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The UAC Then and Now

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They've tried experiments with a portal to hell
Portal to hell opens, oh hey look at that the fucking demons from hell aren't that nice and are now attacking through the portal

This has pretty much been the exact same since 1993, the UAC is completely incompetent.


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Before they were basically JPL without some of the early occult stuff. Now, they are JPL with the early occult stuff and a healthy dose of Scientology craziness mixed in for flavor.

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While they have their obvious roots in Weyland-Yutani of the Alien franchise, and in Doom 3 turn out to be actually fairly benign compared to what they unleash, by D16 it's pretty obvious they've turned into Dynamars with a touch of Scientology (so, a more comedic take on the Unitology-run CEC from Dead Space.)

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They can afford rebuilding and replanning great deals of destroyed/burned apart sections of the facilities, heck, they can manage to replace dead workers and cover their whole fuckup with the aid of the military.

But there is, and I mean this, NO way they're getting bloodstains on those carpets. EGYPTIAN COTTON, MOTHERFUCKER.

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The only thing that changed is that they are now crazier. Than before.


Well let's see.

Classic- Normal unsuspecting reseachers realizes that teleporters only work by going into Hell, and get attacked on the first few runs.

Doom 3- Normal unsuspecting reseachers led by a man who betrays mankind, by dealing with Hell and thus experiments keep going and no one can stop the man.

Doom 2016- Crazy reseachers who think Hell should be worshipped led by an ugly mutilated woman who is like the man in Doom 3. And the leader Samuel, plans to keep going on with the experiments, even after all THAT.

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In the original game, they seemed to be more or less just an uncaring unfeeling conglomerate and not necessarily outright villainous. The human experiments are the only iffy thing that suggests otherwise, but that depends on how you look at it. You'd have to try human trials on something like teleportation at some point.

In Doom 3 they actually became a little more complicated and complex, with the various individuals that work for the conversation. Swann and Campbell were not evil, nor was Elizabeth McNeil. In fact the UAC almost seems okay as a COMPANY, it is instead the close knit people around Betruger that are the problem, or more specifically, Betruger is bullying and manipulating people into doing what he wants.

In Doom 2016 they just seem to have gone completely off the freaking rails. At least, on Mars.

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The UAC were normal people who fucked up on teleportation and OH SHIT, DEMONS.

The UAC In DOOM 3 seemed like a alright company.

The UAC In DOOM 2016 are a bunch of crazies, mainly The Cult hidden In the Lazarus Facilty and Samuel Hayden's love for Argent Energy. VEGA Is good, though.

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It's funny how after each game the UAC goes from the unlucky assholes that accidentally opened a portal to hell, to the greedy bastards corporation exploiting hell's resources.

Doom 3 was something in the middle, between these actitudes

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I kinda prefer how in the original Doom manual story, it was actually the military doing all the crazy teleportation research that opens the portal to hell.

The UAC were just running the moonbases for nuclear waste disposal or whatever, and letting the military conduct their secret experiments there.

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DMPhobos said:

Doom 3 was something in the middle, between these actitudes

Primarily because it focused a lot on individuals in the company and their personal motivations. That changes everything.

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Classic UAC - Hey let's work on teleportation technolOH SHIT WE OPENED A PORTAL TO HELL

Doom3 UAC - Hey let's work on tech to better mankiOH SHIT OUR LEADER IS POSSESSED BY SATAN

Doom 2016 UAC - Phn’glui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wagh’nagl fhtagn

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Rampage470 said:

Classic UAC - Hey let's work on teleportation technolOH SHIT WE OPENED A PORTAL TO HELL

Doom3 UAC - Hey let's work on tech to better mankiOH SHIT OUR LEADER IS POSSESSED BY SATAN

Doom 2016 UAC - Phn’glui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wagh’nagl fhtagn

A mix of that for Doom 2016, with some small chanting in the background saying 'its for the better of humanity' in some delusional voice (that somehow thinks what it is doing is a good idea).

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I do believe the satanic cult thing taking place in the UAC in this game is the only faction out of the entire facility to actually embrace hell's influence. Most people in there had actual work and families to withhold and care for, and they ended up dead in the hands of a crazy woman and their schizo bandwagon.

It's just that the focus is dead set-on Olivia and Samuel and they going non-stop about 'my brothers and sisters' that it seems like it grabs the entirety of the narrative by the ankles. Just my two cents ;_;

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Tritnew said:

The UAC were normal people who fucked up on teleportation and OH SHIT, DEMONS.

The UAC In DOOM 3 seemed like a alright company.

OG Doom UAC were assholes who forced people into unstable teleporters ("volunteers" in citation marks indicates that they weren't really volunteers) and didn't care that they disappeared into the unknown or returned as crazed maniacs - doesn't really fit my definition of "normal people".

Pretty much the same case in Doom 3, where the UAC bosses would encourage their employees to volunteer for Delta Labs experiments, while including a bit of fine print at the bottom reminding said employee of a clause in their employment contract that states that the UAC can "appoint volunteers" (i.e. basically saying "Do this and be happy about it or face hostile litigation").

So yeah, they were a bunch of sociopaths. Them being a crazy scientology-esque cult with more demon-worship sprinkled in for good measure in the new game is just a more colourful and perhaps entertaining way of showing that they're a bunch of sociopaths.

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Yeah, I thought about It after a while, I would say that the UAC after DOOM 3 In RoE was starting to be a alright company, then of course everything goes to shit again. I believe It was the military who were a bunch of assholes In the original DOOM? Considering Doomguy's commander ordered him to fire upon civilians.

As for the UAC In DOOM 2016, they're a bunch of psychopaths, even Samuel Hayden. I think he goes along the lines of being his own character and being Betruger, but that'd probably go to Pierce.

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It's pretty telling when the creepy psychic AI and the inhuman warrior spaceman that kills everything always are less of an asshole than you.

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Well, I really don't see Doomguy as an asshole at all, he has a good reason to be breaking everything Insight, especially If he cares this much about humanity.

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Tritnew said:

I believe It was the military who were a bunch of assholes In the original DOOM? Considering Doomguy's commander ordered him to fire upon civilians.

I just checked the Classic Doom backstory - turns out you're absolutely correct; The military is using the UAC facilities to conduct the experiments.

I guess I always just figured that the Classic Doom universe was sort of a dystopian future of the kind where Evil Corporations rule with a Police State iron fist, while brainwashing the population and putting sadists in authority (military and otherwise), so you'd have a society where Rival Corporations manipulate countries to wage pointless wars so they can sell more weapons and shit, and then you finally have a long-serving, hardworking survivor of countless battles, who finally gets sick of all the assholes and decides to fuck his sociopath superior up instead of letting him fuck up innocents for a change.

Well, I really don't see Doomguy as an asshole at all, he has a good reason to be breaking everything Insight, especially If he cares this much about humanity.

Pretty much this, especially if the Doom universe is anything like my interpretation above - he'd be a guy who's seen a lot of pain and misery happen to people who didn't deserve it (possibly lost quite a lot of friends in ill-advised wars), and he's finally had enough of the bullshit, so he's just going on a rage-filled rampage against the instigators of said pain and misery.

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Almonds said:

I do believe the satanic cult thing taking place in the UAC in this game is the only faction out of the entire facility to actually embrace hell's influence. Most people in there had actual work and families to withhold and care for, and they ended up dead in the hands of a crazy woman and their schizo bandwagon.

It's just that the focus is dead set-on Olivia and Samuel and they going non-stop about 'my brothers and sisters' that it seems like it grabs the entirety of the narrative by the ankles. Just my two cents ;_;

The whole company is structured like a cult. Lower tier advocates are fed lines about faith in science, and not just as a simple euphemism. As they progress onto higher tiers hell is revealed to them incrementally until finally they advise that if one encounters a titan they should sacrifice themselves to it gladly.

The codex entries pretty much show that the entire company is a cult.

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UAC likes Mars. They go to Mars. They find an artifact, but they like portals too, so they build a portal. The portal breaks and they go "Waaaaaaaa! The demons!" And the demons say "Yeeeee! We like human flesh!"... And everybody dies

That was hard, but I can sum up Event Horizon too if you give me another day

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