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Biggest problem with the game...

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That's actually a really good point. Obviously, with today's technology, a new Doom is going to be extremely detailed. It would definitely be a pain in the ass to search for the one wall or area that looks slightly different. But I think many of the Doomers here agree with the sentiment that, ultimately, there's just too many arenas. Deeper interaction with the computers could have added a puzzle element, maybe. I also find it odd that places I expect to be able to explore are just...there, and Doom Guy clumsily doesn't mount them.

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I'm just gonna go on record and state that Painkiller is the best action shooter of all time. All time. Not to mention all the hardcore wads the community jizzes over follow a similar playstyle. Look at Stardate or Combat Shock for instance. You enter a large room, grab all the loot in there and when you're ready, slap the switch to expose a horde of Revenants and some Viles etc.

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rileymartin said:

I'm just gonna go on record and state that Painkiller is the best action shooter of all time. All time. Not to mention all the hardcore wads the community jizzes over follow a similar playstyle. Look at Stardate or Combat Shock for instance. You enter a large room, grab all the loot in there and when you're ready, slap the switch to expose a horde of Revenants and some Viles etc.

Your attempt at irony is confusing...

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rileymartin said:

I'm just gonna go on record and state that Painkiller is the best action shooter of all time. All time. Not to mention all the hardcore wads the community jizzes over follow a similar playstyle. Look at Stardate or Combat Shock for instance. You enter a large room, grab all the loot in there and when you're ready, slap the switch to expose a horde of Revenants and some Viles etc.

I think pin Killer sucks, stardate is nothing like painkiller.

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Finally was able to play Doom yesterday after all this time.... The gameplay is awesome. I'm mainly mad at myself for spoiling alot of the game beforehand.
The combat is wicked challenging at times, I love it. Whoever said its to easy hasn't started the game in ultra violence. I'm having a good war with these demons and have made it to titans realm so far.
Sure the arenas are a new thing, but I actually enjoyed those moments of pure mayhem. I just think the female voiceover "demon presence at unsafe levels" gets old. But IMO the arenas are fine and sort of a throwback to oldschool gaming in a way.
And did anyone catch the music before going on the Train towards lazarus? One of the greatest moments so far =)
Overall the new Doom to me is great, its all about gameplay and combat with a good mix of exploration that looks fantastic. Going to jump in snapmap and create a Phobos based level soon..

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I am not finished with the game yet, 2 or 3 missions left. But so far i can tell that this is the first game since a long time that gave me so much fun. I get the point that the arenas can get old pretty fast. Maybe they don´t bother me because i always played Doom like "right in the middle of the turmoil". So i dont feel limited in the arenas now. Since i play Doom always with a kill all politic i wouldn´t leave the demons anyway. Besides that, a open fight like in the suburbs would be nice to see.

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gamul312 said:

To keep framerates and resolutions high you can't have too many monsters in one place, so you have to restrict them to rooms so not too many crowd up.

I blame having to keep in spec with consoles in this regard. They can always up it for the PC crowd, especially Snapmap limitations which will make or break this games longevity.

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I find it weird how there's not a "oh no I'm falling to my death!" animation and instead Doomguy just explodes and dies in the air like Pitfall Harry or the Cheetahmen.

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Jaxxoon R said:

I find it weird how there's not a "oh no I'm falling to my death!" animation and instead Doomguy just explodes and dies in the air like Pitfall Harry or the Cheetahmen.

Actually there sort of is at least with some slight audio change or the like but it seems to only be on extreme falling height and not for the pits of doom. I just assume there is something living in the abyss that just gibs you when you fall into them.

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I was mostly too distracted by all the visuals and interesting landmarks in the arenas to really care about the repetitive structure of the fights. Right when the arenas would have begun to miff me was when all the crazy climactic shit started happening in the game with new music and new boss fights, so I didn't really mind. The lady announcing demonic presences was the main thing that really annoyed me.

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GuyMcBrofist said:

I was mostly too distracted by all the visuals and interesting landmarks in the arenas to really care about the repetitive structure of the fights. Right when the arenas would have begun to miff me was when all the crazy climactic shit started happening in the game with new music and new boss fights, so I didn't really mind. The lady announcing demonic presences was the main thing that really annoyed me.

I think the way they were sort of interesting looking in various ways did sort of help to take away from how much they were used (though I liked the beginning half of the game more than the later half when it came to how the levels were set up and didn't seem to start focusing one way).

I was sort of hoping the feminine voice would stop working at some point, as the times when she wasn't used were more of the times I was wondering if I was going to have to battle more demons or if it was all clear.

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GuyMcBrofist said:

The lady announcing demonic presences was the main thing that really annoyed me.

Really? I think it's totally appropriate for the tongue-in-cheek tone of the game, which is quite skillfully restrained and never makes itself TOO comedic. Whoever came up with the story and characterization in Doom '16 deserves some sort of award, seriously.

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DoomUK said:

Really? I think it's totally appropriate for the tongue-in-cheek tone of the game, which is quite skillfully restrained and never makes itself TOO comedic. Whoever came up with the story and characterization in Doom '16 deserves some sort of award, seriously.

I totally agree with you there. I just meant that it was rather repetitive, and maybe it's my headphones but her voice - and quite a few of the other sound effects - hurt my ears a little. There were so many shrill sounds in this game, it makes me want to buy a tube amp just to try to tone them down.

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