like one to a Baron of Hell.

Two to blowing myself up on something.

Three to hydraulics. Like, not crushers, but shoving myself up against a wall and getting smashed by moving parts.

And about a million falls down a pit.

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Probably a few hundred for playing on Nightmare mode. On console. With a controller.

Mostly from big hordes of enemies. The pinkies really screwed me over for forcing me to focus on them while all other shit was going on.

Oddly enough bosses were pretty easy IMO. And I had little problem with pits and stuff, too.

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on PC switching between kb+m and a controller (i get wrist pains after longer sessions, so i like playing with controller because it reduces wrist strain)

i think i died in the 15-20 time mark on UV on my first playthrough. on my second playthrough on nightmare i probably have at least 10+ deaths and im on level 6 (return from hell)

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I'm bit obsessive with completion and secrets resulting in many deaths by falling, usually by exploring every nook and cranny there is.

I have completed the campaign twice, medium and hard difficulty and started on Nightmare. However that mode... it's f#*$ing hard and I die at least once in almost every arena encounter. I haven't even gotten to any of the hard parts yet!

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Chezza said:

started on Nightmare. However that mode... it's f#*$ing hard and I die at least once in almost every arena encounter. I haven't even gotten to any of the hard parts yet!

Good luck with the spider mastermind on that difficulty. I haven't given up yet, but oh boy...

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Most deaths (3 times) are to lost souls of all creatures. Also died falling and to a revenant and pinky. I haven't died much so my count is low and at Lazerus complex as of this post.

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I don't think I've died to revenants or hellrazors yet. They're relatively useless enemies. Like once to a hellknight.

A few close calls with cacos, but I'm fairly sure they haven't got me either.

Barons and imps pick me off a lot, a couple times chaingunners. Pinkies are ruthless as well. Fell in pits a few times from doomguy glitching and not grabbing ledges

I think around 20-25 times on UV

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Like 5 or 6 on UV I think. I'm very reckless and only on the second level (no time to play this game!!) Nightmare keeps track of your deaths right? What do you have to do, beat the game on UV to unlock nightmare?

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